N e w s

Sugar exports to be supported by Zambian Revenue Authority

 The Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) has assured Zambia Sugar Plc that it will support the company’s efforts to increase exports of sugar provided it has all the necessary documentation. ZRA Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda said the authority is aware of the challenges Zambia Sugar Plc is currently facing, which among them, is increased smuggling of sugar into the country, which is affecting the company’s.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 19th December 2016

Metered taxi gets funding approved for owner/ driver scheme

 SA Taxi has secured R300-million in funding from Futuregrowth Asset Management, which it will use to provide financing for the company’s Zebra Cabs owner-driver scheme. SA Taxi is South Africa’s largest financier of minibus taxis. It acquired Zebra Cabs’ metered taxis in 2015, motivated by the need to expand its business activities into adjacent markets. The aim of SA Taxi’s newest venture is to revive the.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 16th December 2016

HACCP certification received by Capwell industries

 KENYA - Capwell Industries Ltd, one of the most diversified food processing enterprises in Kenya, has achieved a major milestone in the region by achieving the highly respected HACCP food safety systems certification. The company, the leading processor of rice, maize flour, porridges, pulses and packer and distributor of wheat flour products and spaghetti has become one of the few milling companies in Kenya and the.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 16th December 2016

Naacam director to increase the participation of companies in the country’s automotive sector

The biggest goal of newly appointed National Association of Automotive Component and Allied Manufacturers (Naacam) executive director Renai Moothilal is to increase the participation of black South Africans in the country’s automotive sector. He says there are “opportunities to drive transformation mainly within the tier two space. It is possible to bring in a cache of black industrialists, reshaping.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 15th December 2016

Floating Cage Method to be used for Fish Farming

 Fisheries is considered a resilient earner of foreign exchange to the country, if and when methods such as cage fish farming are harnessed by fish farmers. For a period of about 10 years, the sector had the second highest export earnings after coffee. But there is declining trend in species such as Tilapia and Nile Perch that are mostly the staple of capture fisheries due to overfishing in the freshwater bodies. Lake Victoria is a case.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 15th December 2016

Rwanda: Solar Education Drive for Villagers to Alleviate Poverty

In East Africa, Mobisol Rwanda, a solar energy equipment vendor, has launched a campaign dubbed "Walking Christmas Tree", which seeks to teach communities in the remote areas about the benefits of using solar energy.   Launching the campaign, the company’s sales and marketing manager, Ben Okello, told local media the New Times that the end goal of the drive is to reduce poverty in rural areas.   Okello said:.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 14th December 2016

Rwanda: Govt Slashes Power, Water Tariffs to Attract Industry Investors

The Government has slashed unit prices for electricity and rural water supply by 50 and 30 per cent, respectively, a move officials say will help increase affordability, service efficiency and competitiveness, among others.   Effective January 1, 2017, electricity tariff for households that consume not more than 15 kilowatts per month, will be Rwf89, down from Rwf182, translating into a 51 per cent deduction from the standard.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 14th December 2016

Rwanda: Govt Slashes Power, Water Tariffs to Attract Industry Investors

The Government has slashed unit prices for electricity and rural water supply by 50 and 30 per cent, respectively, a move officials say will help increase affordability, service efficiency and competitiveness, among others.   Effective January 1, 2017, electricity tariff for households that consume not more than 15 kilowatts per month, will be Rwf89, down from Rwf182, translating into a 51 per cent deduction from the standard.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 14th December 2016

Ethiopia: Double Digit Economic Growth to Continue - World Bank

In its fifth economic update for Ethiopia, the World Bank reported that the country's growth will remain relatively steady in the coming years. The country has been growing at an average of 11pc over the past decade.   Last year, the country registered a growth of eight percent, despite facing the worst drought in five decades.   Even though the country has reduced the problem of unemployment, the figure is still remained.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 14th December 2016

Ethiopia: Double Digit Economic Growth to Continue - World Bank

In its fifth economic update for Ethiopia, the World Bank reported that the country's growth will remain relatively steady in the coming years. The country has been growing at an average of 11pc over the past decade.   Last year, the country registered a growth of eight percent, despite facing the worst drought in five decades.   Even though the country has reduced the problem of unemployment, the figure is still remained.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 14th December 2016

Ethiopia: Double Digit Economic Growth to Continue - World Bank

In its fifth economic update for Ethiopia, the World Bank reported that the country's growth will remain relatively steady in the coming years. The country has been growing at an average of 11pc over the past decade.   Last year, the country registered a growth of eight percent, despite facing the worst drought in five decades.   Even though the country has reduced the problem of unemployment, the figure is still remained.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 14th December 2016

Ethiopia: Double Digit Economic Growth to Continue - World Bank

In its fifth economic update for Ethiopia, the World Bank reported that the country's growth will remain relatively steady in the coming years. The country has been growing at an average of 11pc over the past decade.   Last year, the country registered a growth of eight percent, despite facing the worst drought in five decades.   Even though the country has reduced the problem of unemployment, the figure is still remained.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 14th December 2016

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