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Modern Farming System - The experts role

 Rust resistant variety of wheat helps farmers to raise production Plants can suffer from infections caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, and other pathogens. Various high-tech approaches have been proposed to protect plants from harmful afflictions. According to Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), it is estimated that 5.47 million tonnes of wheat, equivalent to USD 979 million, are lost.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 5th January 2017

Ethiopia is capable of supplying 16 to 18 million hides and skin per annum

 Some 33 vets would carryout test on the livestock to ensure healthy and quality meat delivery The Addis Ababa Abattoirs Enterprise announced that it has finalized preparations to deliver slaughtering services for customers incoming Ethiopian Christmas. Enterprise Managing Director Nibiret Beka told reporters yesterday the enterprise has readied about 2,500 - 3,000 livestock of which 1,200 are sheep for slaughter and deliver meat to.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 5th January 2017

Tanzania: Affordable, Reliable Power Key for Revitalization of Industry

Reliable supply and affordable electricity is the key in the establishment and revival of industries in the country. Since it came to power, the Fifth Phase Government has been encouraging both local and foreign investors to set up industries in the country.   Last week, the Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA) announced the increase of electricity tariff by an average of 8.5 per cent.   It is quite clear that.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 4th January 2017

Ethiopia: Farmers Keen on Technology to Boost Crop Productivity

The Ethiopian Society of Rural Development and Agricultural Extension said farmers' demand for improved agricultural technologies is growing rapidly.   Society President Chimdo Anchala said farmers are showing growing interest to use improved technologies and agricultural practices to boost crop productivity.   According to the president, some farmers are using livestock technologies. But, there is a big rift between farmers'.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 4th January 2017

Ethiopia: Booming Construction Sector Springboard for Other Industries

The construction sector plays a pivotal role in accelerating economic growth. Its roles in the expansion of infrastructural facilities such as roads, schools, hospitals, residential houses, among others, can be mentioned.   The growth of infrastructural facilitate by itself is part of development. As a stimulant for growth, it creates an up and downward linkages so as to create value chains. It generates job opportunities for hundreds of.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 4th January 2017

Automobile speed limiter made by The University of Ilorin

 The University of Ilorin has produced an automobile speed limiter that could be used by any vehicle including jeep, car, bus and truck. Prof. AbdulGaniyu Ambali, the Vice-Chancellor of the University, disclosed this on Tuesday in Ilorin, Kwara State while speaking with newsmen. Ambali noted that the feat was in response to the challenge thrown at institutions of higher learning in the country by the National Universities Commission. He.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 4th January 2017

Feed the Future Ethiopia Farm Service Center project to improve production and productivity

 Feed the Future Ethiopia Farm Service Center project is a three year initiative model developed by Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA) to serve the inventory and technical needs of smallholder and medium sized farmers. The Farmer Service Center (FSC) model has been tested with high levels of success and community buy-in and currently developed as a working model in several countries across Africa and Eastern Europe. The FSC.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 4th January 2017

Rwanda: 'Made-in-Rwanda' Strategy Looking to Balance Trade Deficit

Sometime back when I was in The Netherlands, I once searched high and low to get an English newspaper and asked some Dutch people why it's difficult to chance upon one. I never got anywhere.   The response was "English newspapers are over-taxed so as to discourage them in favour of newspapers published in Dutch language". The reason is to promote locally-made products in order to maintain the balance of trade and.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 3rd January 2017

Rwanda: Govt Scraps Pre-Shipment Inspection Scheme

The decision by government to shelve plans to contract private firms to carry-out pre-shipment inspection for goods destined to Rwanda has raised concern from the business community, especially importers. The exercise was previously being conducted by Société Générale de Surveillance (SGS) a Switzerland-based firm under the Imports Products Conformity Assessment to Standards (IPCA) scheme from mid-2014 till the.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 3rd January 2017

Kenya: Standard Gauge Rail to Finally Become a Reality This Year

This will be the year of the railway - perhaps mimicking 1899, when the current railway reached Nairobi.   By then, the railway was Colonial Kenya's most expensive project. Today, the new standard gauge railway is still the country's most expensive infrastructural project.   A historical transport masterpiece in the region, SGR has encountered numerous challenges like her predecessor, the metre gauge line that is more than a.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 3rd January 2017

Ethiopia: $100 Million World Bank Refugee Project to Benefit Over 1 Million People

A new World Bank funded project promises improved living conditions for refugees camped across five states in Ethiopia.   The Bank offered 100 million USD to implement "Development Response to Displacement Impact Project (DRDIP) in the Horn of Africa."   Speaking at project launching event in Semera, Afar State, Livestock and Fisheries Minister Dr. Misrak Mekonnen said the projects are believed to increase the benefit of.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 3rd January 2017

Ethiopia Ready for Low Carbon, Green Industries

Though Ethiopia didn't cause climate change it is confronted by the threat the challenge poses. It should also recognize the opportunity that the change presents. Climate change is not a future possibility for Ethiopia but it is already a present reality.   Like much of Africa, Ethiopia has become warmer over the past century and human induced climate change is projected to bring further warming over the next century at unprecedented.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 3rd January 2017

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