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motorcycle assembly in East Africa

 East African countries are closer to an agreement that could boost motorcycle assembly in the region. The EAC Secretariat has appointed a team of experts from each member state to develop a proposal that will promote value addition and motorcycle assembly in the region. The experts will identify imported motorbike parts that can be excluded from taxation in order to lower the cost of production and encourage industrialisation in the.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 7th December 2016

Major Vessels to the Port of Mombasa in 2017

 Several global shipping lines will deploy major vessels to the port of Mombasa next year in efforts to revive trade.   According to Kenya Ports Authority (KPA), big ships from Denmark’s Maersk Line, Taiwan-listed Evergreen Marine Corp and French Shipping line CMA CGM will bring goods to Mombasa before they are re-exported to smaller ports in the region.   “The cargo will be re-exported to regional ports of.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 6th December 2016

East African Community told “CREATE MORE JOBS”

Political stability of East African Community (EAC) is dependent on how individual countries will handle the high rate on unemployment among its youth population.   East African Legislative Assembly Speaker Daniel Kidega said the fight against corruption and promotion of good governance will contribute significantly in the community’s achieving of its objectives.   Kadega said the increase in population, now at 160 million,.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 6th December 2016

Final Phase - Kenya’s Economy Expects Boost from Chinese- Built Railway- expected operational in 2018

Workers are seen working on the Nairobi-Mombasa railway near Kenya’s capital Nairobi  The construction of a Chinese-built railway in Kenya has entered its final phase. Kenyan officials and observers are suggesting the project will significantly add to the country’s economic growth prospects once it is operational in 2018.   Civil engineering work is set to be completed in a few weeks on the first Standard Gauge Railway.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 6th December 2016

Agripreneurs Take the Spotlight

 On Friday 2nd December 2016, close to 25 young African agricultural entrepreneurs from various countries in the continent were welcomed at the AfDB's headquarters in Abidjan as part of a seminar and series of experience-sharing workshops. The event was organized by the Bank's Agriculture and Agro-Industries Department (OSAN), which is led by Chiji Ojukwu and supported by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, as well as.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 6th December 2016

Motorcycle service in Kenya

 Online taxi hailing app Mondo Ride has launched a service that allows its customers to request for motorcycles, seeking to cash in on their growing popularity due to their ability to manoeuvre through traffic. The Dubai-based Romania-founded company, which launched in Kenya in January, rolled out the boda boda service recently charging customers Sh25 per kilometre in addition to a base fare of Sh50. The minimum charge for the service will.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 6th December 2016

Organic Methods for grain storage

 Coverage — Sorghum is the third most important cereal crop grown in Uganda after maize and finger millet. It is widely grown in the north and east. It particularly does well in drought-prone Karamoja, where it occupies more than 80 per cent of the total crop hectarage. Sorghum is also grown in areas such as the Kigezi region, and on small scale in other parts. Yields. Yields of up to 800 kilogrammes per hectare can be obtained.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 5th December 2016

Automobiles going green and conversing

 In 2013 we trundled along to Hillfox in Johannesburg to attend the opening of a new Kia dealership. Hardly big news you might think, but while car makers were already scrambling around coming up with green technology ideas for their cars, some manufacturers were giving thought to greening their dealerships. Kia's Hillfox facility was the first for the Korean brand in SA to be powered by solar energy. It recycled its water and collected.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 5th December 2016

Tata SA goes Flash(y)

 Cape Town - Tata South Africa has introduced an additional, limited-edition variant of its Indica hatchback. The new model, called the Flash, is based on the Indica LGi model, with several distinguishing features and significant additions to its list of equipment, says Tata. The automaker says the Flash is now specified well above the standard specification of its main competitors in the market. At R124 995, it's only R6000 more than.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 3rd December 2016

Ending hunger and enabling food security in Africa

 Researchers, policy-makers and development partners converge in Abuja, Nigeria, for the 11 African Economic Conference (AEC) from December 5-7, 2016, to share ideas on topical African development issues including how to end hunger and ensure food security in Africa. About 300 participants are expected to attend the annual event co-organised by the African Development Bank (AfDB), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 3rd December 2016

East Africa: Tanzania-Uganda Pipeline Work Starts

Dar es Salaam — The work towards the construction of a crude oil pipeline between Uganda and Tanzania is officially on, with project the developers inviting reputable contractors to undertake a social and resettlement plan.   To be known as East African Crude Oil Pipeline, the project - which will transport Ugandan crude to Tanga Port in Tanzania - will be built jointly by a French oil giant Total SA, the UK-based Tullow Oil and and.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 2nd December 2016

Rwanda: $13 Million Solar Powered Irrigation Scheme To Benefit Farmers

Rwanda's efforts to promote climate resilient agriculture and sustainable production in drought prone parts of the country have been boosted by the launch of a new solar-powered irrigation scheme in Ngoma District, Eastern Province.   The $13 million (about Rwf10.8 billion) irrigation scheme was built through Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA) under a partnership deal between the Government of Rwanda and Japan.   The.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 2nd December 2016

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