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Tanzania: New Arusha Master Plan to be Expanded

Arusha — The new master plan for Arusha will cover selected areas in neighbouring districts beyond the city boundaries, according to consultants.   Execution of the ambitious plan, prepared by Surbana Consultants Pte Ltd of Singapore, will finally begin in August this year, one of the focus being to overhaul and age-old water supply and sewerage networks.   A brief on the consultants' report availed to The Citizen indicated.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 29th June 2016

Tanzania: MMG Gold Mine to Start Operations Next September

MMG Gold is expected to start mining operations at Seka village, Musoma District, Musoma Region on September this year.   The Mineral and Energy Minister Prof Sospeter Muhongo said this during his visit to the mining site to inspect the progress where he was informed that the construction has reached 95 per cent.   "Earlier, the mining was scheduled to commence operations before end of June but was pushed back due to some.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 29th June 2016

Tanzania: Govt to Continue Improving Roads & Communication - Minister

Dodoma — The government will continue improving and constructing roads and improve communication networks across the country.   The assurance was made by the Deputy Minister of Works, Transport and Communication, Eng Edwin Ngonyani when responding to questions raised by legislators.   A basic question by Kiteto Koshuma (Special Seats-CCM), queried what plans the government had to increase tarmac roads in Mwanza Region, which.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 29th June 2016

Tanzania: Solar Power Lights Up 480 Households

Rorya — An estimated 480 households have been connected with solar power free of charge at Manila village in Rorya District. The project has been undertaken by American Engineering Group Limited (AEG) in collaboration with Mashaka Foundation.   "I am indeed happy to see that 480 households have light, thus changing the lives of villagers," said John Mashaka, the founder of Mashaka Foundation. "We have given them.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 25th June 2016

Tanzania: Small Holder Farmers to Receive £3 million Boost

A charity organisation has received £3 million (about 9.7bn/-) grant from the UK government to support 70,000 small holder grain farmers in Tanzania and Uganda so that they can gain access to regional export markets.   The grant was provided to Farm Africa, through the Food Trade East and Southern Africa trade enhancement and promotion programme. According to Farm Africa Senior Programme Officer, Leochrista Aloyce, farmers would be.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 25th June 2016

Rehabilitation of Tanzania, Kenya and South Sudan Road Corridor Planned

Nairobi — The Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) has called for bids on the rehabilitation of the Isebania-Kisii-Ahero Road which is slated to start sometime this year.   According to the authority, the road project which will be carried out in two lots will have Lot 1 starting from Isebania to Kisii and lot 2 from Kisii to Ahero.   In a statement, KeNHA indicated that the Isebania-Kisii-Ahero (A1) Road forms part of.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 25th June 2016

Kenya: County to Receive Sh100 Million for Road Development

Nakuru County is set to receive a grant of over Sh100 million from the Kenya Roads Board (KRB) for the development of its roads.   Funding talks with the Board are at an advanced stage, County Governor Kinuthia Mbugua disclosed on Thursday.   Governor Mbugua was speaking at a road safety awareness event for boda boda riders sponsored by the roads agency at a Nakuru hotel.   "We have partnered with the Kenya Roads Board.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 25th June 2016

Tanzania: World Bank Approves Sh440 Billion for Rural Electrification

Morogoro — The World Bank yesterday approved a $200 million (about Sh440 billion) loan to boost connection of more Tanzanian rural households to electricity.   The World Bank board of executive directors approved the financing for the Rural Electrification Expansion Programme from the International Development Association (IDA). The new financing is a big boost to the project that is expected to bring about 2.5 million households in.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 24th June 2016

Tanzania: NMB to Provide Sh60 Billion Loans for Agriculture Sector

Dar es Salaam — Tanzania's vision of becoming a middle income country by 2025 through agriculture-led industrialisation will receive a boost as the National Microfinance Bank (NMB) announced to set Sh60 billion for developing agribusiness in the next five years.   Agriculture employs about 70 per cent of the Tanzanian workforce contributes about 27 per cent to the gross domestic product.   It also accounts for 85 per cent of.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 24th June 2016

Future of Oil & Gas in Tanzania is Bright - EWURA Chairman

"The future of the oil and gas industry in Tanzania is bright." This was said recently by Prof Jamidu Katima, Chairman of the Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA). Our Correspondent SAIDI MKABAKULI adeptly analyses the role of a regulator in natural gas activities that include processing, transportation, storage and distribution of natural gas in Mainland Tanzania.   WHEN delivering a keynote address at the.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 23rd June 2016

Tanzania: Govt Plans to Replace Diesel Pump With Solar Power

Dodoma — Deputy Minister for Water and Irrigation, Mr Isack Kamwelwe, said the government plans to change the diesel-run water pump to use solar power in a bid to reduce costs.   He said this when answering a basic question by Mr Mashimba Ndaki (Maswa West - CCM), who wanted to know the initiatives taken by the government to renovate infrastructure of Mwamihanza water dam.   He said the move is aimed at making the dam.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 23rd June 2016

Tanzania Committed to Promote Agriculture - Minister

The government is committed to sort out problem in the agricultural sector so as it unleashes its great potential in building the economy, a government minister has said.   The Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Development, Mr William Ole Nasha, said in Karatu District, Arusha Region that the government was focused to promote growth of agricultural sector and solve problems that hinder growth of the.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 23rd June 2016

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