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Ethiopia: JICA Training Program Helping Smallholder Farmers Improve Productivity

Agriculture is the main pillar of Ethiopian economy, contributing more than 40% share in the gross domestic product (GDP), and approximately 85% of the population labor.   However, food insecurity has been a persistent problem due to climate variability and the poor performance of the agricultural sector. To address this problem, the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) has been implementing several strategies, and have given due emphasis on.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 10th January 2017

Tanzania: Investing in Irrigation Key to Food Security

The spectre of famine is threatening Tanzania. However, this should not have come as a surprise as climate change has been sweeping across the world, yet we pretended to be immune and stuck to the business of yore of depending on rainfed agriculture.   Many Tanzanians are waiting for rain with bated breath as drought has left land unfit for farming. Crops have failed and livestock died for lack of pasture.   Drought has scorched a.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 10th January 2017

East Africa: Grow and Earn From Coffee Faster

It is no longer really true that growing Robusta coffee is a prerogative for the patient farmers that can afford to wait several years after planting before they can harvest the crop and begin earning money, according to Matia Ssengooba the proprietor of Ssemanja Coffee Nursery in Rakai District.   He says that if intending coffee farmers take time to find the right plantlets, it takes them much shorter to start harvesting the crop and.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 10th January 2017

Tanzania: Zanzibar Brands its Cloves, Other Spices to Boost Exclusivity

SPICES grown in Zanzibar, including cloves, are set to increase their competitiveness in the world market following the inauguration of its branding under the name 'Zanzibar Exotic Original.'   Isles President Ali Mohamed Shein graced the inauguration of the branded spices, noting that Zanzibar cloves remain the world's best, asking the people to maintain the standard.   "We took the best decision not to privatise cloves; it.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 10th January 2017

Tanzania: Gold Mining Firm Top Gainer on Dar Stock Exchange

ACACIA mining was the top gainer in Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE) last Friday as the market continued with a bear run.   According to market report, shares of the gold mining company gained by 7.13 per cent after closing the day trading at 10,820/- up from 10,100/-.   The top movers CRDB Bank, which had 1,614,966 shares traded at weighted average price of 215/- per share in 82 deals down from 250/- on opening of trading in.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 10th January 2017

Tanzania: Govt Still Keen on Uranium Mining at Mkuju

Energy and Minerals Minister Sospeter Muhongo has blamed some foreign countries for trying to thwart efforts by Tanzania to undertake the ambitious uranium mining at the Mkuju River Project in southern part of the country.   "We are not the first country to engage on mining of uranium; it should be noted as well that all big economies in the world are in demand of the heavy metal for power generation, weapons and for use in health.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 10th January 2017

Ethiopia: High Speed Rail Link Between Addis and Djibouti Officially Completed

The completion of the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway, a new 752km track linking Ethiopia’s capital with the Port of Djibouti, was officially marked today at a ceremony at Nagad Railway Station in Djibouti.   In the presence of Djibouti’s President, His Excellency Ismail Omar Guelleh, and Ethiopia’s Prime Minister, His Excellency Hailemariam Desalegn, and senior officials from across the region, the new railway linking.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 10th January 2017

Tanzania: Zanzibar Gets its First Ever Milk Processing Factory

Zanzibar — President Ali Mohamed Shein has officially opened 'Zanzibar's only' milk processing factory named 'Azam Diary' expressing concern over low milk consumption in the islands.   "People should be encouraged to drink milk. It is unfortunate that Zanzibar remains of the countries with lowest milk consumption. Let us change this trend," Dr Shein said here at the opening of the Azam Dairy Production Limited.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 10th January 2017

Tanzania: TPSF Pushes Govt to Act Towards New Industrial Parks

Private sector players in the country have appealed to the government to amend the Special Economic Zone Act and the Tanzania Investment Act to enable the country set up modern industrial parks to attract more investments, particularly from China.   The Executive Director of the Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF), Mr Godfrey Simbeye, made the call in Dar es Salaam yesterday ahead of one-day working visit by China's Foreign Affairs.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 10th January 2017

Trump Government Urged to Improve Healthcare Infrastructure in Africa

With continued global technological and economic progress, now more than ever, the health security of the United States is dependent upon the health security of other nations.   Today’s world is a very small place easily traversed in under 24 hours. In that short time, a virulent, vector-borne micro-organism could invade its human host, rapidly multiply, make the host ill, and infect new hosts. For the cost of an airline ticket, a.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 10th January 2017

Gibe III - Doubling Ethiopia's Power Generation Capacity

More than seven water and three wind power generators have been built in the effort the government exerted to meet the growing power demand in relation to the growing investment that has risen up with our country's growth.   Out of the power generating stations Gilgel Gibe I (with 180 mega watts), Tis Abay II (with 73 mega watts), Tekeze power generator (with 300 mega watts), Gilgel Gibe II (with 420 mega watts), Beles power generator.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 10th January 2017

Tanzania: Dam Construction to Go Ahead Despite Environmental Concerns

Envisaged construction of Kidunda dam in Morogoro to supply water in Dar es Salaam will be implemented as planned despite opposition from conservationists who claim that the project will impact negatively the flow of water in Rufiji River and eventually affect flora and fauna in Selous Game Reserve.   The Minister for Water and Irrigation, Engineer Gerson Lwenge, maintained yesterday that various studies had proved that the project will.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 10th January 2017

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