N e w s

Global industry needs to continue embracing green approach: UNIDO chief

 Global industry needs to continue embracing a green approach and not repeat old ways, Li Yong, the chief of UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) told Xinhua in an interview.   On the occasion of UNIDO's 50th anniversary, Director General Li Yong said his focus was promoting the industrialization of developing countries to achieve goals set in the UN 2030 development agenda.   "Now the new mandate of UNIDO is.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 24th November 2016

Why real estate is the best performing asset class

 Some analysts have previously said there is a bubble in Kenyan real estate sector. But when will it burst? Business Beat spoke to Cytonn Investments Chief Investment Officer Elizabeth Nkukuu, who paints a different picture saying real estate is the best performing asset class delivering on average a return of 25 per cent. Real Estate seems to be the primary investment solution Cytonn is offering, why? Real estate has been one of the best.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 24th November 2016

Kenya: Pioneer Brings New Line of in-Vehicle Audio Experience to Kenya

 Pioneer Electronics, a leader in after market car electronics has introduced a new range of in-vehicle infotainment products in Kenya. According to the company, this move will enhance motorists experience and further boost its market share.   The new products include two new AV recievers aimed at enhancing in-vehicle connectivity and entertainments. Also announed are in-car recievers based on new hardware platforms to enable more.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 24th November 2016

Tanzania to Benefit from USD194m EAC-US Grant Agreement

 The US will grant USD194m to the East African Community (EAC) to improve regional integration in the EAC member states, which include Tanzania, Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and South Sudan. The grant agreement was signed by representatives of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), on behalf of the US Government, and the EAC, at the EAC headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania on November 16th, 2016. Under this agreement, the EAC.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 24th November 2016

Rosatom to revolutionise Africa’s construction Industry with 3D modeling

 Russia’s state atomic energy corporation, Rosatom, through its key engineering division ASE Group of Companies has signed a three-year agreement with Dassault Systèmes, the world leader in 3D design software, to allow Multi-D systems to be deployed across the African continent, where emerging countries like Ghana, Kenya and Nigeria are developing complex projects. The MoU was signed at the third International Conference on.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 24th November 2016

Six bright ideas lighting up Africa from the grassroots

 While countries such as Morocco, which hosts the world’s biggest solar photovoltaic plant, are ready to embrace the power of large-scale renewables, solar technologies still lag behind in many African regions. Unpredictable subsidies, poor installations and lack of training on how to maintain the solar panels have hindered the spread of solar.   Rural areas in sub-Saharan Africa are peppered with broken solar panels, often not.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 14th December 2016

Africa: Rural Job Creation Holds the Key to Development and Food-Security Goals

 Ibadan — Harvesting the benefits of core agricultural research, which often bears on improved crop varieties and plant diseases, increasingly depends on the social and economic conditions into which its seeds are sown.   It is a sign of the times that Kanayo F. Nwanze, the president of the International Fund for Agricultural Development who started off as a cassava entomologist when ITTA posted him to Congo in the 1970s, was.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 24th November 2016

South Africa’s wind industry blows hot

 South Africa has made huge strides towards creating a more renewable energy sector in a very short time, with an emphasis on wind power. Prior to 2015, South Africa was predominantly powered by thermal energy, in particular relying on coal plants. “Thermal power accounted for 87% of the total power installed capacity in South Africa in 2015,” explains GlobalData analyst Pavan Vyakaranam. “In terms of electricity.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 24th November 2016

Africa’s mining markets show momentum for investors

 It seems almost as if there are two parallel economic worlds right now. In the developed economies, commentators and policymakers are bouncing from one moment of turbulence to another (the latest being Brexit) – whilst Africa undergoes structural, industrial and economic change. Africa’s policymakers and regional bodies have moved quickly to find new funding avenues to support industrial growth and drive socio-economic.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 24th November 2016

Scottish oil groups ‘should tap Africa’s potential’

 Scottish oil companies that are struggling in the North Sea are being urged to look to Africa to secure their future.   The suggestion comes as the first Scotland Africa Oil & Gas Forum brings senior government officials from the continent to Aberdeen today. Komi Sélom Klassou, prime minister of Togo, is being joined by energy ministers from Senegal, Ivory Coast and Congo (Brazzaville). Paul Wheelhouse, Scotland’s.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 24th November 2016

The most diverse people in the world will finally get medicine made for them with a new genetic chip

 A chip containing millions of genetic variations that are common in Africa could help scientists bring the benefits of precision medicine to the continent. The chip could lead to new insights into human health as well as new treatments that work better on Africans. Its developers say it will be ready to use in early 2017.   “This will be the first chip that has been created to specifically target genetic variation in African.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 24th November 2016


 Africa is currently home to five of the fastest growing economies in the world. According to a global study, the continent's economy is forecast to grow to $2.6 trillion in 2020 from $1.6 trillion in 2008, fuelled by booms in mining, agriculture and development of ports, roads and other infrastructure. This rapid economic growth is what is creating substantial new business opportunities in the region. Over the past decade, Africa’s.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 24th November 2016

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