N e w s

20,000 Condos are to be constructed in Addis Ababa city

Construction of 20,504 condos has been launched by Addis Ababa city government. These condos are a part of an urban development program that includes the construction of a total of 500,000 condos in the city.Launching the housing projects in Kirkos sub-city, Engineer Takele Uma, Deputy Mayor of the city, stated that this new project is going to address the housing problems of nearly 600,00 home seekers registered by the city government.It was.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 21st November 2019

Newage, the British Energy Company Has Discovered 1.6 Trillion Cubic Feet of Natural Gas Reserve in the Ogaden Basin of Somali Region of Ethiopia

NewAGE has invented 1.6 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in a locality called Elkuran, says the private weekly newspaper in Ethiopia, The Reporter. The company has made the discovery near the site where the Chinse Poly GCL has started test gas production a year ago. NewAge currently operate the Adigala and Ogaden blocks in Ethiopia.Guang Tutlam (MD), the State Minister of Ethiopia’s Ministry of Mines and Petroleum said “We are now working.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 21st November 2019

Government Is Set To Increase The Efficiency Of The Health System In Ethiopia

Ethiopia has launched the 2nd essential health services package which is intended to achieve universal health coverage across the country. These health service packages provide access to quality health services for all Ethiopians with full financial risk protection regardless of age, economic status, and geographic locations. The Minister of Health Dr, Amir Aman stated that all citizens of the country no matter who they are, where they.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 20th November 2019

Economic Zones Development In Africa

The 4th annual meeting of Africa free zones opens in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia under the theme “Economic Zones – Accelerator for Industrialization in Africa”. The attendees include over 220 delegates representing 43 countries attended this important event, including 60 African economic zones, 30 experts, as well as several representatives of governmental authorities, international institutions and public and private.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 19th November 2019

Kenyan Government, Chinese Firm Introduces Construction of Major Power Transmission Project

Kenya's ministry of energy and a Chinese firm, China Aerospace Construction Group, have launched the construction of an extensive power transmission project outside the capital, Nairobi.Once concluded, the 40 km, 400 Kva Konza-Isinya Transmission Line Project will ensure reliable power supply for Konza Technopolis, south of Nairobi.Li Naihong, deputy general manager China Aerospace Construction Group, said the company will convey a quality.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 19th November 2019

Ethiopian Commodity Exchange Announced Trade Increase In Food Commodities

The Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX) broadcasted the increase in food commodities trade, i.e. a total of 44,394 tonnes commodities worth 2.16 billion birrs in the month of October alone. According to a statement it extended to Borkena, the exchange has transacted a total of 21,034 tons of coffee, 9,434 tons of sesame, 1,346 tons of white pea bean, 6,534 tons of soya bean and 6,046 tons of green moong. In the month of October, the.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 19th November 2019

New Investment Plans For Agribusiness In Africa

Africa is currently the second most populous continent in the world, its current population is 1.2 billion. This growing population of Africa could reach 2 billion by 2030 and 2.5 billion by 2050 as per the United Nations projections. This shows that one in five consumers globally will be African. Africa’s agribusiness sector is expected to reach $1 trillion by 2030, so there is certainly cause for optimism. Consumer demand for food in.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 18th November 2019

Ethiopia - Africa's Fastest Growing Economy

With a population of over 100 million and an annual economic growth rate of 10% over the past 15 years, it presents a unique opportunity.  Ethiopia is one of the world's largest untapped markets, and there is an increasing belief that privatisation of state-owned enterprises could be one of the ways to attract potential investments and spur the economy. Ethiopia is historically recognised as one of the most authoritarian and.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 18th November 2019

Ethiopia Looks for Chinese Collaboration in energy sector

 Ethiopia is seeking to boost energy approach in the country, and it looks forward to more cooperation and involvement of Chinese companies that could acomplish the existing opportunities in the East African country, the Ethiopian State Minister of Water, Irrigation and Energy, Firehiwot Woldehana, noted.Speaking at the China-Africa Energy Cooperation Forum in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa, the State Minister said the government is working.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 8th November 2019

Coca Cola Introduced Five Ways To Clean Up Its Plastic Footprint Across Africa

In 2018, the Coca-Cola Company announced its World Without Waste vision, which committed to an ambitious goal: to collect and recycle the equivalent of a bottle or can for every one they sell by 2030, reaching a 100% collection and recycling rate of all their packaging.   The vision also includes ensuring all of their packaging is 100% recyclable by 2025 and that the PET bottles are made with an average of 50% recycled.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 8th November 2019

Sustainable Packaging Market Is Expected To Grow In The Next 10 Years

Sustainable packaging finds its application in almost all industry verticals, but predominantly it has found a major stake in the industries such as, food & beverages, FMCG, retail trade, wholesale, Healthcare, etc.   This new concept of packaging has also brought in a new dimensions for innovations giving a whole lot of opportunities for the entrepreneurs to explore various untapped dimensions in this field. Sustainable.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 8th November 2019


22nd EAST AFRICA INTERNATIONAL TRADE EXHIBITION (EAITE) Tanzania's premier business trade show will open at Diamond Jubilee Hall from the 07th to 09th November, 2019. The highly awaited business industry event will be inaugurated by Hon. Eng. Dr. Stella Martin Manyanya Deputy Minister, Ministry of Industry & Trade in Tanzania. Ambassadors and Trade Representatives from various embassies and associations will also be in attendance to promote.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 6th November 2019

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