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East Africa: Retail Giant Nakumatt Raises Shs17 Billion Ahead of Share Sale

Nairobi — Retail chain Nakumatt Holdings has raised KSh500 million (Shs17b) through a short- term loan in a deal expected to pave the way for entry of a deep-pocketed strategic investor into the business.   The transaction was disclosed by investment advisory firm Dry Associates, which arranged the private placement last quarter.   The firm said Nakumatt went to the market seeking KSh500 million through an insured loan and.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 5th January 2017

Kenya: Doctors Continue Strike Despite Improved Offer from President

Nairobi — Striking doctors are yet to go back to work even after being offered an enhanced pay package that would cost the Treasury an additional Sh4 billion every year.   In the meeting chaired by President Uhuru Kenyatta at State House Mombasa, it was agreed that the entry point of doctors would be enhanced from Job Group L to M, and gross salaries raised to Sh196,000 from the current Sh140,244.   A statement from State.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 5th January 2017

Africa: ADB Looking to Raise $8.4 Billion from Capital markets for Development Projects

Kampala — The African Development Bank (ADB) board of directors has approved the institution's borrowing programme for 2017, for an amount of $8.4 billion (Shsh30.4 trillion).   The money will be raised from capital markets in African countries by issuing bonds in local currency to finance development projects.   Due to existing large infrastructure deficits, African governments are in need of funds to finance various.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 5th January 2017

Africa: 'Mobile Money' Helping Women Rise Above Poverty

A recently published study on the long-run effects of mobile money on economic outcomes in Kenya provides some valuable insights that will benefit economic development and financial inclusion policies across Africa.   The study found that increased access to mobile money has reduced poverty in Kenya, particularly among female-headed households. Rapid expansion of mobile money has lifted an estimated 2% of Kenyan households (some 194,000).... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 5th January 2017

Africa Hails China's Ban of Ivory Products

Nairobi — China's latest ban on processing and sale of ivory products marked a historic milestone in efforts to save African elephants from poaching, Kenyan wildlife officials said on Tuesday.   Richard Leakey, chairman of the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), hailed the Chinese government's decision, saying it will revitalize global action on illegal trade in trophies.   "I was pleased to learn about China's action that.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 5th January 2017

Kenya: State-of-the-Art National Library Complex to be Completed in 2017

Nairobi — The Sh2.4 billion ultra-modern national library complex on Ngong road, Nairobi is set to be opened in 2017, with 65 percent of the works completed on the 5 storey building.   Vision 2030 Delivery Secretariat, Director General, Dr. Julius Muia, says the library will offer a comprehensive national reference service to all sectors of the economy and contribute to literacy development and research.   With a sitting.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 5th January 2017

Rwanda: Roads Expansion Project Gets Underway, Contractors Promise Speedy, Quality Work

Officials from the firm hired to supervise works on the expansion of Kigali city roads have committed to finish in time to avoid prolonged inconveniences to road users and also ensure quality work.   The roads expansion project is set to cover about 54 kilometres, mainly targeting expanding roads to a dual carriage way with two lanes on each side.   Chinese firm, China Road Bridge Corporation, has been contracted to do the.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 5th January 2017

Ethiopia's Focus on Enhancing Investment and Trade

Nobody denies that a sustainable financial industry depends on a market driven business, characterized by competitiveness and efficiency. The government also plays its role in regulating the fiscal and monetary aspect of the economy. These make the economy to move in the right track.   As it is known, Ethiopia has been working to boost trade and investment and towards that end various measures have been taken including the formulation of.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 5th January 2017

Ethiopia: Abattoirs Enterprise to Ensure Quality Meat Delivery

Some 33 vets would carryout test on the livestock to ensure healthy and quality meat delivery   The Addis Ababa Abattoirs Enterprise announced that it has finalized preparations to deliver slaughtering services for customers incoming Ethiopian Christmas.   Enterprise Managing Director Nibiret Beka told reporters yesterday the enterprise has readied about 2,500 - 3,000 livestock of which 1,200 are sheep for slaughter and deliver.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 5th January 2017

Ethiopia Begins its Two-Year United Nations Security Council Term

Ethiopia officially began its two-year term as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) January 02, 2017.   The new UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres also began his duties as the 9th Secretary-General the same day and he did so with a strong appeal for peace in 2017.   Ethiopia together with other members of the Council would do everything it can to respond to Guterres' appeal for peace and.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 5th January 2017

GERD - A Symbol of Ethiopia's Developmental Drive

Some 25 years back when the ruling party took power, the country was in desperate situation and the aftermath of the war left the nation's fate unpredictable. The economy almost plummeted to zero level. Most infrastructures were incapacitated and out of use and the quest for peace and stability seemed nightmarish. Getting things back in shape or giving them a kiss of life was a daunting task for the new government. Hence, taking stabilizing.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 5th January 2017

The Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Autonomous Vehicle (AV) will reach $35 billion by 2020

 The Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Autonomous Vehicle (AV) market will reach a total global value of $35 billion in 2020, before a fourfold increase to reach $144 billion in revenues by 2025, according to a new study from Juniper research. The new research, Autonomous Vehicles & ADAS: Adoption, Regulation & Business Models 2016-2025, found that whilst ADAS still lacks significant mass market penetration, its.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 5th January 2017

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