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Tanzania Railways in $130m revival plan

Tanzania Railways Ltd has embarked on an ambitious Tsh230 billion ($130 million) plan to modernise its infrastructure, to be financed through a commercial loan. TRL board chairman Severine Kaombwe said the firm also plans to digitise its operations and buy new equipment that will attract more hauliers to transport bulk cargo to upcountry destinations and landlocked countries through the railway network. “We are finalising a few things.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 19th November 2014

Africa bets on road, rail and port projects for growth

When Dr Donald Kaberuka took over as president of the African Development Bank (AfDB) in 2005, one of his first acts was forming a little-known task force that would define the Bank’s agenda in the next decade. Four men — two civil engineers and two economists — carefully chosen from Anglophone and Francophone regions to bridge this historical chasm, were given the task of solving one piece of the big puzzle that is the crisis.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 19th November 2014

Nampak to invest US$179 million in African manufacturing unit

 The company said that the step was expected to strengthen its position in the beverage can and glass packaging sectors in Africa. A report in South African newspaper Business Day said that almost US$112mn will be invested in a third furnace at Nampak's Germiston-based glass bottle business. The report added that the investment was aimed at improving overall manufacturing efficiencies, enabling the company to supply a.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 19th November 2014

PPC to set up plant in Africa

 The company revealed the information last week without giving out the details of how much the project would be worth. A senior executive of PPC was quoted in African business daily Business Day last year as saying that the company would spend US$200mn on a cement factory in Zimbabwe. The new factory in Zimbabwe, where PPC already runs two plants, will serve markets in the capital Harare and central Mozambique. PPC has also.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 19th November 2014

General Electric to build manufacturing unit in Africa

 The decision to build the manufacturing unit follows the conclusion of GE’s agreement with the Nigerian government in January 2013. Calabar Free Trade Zone general manager Sadiq Kasim said, “Work on the site of GE’s engineering manufacturing plant will commence as soon as other formalities are adressed. We have given them land and very soon their engineers will mobilise to site and start work. They will be committing.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 19th November 2014

P&G to invest US$170 million in Africa

 The plant, which is expected to create more than 500 jobs, will manufacture products like detergents and hygiene goods for local and export markets. Construction of the new plant will start in 2014, while production will commence in 2016 or early 2017. According to Procter & Gamble global business unit vice-president, Dimitri Panayotopoulos, the group will consider tapping into the developing markets in Africa by expanding to other.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 19th November 2014

Indorama to build fertiliser plant in Africa

 Indorama management declared that all plans have been concluded towards the setting up of the plant, which will be Africa’s largest fertiliser unit. According to managing director Manish Mundra, the project was part of the company’s effort towards making Nigeria the largest petrochemical location in Africa by the year 2017. Mundra also said that Chinese company Toyo Engineering would handle the project and get its feed stock.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 19th November 2014

Raising Awareness of Energy Efficient Light Bulbs Pays off in Rwanda

 In Rwanda, one of the most densely populated of the least-developed countries in Africa, 45 percent of the population lives in poverty and communities face acute electricity shortages. Here, every watt of electricity counts.   In 2009, only 6 percent of Rwanda’s population had access to electricity. The majority of households were either living without lights or using kerosene lamps or batteries.   In an effort to.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 19th November 2014

Cash withdrawals powered by Solar in SA

ATM Solutions claims to be the first to have developed solar powered ATM’s installed across Mpumalanga, South Africa, Business Tech reported. With the looming power crisis in South Africa, the design was to provide solutions for bank customers needing to use an ATM during a power cut. The ATM has installed solar panels which harness the sun and store in a battery until needed. The solar powered battery will kick in when the usual.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 19th November 2014

22 million Euros ‘Prepaid Energy project to illuminate Rwanda

The Rwamagana District welcomed minstrels and local authorities for the official launch of the ‘Prepaid Energy’ project, The New Times reported. The project was implemented to provide many households in the Eastern Province with sufficient and reliable power. The initiative was funded by the European Union (EU), the Government of Rwanda and Mobisol, a local solar power firm who formed a partnership to promote access to clean energy.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 19th November 2014

UNEP Forum Urges Accelerated Transition to Energy Efficient Lighting

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) en.lighten initiative has convened the Global Efficient Lighting Forum, which focused on accelerating the global phase-in of energy-efficient lighting products. The forum brought together representatives from electrical utilities, lighting manufacturers, development banks, financial institutions and international agencies to reaffirm their commitment to mitigate climate change by transitioning to.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 24th November 2014

SolarWorks! Releases New Solar Kit Lithium

 SolarWorks! newest product, the Solar Kit Lithium,was recently tested, and met the Lighting Global Quality Standards.This portable solar light offers three brightness levels and a USB cable with connectors for charging up to 10 different mobile phones or other devices.  The Solar Kit Lithium provides over 7 hours of bright light after a single day of solar charging,or can last for over 40 hours on the lowest.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 19th November 2014

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