N e w s

Highest Suspended Restaurant to be part of Kenya's High Rise

 Nairobi, Kenya is rapidly becoming a hub for stunning feats of architecture and design. Nairobi now boasts a number of ultra-modern buildings; this trend is expected to continue with investors increasingly interested in such projects.    President Uhuru recently laid the foundation in a ceremony for what is set to be Africa’s tallest building, in May this year.   The Pinnacle Tower, a 70-storey building in Upper.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 3rd October 2017

Major Road Upgrades Underway in East Africa; ADB to be Financier

  The Tanzanian governments have designs on upgrading the dual carriageway stretch of the Arusha-Holili road as they look to find funds to finance the project and upgrade the rest of the road. The carriageway stretches 14.2 kilometers and will pose as an arduous endeavour.    The government has taken taken steps to approach the Japanese government as an a means to fund secure the funds and get the project running. Approaches to.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 3rd October 2017

Two Agreements Signed to Boost Agriculture in Tanzania

 The government and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have signed two agreements, in an attempt to support farmers on issues regarding global warming and improved competitiveness in the rice farming trade, especially in the Iringa region.   The agreement was signed by Eng. Mathew Mtigumwe, Permanent Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries and FAO Country Representative, Mr. Fred.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 2nd October 2017

Magufuli to Move Ahead With Selous Dam Despite Criticism

Tanzania Selous Game Reserve, one of the world’s biggest faunal reserves has gained a lot of traction in recent times from a minimum of 50 multinational companies. The intention of these companies is to construct the Rufigi hydropower project at Stiegler’s Gorge. Potential bidders were required to have a minimum of US$ 500 million turnovers, as directed by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals.   The Selous Game Reserve.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 2nd October 2017

Plans in Place to Construct Tanzania's Largest Medical Factory

 The Tanzanian Government has entered into a contract with Neusoft Medical Systems Company Ltd from China, to construct what is expected to be Africa’s largest medical equipment manufacturing company.   A lot is expected from this new association. The products from this new factory will help diagnose, monitor and treat a number of diseases and conditions.   The contract was signed, on the behalf of the government by Dr..... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 2nd October 2017

"Cytonn Towers" Development to add to Nairobi's Skyline

 A new 35-floor project is being developed in the Kilmani area in Kenya. Project developers Cytonn Real Estate is touting, this newest development as an “Iconic mixed-use development project”.   The “Cytonn Towers” will be constructed at the junction of Egeyo Marakwet and Argwings Kodhek Roads, on a four-acre piece of land. In totality, the project is expected to cost as much as US$194m.    Cytonn.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 2nd October 2017

British Council Holding 3 Day Oncology Workshop in Kenya

 The British Council in association with the London Royal College of physicians will undertake a 3 day training program in Nairobi. The workshop will work with physicians in regard to early cancer diagnosis, prevention, principles of treatment and the main aspects of holistic management.    According to WHO estimates, 8.2 million people lose their lives to cancer annually. Also, 13 per cent of deaths worldwide are caused by.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 2nd October 2017

Tanzania-Ntorya Project Tipped to Prosper

 The recently appraised Ntorya Project is all set to take the next step in its development and is being set up for construction.   Solo possesses a 25% stake in the project, which is being operated by Aminex. Minority partner AIM is said to be looking for a new form of financing, with a new partner or divestment remaining viable options.    An upgrade in the resource estimate has seen the assets value receive a boost,.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 29th September 2017

Guru Aly-Khan Satchu to speak at Kenya Mining Forum

 The keynote speaker at the Kenya Mining Forum in Nairobi will be Mr. Aly-Khan Satchu, CEO of Rich management Ltd. The event will be taking place at 4-5th December. Mr Satchu will feature in the opening session of the event and will speak on ‘What do the financial markets tell us about the mining industry at present?’   According to Mr. Satchu, kenya’s  current status as a free market, puts the nation in a.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 29th September 2017

Kenya Look To Put a Stop to Illegal Mining

 Cabinet Secretary for mining, Mr. Dan Kazungu has stressed the importance of everyone involved in the mining trade to adhere to the rules and regulations stated in the Mining Act. He emphasized the need of valid export permits, while conducting business relating to mining.    “A lot of revenue that is meant to be generated through taxation and royalties are bringing lost to the increased shipment of illegal.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 29th September 2017

$100k Raised in Integrity's Latest Run for Kenya

 Integrity Worldwide’s Run for Kenya has managed to raised $100,000 in its most recent run from the humble beginnings of a few thousands during its initial years.    Integrity was founded by Averee Hicks and her spouse Alan Hicks with a goal to bring clean drinking water to the village of Meto.    “We planned to do it for one year and make a couple thousand of dollars. We are now on target to raise maybe.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 29th September 2017

Magufuli Takes a Stand against Illegal Mining with Latest Reforms

 The latest squabble between the Tanzanian government and its mining sector has led President Magufuli to request the central bank to purchase precious stones, in an attempt to boost the nation’s reserves. This is the latest in the escalating row between the two, over alleged tax evasion from the mining sector.   The president released a statement saying, “All the minerals will be controlled and will pass through one gate.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 29th September 2017

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