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State-owned Automobiles will Use Renewable Fuel

The Government Procurement Services Agency (GPSA) has started the cycle pointed toward making all administration vehicles utilize packed flammable gas (CNG) to reduce oil based commodities expenses. The GPSA Acting Head of Correspondence and Advertising, Mr Peter Mayila, expressed as of late in Morogoro that to execute the prog ram in this monetary year will begin with three pilot CNG filling stations in Dar es Salaam, Morogoro and.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 31st October 2023

Kenya Will Receive Ksh 26 Billion from a Chinese Manufacturer of Medical Devices

The Chinese medical device maker through its neighborhood auxiliary Full Care Clinical, said the plant will assist it with growing its dissemination of basic clinical supplies in Sub-Saharan Africa. "After broad assessment of business sectors and site areas, we have chosen Kenya and Tatu City as the base for our worldwide extension. We are focused on advancing the advancement of Kenya's medical services industry, developing nearby ability.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 25th October 2023

Manufacturers Switch to Gas, Boost Profits.

At an estimated 57 trillion cubic feet of gas reserves both in the Indian Ocean and offshore, Tanzania holds east Africa largest gas deposits, with an annual production of 110 billion cubic feet from three fields: Songo Songo, Mnazi Bay, and Kiliwani. Currently the country annual natural gas production stands at 68.02 billion cubic feet as compared to 59.96 billion cubic feet recorded in the same period of 2021/22 which is equivalent to 13%.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 23rd October 2023

Tanzania Plans to Start the Fifth Round of Oil and Gas Licencing By June

Tanzania is hoping to officially launch the country's 5th oil and gas authorizing round by June and grant licenses to the victors by December of that very year, the chief general of its Petroleum Upstream Regulatory Authority (PURA) said on 5th October. "By the end of the first quarter of 2024 in the middle of between the first and second quarter we will launch the bidding round or the roadshow," said PURA chief general Charles Sangweni on.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 23rd October 2023

15 Winners of the AFSIA Solar Awards 2023 Were Announced In Nairobi At REFA

The winners are finally known. The winners of the fourth AFSIA Solar Awards were announced live from Nairobi in Kenya at the Renewable Energy Forum Africa (REFA). A total of 15 companies were honoured in the competition’s 13 categories. Among the winners was Gigawatt Global in the “Utility Project of the Year” category. The Amsterdam-based independent power producer (IPP) built Burundi’s 1st PV solar power plant (7.5 MWp) at Mubuga,.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 20th October 2023

Tanzania Uses Solar energy to Increase Job Opportunities for Youth

MORE than 200 young people from four regions have been trained in renewable energy skills to help them secure employment in the environment-friendly sources of fuel. The Germany Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) Employment and Skills for Development in Africa (E4D) programme introduced the Enabling Youth Employment in Solar Energy in Tanzania project to support 200 youth, among them 40% are women, to access employment in the.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 20th October 2023

Njombe RC Promotes the Idea That Tanzania Can Feed Africa

TANZANIA: Huge food crop surplus in Njombe, Iringa and Ruvuma Locales will increment staple commodities to destitute African nations and raise possibilities of acknowledging President Samia Hassan's dream of 'Tanzania can take care of Africa' by 2030. Talking here on Thursday during a two-day meeting looking to increment crop creation in the three locales, Njombe Territorial Magistrate Antony Mtaki said a sharp expansion in food and money.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 18th October 2023

Women's Organization Supports Climate Smart Agriculture

Kegoosho women group in Kiekonyokie, Kajiado West voting public have procured a guard gather of cow peas and yellow beans in the wake of embracing environment savvy farming. The yields were developed utilizing sun oriented fueled dribble water system, with help from the Dry Terrains Data Organization (ALIN) through their undertaking named, Controlled by the sun. ALIN's Correspondence and task official Satisfaction Kolin said that it.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 18th October 2023

Zanzibar's Dream of a Wind Farm Is Getting Closer

IN an exciting development for renewable energy initiatives, Aseel Oilfield Services Limited and Sany Renewable Energy conducted a site visit to potential locations for a revolutionary wind farm in Zanzibar. This visit lays the groundwork for the development of the wind farm, which is expected to commence upon the signing of a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between Aseel Oilfield Services and the Zanzibar Ministry of Water, Energy, and.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 17th October 2023

Tanzania: Completed Implementation of the First Energy Efficiency Action Plan

THE government in collaboration with the European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is finalising implementation of Tanzania's 1st Energy Efficiency Action Plan project. The project seeks to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all in Tanzania. A key component of the action plan is to build capacities on energy management and audit, whereby practices can be implemented.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 17th October 2023

Recycled Materials to be Used To Construct Affordable Homes

Representatives in the trash recycling industry have pushed for affordable housing to be built using recycled beverage carton waste as building blocks.They claimed that in addition to being more cost-effective and time-efficient than traditional stone construction, the technology is also sustainable.Speaking at the signing of an agreement with Thika's Ramani Warehouse Ltd., a waste recycling company, representatives from the recycling industry,.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 12th October 2023

Timber Wood Gains Traction in Africa’s Construction Sector

The 96-metre-high "Burj Zanzibar" is expected to open in the next years, offering a stunning new addition to Zanzibar's skyline. The most notable aspect of this structure is not its height, but the fact that it will be constructed primarily of wood. According to Milan Heilmann, Project Manager at CPS Zanzibar, the landmark project is meant to demonstrate to the globe the benefits of employing timber as a construction material. While the.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 4th October 2023

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