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World Bank to invest US$ 20m in a new wind power project in Kenya

The World Bank, through its private arm International Finance Corporation (IFC) will be investing US$ 20m in equity into a wind power project in Kajiado County.   The funds will be channeled towards the Kipeto Wind Power Project which is going to be developed on a 70 kilometer square piece of land South-west of Nairobi. The project will be in the Esilanke area currently being utilized for agricultural purposes. 100MW of electricity is.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 25th October 2014

Local Zimbabwe firm introduces solar tiles in the market

Summersrand Alternative Energy has introduced solar tiles in Zimbabwe and neighboring markets, in a bid that will help increase supply of power to homes and reduce impacts of load-shedding in these countries. The new solar tiles will also help in exploiting of renewable resources according to the company’s Craig Mapedzamombe, something that’s already booming all across Africa.   “The solar tile roofing is a new system.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 25th October 2014

Kenya: Tullow in Successful Exploration Exercise in Kenya

 Nairobi — TULLOW Oil has announced the results of a series of recent exploration and appraisal activities conducted in Blocks 10BB and 13T onshore Kenya.   The company said the Kodos-1 exploration wildcat in Block 10BB is the first well drilled in the Kerio Basin, northeast of the successful South Lokichar Basin.   Hydrocarbon shows were encountered in Kodos-1 which indicates the presence of an active petroleum system..... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 24th October 2014

Nigeria: Shell's Gas Facility to Generate Electricity

    The managing director of Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) and country chair of Shell Companies in Nigeria, Mutiu Sunmonu, has said that the Otumara Associated Gas Solution Project will generate six megawatts daily.   "Today, we are all witnesses to the completion of the fabrication and integration of Otumara AGS Central Processing Facilities (CPF), the part of the gas plant where a nominal 20 million.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 24th October 2014

KBR Daewoo Consortium Wins FLNG FEED Contract/Competes for EPCIC

    KD Consortium, consisting of KBR and Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Company, Ltd, has been awarded a front end engineering design (FEED) contract by Eni East Africa SpA for a floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility for the Coral South Development Project located in Mozambique.    With the award, the KD consortium will be one of three consortia competing for the engineering, procurement,.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 24th October 2014

Five nurseries for Trans Nzoia banana farming

The Trans Nzoia government has established five tissue culture banana hardening nurseries.   Governor Patrick Khaemba said the nurseries are erected in Kwanza, Kiminini, Cherangany and Endebess constituencies.   He said the nurseries will help farmers access certified high quality banana seedlings.   Khaemba said this is one way of diversifying from maize farming to ensure farmers have money throughout the.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 21st October 2014

Kenya: Bank Loans to Boost Taveta Dairy Farming

More than 3,000 dairy farmers in Taita Taveta will receive bank loans and farm inputs.   The new extension service programme aims to expand the dairy enterprise.   Speaking at the Wumingu Brookside dairy cooling plant in Wundanyi yesterday, Brookside milk procurement manager John Gethi said the new service will also help farmers in Kilifi and Tana River counties.   Brookside Dairy is the main market for farmers'.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 21st October 2014

Governors to improve farming with new skill

Nine governors learnt innovative agricultural practices while on a two-week visit to Germany.   They learnt frameworks, conditions and appropriate packages and approaches to boost agriculture, Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka told the Star on the phone yesterday.   The nine jetted back into the country on Wednesday night.   “The governors have developed clear strategies and plans on how to profitably invest in.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 21st October 2014

Commercial fish farming secures Kenyan farmers' earnings

After going through seven years of repeated low maize and bean yields, John Kabiru, a farmer in Nakuru County, about 180 kilometres northwest of Nairobi, sought for a solution.   He solely depended on sale of the crops to take care of his family but the losses were suppressing his efforts to gain economic freedom.   So in 2010, Kabiru took a 3,450 U.S. dollars loan from a Sacco and invested in one fish pond. Since then, he has.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 21st October 2014

Kenya: New Thiba Dam to Boost Rice Farming

A Sh13 billion mega dam is to be built on Thiba River in Gichugu constituency to boost rice farming in the Mwea Irrigation Scheme.   The project, which is funded by the Japanese Government, will be undertaken by the National Irrigation Board to end the water shortage at the irrigation scheme and boost food production.   The scheme has been facing various challenges, including inadequate water for irrigation, poor infrastructure.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 21st October 2014

Somalia aims to get oil flowing by 2020

Somalia aims to produce oil within six years, Petroleum Minister Daud Mohamed Omar said on Monday, as he announced plans to reassert control over a sector which has foundered since the outbreak of civil war in 1991.   Hopes that the impoverished East African nation could emulate neighbouring Kenya by discovering and bringing to market offshore resources have been kept on ice by long-running territorial disputes between regional.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 21st October 2014

Kenyan farmers to join other delegates in world food conference in Turin

Turin, Italy: Over 50 Kenyan farmers will join other delegates in Italy Wednesday next week in a weeklong conference that celebrates indigenous farming around the world. The conference that has been celebrated for the past ten years comes as debate to allow genetically modified food rages in Kenya two years after the banning of all GMO products. 3,000 delegates will be meeting in Turin, Italy, in a conference dedicated to family farming. The.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 21st October 2014

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