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Yapi Merkezi Nab High Speed Rail Project in Tanzania

Turkish Firm Yapi Merkezi Insaat VE Sanayi is the project contractor for a high-speed electric railway line and will undertake all designing and construction activities. The Turkish company is a renowned, privately owned firm of great repute in rail engineering, manufacture, design, and construction.   RAHCO confirmed that Yapi Merkezi was picked to head the project after meeting all technical and financial requirements, standing out.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 9th October 2017

New Assembly Building Planned for Kajiado County

 Kajiado County is in the process of building a three-storey state of the art assembly, fully equipped with modern facilities like underground parking with room to accommodate as many as 700 cars. The facility is expected to cost Sh 543 million.   The building will promote a sense of community in the area and will provide a platform for support assembly activities, according to speaker Johnson Osoi.   Mr. Osoi elaborated.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 9th October 2017

Kenya-Solar Products in High Demand

 There has been an increased demand for solar water heating systems after the announcement of the November 30th deadline for the installations of these systems, according to sources from within the industry.   The announcement was in accordance with the Energy Regulations of 2012, where all industrial, commercial and large residential building in urban centers’ are mandated to install these water systems.    The.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 6th October 2017

Kenya Taking Steps to Increase Medical Imports

 The government has plans to open up 10 more entry ports for the imported medicine and medical products.   The new ports will include Moyale, Kisumu International Airport, and Mandera according to a source from Pharmacy and Poison Board.   The other new points will include Taveta, Nadapal, Lokichogio, Liboi, Wilson Airport, the Moi International Airport, Mombasa, and the General Post Office, Mombasa.   Medical products.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 6th October 2017

Dubai Look To Attract More Medical Tourists

 Dubai is looking to attract more medicals tourists from China, Russia, Kenya, and Tanzania.   A dedicated team has been put in place consisting of members of the Dubai Health Authority and Dubai Medical Tourism Council alongside doctors from the Canadian Specialist Hospital to discuss strategies to make patients more open to visiting Dubai to meet their medical needs.   The Canadian Specialist Hospital in Dubai is equipped.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 6th October 2017

Rwanda to Have Complete Access to Power Within 7 Years

 Rwanda Energy Group has intertwined its energy rollout plan to fit that of the Rwandan government. Nationwide energy supply is to be its primary objective over the next seven years.    The REG also stated that there are no plans in place for the additional supply of power to the grid prior to 2018. This new strategy has come in a time of uncertainty over the viability of the 583MW plant by 2018.   The generation.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 6th October 2017

New Distribution Deal Signed Between Subaru and Kingsway

 This new agreement will provide genuine parts and services to all things Subaru at all outlets of Kingsway Tyres Services Centres in the major cities of Nairobi, Mombasa, Thika and Kericho.   The agreement will see Kingsway Tyres Service Centres sell and stock original Subaru parts and provide warranties as per Subaru’s Global terms and conditions. Kingsway will also be expected to provide vehicle servicing on behalf of Subaru.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 6th October 2017

Kiambu Mall To Open Shop this December

  The Kiambu Mall project in Kenya is in its final phases of constructions and will soon be open to the public. It was orignally scheduled to open in August but the date was later moved to December afetr a few setbacks during construction.   Mugaa Investment Developers Chairman, Peter Burugu blamed the delay of material shipment and the political ambigiuity for the delay. However, construction work is now in full swing and the.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 6th October 2017

Keitt Exporters Diversify Into Oil Market

 Keitt Exporters is looking at potential opportunities in added value avocado products, in an attempt to reduce risk and the recent trade restrictions in China and Taiwan.    Grace Thuita, Sales and marketing manager said that the companies are also exploring machinery and processes with regard to the making of avocado oil, in order to make the most of the product.   The company hopes that this diversification process.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 5th October 2017

Second Phase of the Standard Gauge Railway Construction Underway

 Construction of the second phase of the standard gauge railway (SGR) is set to get underway soon. The project will connect the capital city of Dodoma and the commercial hub of Dar-es-Salaam.   While speaking at the Eight East and Central Africa Roads and Rail Infrastructure Summit in Dar-es-Salaam, Prof Makame Mbarawa who is the Minister o9f Works, Transport and Communications confirmed that construction will begin as soon as next.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 4th October 2017

Rwanda's Renewable Energy Program Well Funded

 A $48.9 million agreement was signed for a plan to upgrade Energy Renewable Programs, so as to assist the government of Rwanda to garner finances from the private sector. The main objective of the program is to provide access to power through non-grid solar panels.   The agreement was signed by Claver Gatete, the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning and Yaseer El Ghammal, the World Bank Country Manager for Rwanda.   With.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 4th October 2017

Kenya Remains Uber's Second Largest Market in Africa

 There are 363,000 active Uber users in Kenya according to the newest statistics released by the company to mark its fourth year on the African continent.   South Africa is supposedly, Uber’s main market in Africa with an estimated 969,000 active users, while Kenya remains a distant second.   The data also revealed that there are 5,000 drivers in Kenya and 12,000 in South Africa, currently on Uber’s.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 4th October 2017

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