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Tanzania: Cotton Firm Trains Farmers How to Improve Production

Mwanza — COTTON and textile development programme (CTDP) is promoting twenty high performing farmers to be village-based agro dealers in charge of quality input service providers.   CTDP input Market Manager, Ms Lillian Magak said here over the week-end that the dealers have been trained by experts from the Arusha-based Tropical Pesticides Research Institute (TPRI) to ensure that they buy seeds on time, and from reliable.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 5th August 2014

Kenya: Coffee Board Takes Crop to Western

 The Coffee Board of Kenya will introduce the Robusta variety in western Kenya in a bid to boost the country's total production by enabling non-traditional areas to grow coffee.   It said this, besides encouraging farmers to grow other varieties, will reverse the declining production of the crop.   "We will create awareness among farmers in Rift Valley areas of Bomet and Nandi, and in western Kenya zones that border.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 5th August 2014

Stanbic Bank Pumps U.S.$120 Million Into Agro Sector

 Ms Musambo said this gives the bank 33 per cent of the market share and 46 per cent total asset book.   She said the bank would continue to support the entire agricultural value chain through the provision of finance to various segments as part of its commitment to the growth of the sector.   Ms Musambo said the bank was aware that agriculture had a huge potential in Zambia as well as the entire region and could become a.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 5th August 2014

Pig genetics farm set for Zambia

 Zambia will in September this year establish a pig genetics farm which will be breeding stock to the local market and other countries in the region Pigs-Cameron Nordholm-AfricaA new pig genetics farm will be constructed in Zambia in September. (Image source: Cameron Nordholm) The farm, which will be fully automated, is expected to supply breeding stock to other countries such as Angola, DR Congo and Tanzania. The Zambia National Farmers.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 5th August 2014

Kenya's Floriculture Industry is put at the world's center stage

 Marking its third year anniversary, the International Flower Trade Expo (IFTEX) is going a step further in positioning the Kenyan Floriculture Industry as a brand name at the international level by reaching the number one position of being the largest cut flower trade fair in Africa and top three for the most important flower growers trade fairs in the world by attracting the best flower growers, breeders, brokers, exporters, propagators.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 6th August 2014

Farmers Helping Farmers -Atlantic Veterinary College -Kenyan Smallholder Dairy Health Management Project

 With one of the best group of students ever, the January 2014 trip to Kenya was another huge success. Many animals received treatment or prevention interventions, many farmers received training and/or assistance, ten veterinary students (three Canadian and seven Kenyan) received clinical training in treatment and health management of dairy cattle on smallholder farms, many animal health personnel received continuing education, and six.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 4th August 2014

Govt support can boost contract farming in cotton

 The Tanzania Cotton Board (TCB) has sought Government support for boosting contract farming in the East African country.   TCB acting director general Gabriel Mwalo recently said that contract farming is the best way through which cotton farmers can reap maximum output.    Cotton farming in Tanzania suffers mainly due to constraints like use of uncertified cotton seeds, lack of farming machinery as well as little or no.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 31st July 2014

Africa to provide significant steel opportunities

 Steel plant processing technology, equipment and services specialist SMS Siemag, a division of SMS group, supplier of processing technology, equipment and services for the ferrous, ferroalloy and nonferrous metals industries, says there is potential to establish new steel plants in Africa in the next five years and hopes to capitalise on these developments. SMS Siemag South Africa MD Pieter Bezuidenhout believes that, through its office.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 31st July 2014

Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda Use Science and Technology to Boost Agricultural Productivity

Highlights: Across Sub-Saharan Africa, the agriculture sector is under-performing Four east African countries – Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda – are collaborating to marshal the power of science and tackle common problems facing farmers A new video documents the East Africa Agricultural Productivity Program and its sub-regional approach to boosting the quantity and quality of food produced by.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 31st July 2014

South Africa: Boost for XDR-TB Patients As Cheaper Pills Allowed

 The Medicines Control Council (MCC) has granted humanitarian group Medicines Sans Frontiers (MSF) access to a cheaper drug to treat extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB).   The MCC's decision is the conclusion of a three-year battle for MSF and comes a few weeks after the MSF lodged a high court case against the MCC. This followed the regulatory body's failure to convene a statutory committee to allow MSF to appeal the.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 6th September 2014

Tanzanian coffee industry shows promising potential

 A recent report released by Rabobank has suggested that governmental effects will be required to allow Tanzanian farmers to enhance the quality of their beans in order to encourage further growth in the East African country's coffee sector Coffee-beans-advencapThe Tanzanian government's influence on improving coffee production was highlighed in a recent report from Rabobank. (Image source: advencap) According to the report, Climbing.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 31st July 2014

Kenya launches health for all campaign

 Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Health has Monday launched the universal health for all campaign in Nairobi and noted challenges to realize the vision.   According to James Macharia, it is a daunting task to achieve universal health coverage in developing countries such as Kenya due to financial constraints and the over-reliance on direct payments at the time people need care.   “Kenyan people do not have the.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 31st July 2014

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