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 The first low-price, single-pill antiretroviral treatment is likely to be made available in 90 LMIC (low and middle income) countries thanks to a breakthrough costing agreement for HIV drugs. The regime which contains DTG (dolutegravir) could become extensively available in LMIC countries for about a tenth of the current price – around US $75 per person per year.   The deal came about due to collaborative efforts between.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 31st October 2017

Local and International Renewable Energy Producers Meet in Kigali

 Domestic and international players are expected to meet in Kigali soon in an attempt to identify new opportunities in the renewable energy sector.    The objective of the forum will be to act as a platform for networking and showcasing new technologies in the sector. The forum is set to venture into Rwanda and will bring to light new and exciting investment opportunities in the renewable energy sector.   The forum will.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 31st October 2017

Kenya Power- Network Expansion To Cost Ksh 40B

 Over the next three years, Kenya Power is targeting to increase its customers to 7.5 million, plans to commercialize its fiber optic cable to generate some of the cash to finance the power network expansion.   The total installed capacity currently stands at 2333MW bolstered by intense geothermal generation while peak demand is 1,656MW.   Demand for electricity for the year to June 30th grew 4.4%.   Even though a bulk.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 30th October 2017

Safari Doctors Bringing Healthcare to Remote Kenya

 The UNICEF has hailed Kenya as a “success” for their constant efforts to fight poverty and work towards a better economic environment. However, while they have succeeded in this sphere, they have failed elsewhere.   For all the progress made across a variety of sectors of the Kenyan economy, the medical sphere still remains terribly understaffed with only 1 doctor and 12 nurses available every 10,000 people in the nation.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 30th October 2017

Company From China To Build Geothermal Plants in Kenya

 Kenya has permitted the largest Chinese manufacturer of rock drilling equipment to build and explore geothermal power plants in the country.   Kaishan Group secured the contract to drill steam wells in the Suswa south-Magadi-Shompole steam fields, in Narok County.   The license that the company received gives it the leeway to sink exploration wells in the area for up to three years and subsequently proceeds to operate and.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 30th October 2017

Wood-Mizer exhibiting at Buildexpo Rwanda 2017

Wood-Mizer started trading in 1982 with the successful launch of the company’s first LT-type sawmill. The simple to use, portable and affordable sawmill was an immediate success. Sawmillers were now able to produce accurately sawn quality timber normally only associated with costlier mills.The availability of affordable sawmilling technology that could grow businesses that support families, develop economies, spark manufacturing,.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 30th October 2017

Drones Delivering Life Saving Medical Aid in Rwanda

 San Francisco based company Zipline, have been making some remarkable progress with their projects in Africa. Zipline is a high tech drone start-up, manufacturer, logistic service provider and a public healthcare system consultant.   Zipline has been delivering medical supplies to health clinics in Rwanda since October of 2016.    The company has had to co-ordinate closely with governments and health ministries in Africa.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 27th October 2017

Kenya Close to Achieving Major Price Cuts in Power Supply

 An auctioning program is set to cut power costs for Kenyan consumers. Power in Kenya is currently provided by PV firms and this news of price cuts will no doubt please the Kenyan population.   The utility firm’s managing director, and CEO, Dr. Ken Tarus has predicted a decrease in the cost incurred by Kenya to purchase power from across foreign borders from Sh12 per kilowatt-hour to Sh6 per kilowatt-hour.   The Kenyan.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 27th October 2017

New Building Materials Manufacturing Unit in Kenya

 Ceramic tiles, construction hardware, bathroom and kitchen appliances are among the products that will be manufactured at Kenya’s newest plant for building materials.   The project is headed by China Wu Yi. The firm is currently in the finishing stages of an upcoming precast building materials manufacturing unit in the Machakos County.   Executive Deputy General Manager China Wu Yi in Kenya, Yihua Lin reasoned the.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 26th October 2017

African Women Making Their Mark as wine-makers in Europe

 South Africa’s Pheli Wines is revolutionizing the wine industry in Africa today.   Traditionally dominated by white men across Cape Town, the wine industry is now changing for the better.    Pheli Wines was founded in 2013 by Moyahabo Anna Seemola. This name was drawn from the Zulu word ‘Phelindaba’ which translates to ‘end of story’. Contrary to this, it is anything but the end for.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 24th October 2017

Africa Look to Play A Greater Role in Renewable Energy Market

 The newest edition of the ARF will this time provide a platform for discussions on a wide range of topics in global renewable energy development. Other major issues to be discussed will include climate resilience strategies, sustainable development and the goal of attaining the objectives of COP22.   ARF this year will bring together government ministers, global investors, and heads of African utilities to discuss the development.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 17th October 2017

Emergency Health Services to be prioritized in Tanzania

 The Permanent Secretary in Tanzania’s Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children, Mpoki Ulisubisya has revealed that his administration is working towards reducing 40 percent of the loss of life that is caused by the lack of adequate emergency service support.   The government will now prioritize the establishment of an emergency medicine department at all district hospitals across the.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 17th October 2017

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