Note: The terms below are legal and in continuation to the main page of the application/contract submitted by the advertiser . The conditions will also apply when the application/contract is submitted by fax or email. Please read the terms below carefully :
- Under these rules and regulations, the term" advertiser" shall include employees and agents of any company, partnership, firm or individual to whom space has been allocated for the purpose of advertisement. The term "Exhibition" shall means the exhibition(s) referred to on the application form overleaf. The term "publisher" shall mean EXPOLINK EXHIBITIONS ORGANIZERS. The term "Contract" means the contract or application for exhibition space at the exhibition between the publisher and the advertiser which incorporates the rules and regulations.
- Application must contain details of the proposed advertisement and name of any other company represented by the advertiser . The advertiser has no right to share or sell his advertisement space to a third party without prior written permission from the publisher.
- Advertiser have the right to claim any/all amounts paid towards their advertisement if the magazine publication is cancelled, postponed/ preponed for more than 180 days OR if his advertisement cannot be accepted due to lack of space. Natural calamities and other reasons beyond the publisher’s control, however will be considered as an exception.
- The publisher reserve the right to accept or refuse any application without disclosing to the advertiser any reasons thereof.
- Payment must be made when due ( as per the invoice ) or the publisher reserve the right to relocate the advertisement space and retain any amount already paid.
- The publisher are not responsible for any change or delay in publication. No advertiser may refuse the space allotted to him nor for any of the above reasons cancel his contract. The publisher will also accept no responsibility for the breakdown of any service or for the postponement of the publication or for any interruption after publish. No compensations will be made by the publisher for any such reasons.
- The advertiser will be totally responsible for the cost of designing art work.
- Advertiser are entitled to advertise only the declared products in the application. Unauthorized /illegal products will be removed at the advertiser's risk.
- The publisher reserves the right to cancel any advertisement . Any complaints will only be accepted in writing to be submitted the publisher office only.
- The publisher have the right to modify the title or dates of the publication. Advertiser shall not be entitled to any claim or compensation in connection with such modifications.
- The publisher shall allocate the space in accordance with the nature/category of products or in any manner they may deem fit.
- The publisher will claim 50% of the booking amount in case of cancellation by the advertiser 90 days or more before the date of publish. If the cancellation is made less than 90 days before the date of publish, no amount will be refunded to the advertiser.
- All new decisions / rules made should be acceptable to the advertiser.
- Force Majeure : The jurisdiction of UAE will be the law to approach in case of any disputes unable to settle mutually between the advertiser and the publisher. The publisher cannot accept any complaint or claims against them, unless submitted in writing before two weeks of the publish date of the magazine to: