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Tanzania: Minister Assures Country Has Food Surplus, Not Shortage

Minister for Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Dr Charles Tizeba said yesterday that until October, 2016 a total of 1.5 million metric tonnes of cereals were sold to neighbouring countries from Tanzania.   The Minister was reacting on the recent comments on the state of food in the country. He said so far there is enough food in the country.   He said in the last season, the country had a total of 3 million metric.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 18th January 2017

Kenya: Smallholder Farmers to Benefit from Mastercard's #2kuze Platform

Mastercard has launched 2KUZE, a digital platform that connects smallholder farmers, agents, buyers and banks in East Africa.   The platform that is live already in Kenya and had reached over 2000 farmers at its piloting stage. Mastercard seeks to launch the platform in Tanzania and Uganda in the coming weeks. The company also targets to reach close to half a million farmers in two years.   2KUZE, which in Swahili means "Let's.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 18th January 2017

EU Asks East African Countries to Invest More in Solar

SOROTI, UGANDA - East African states have been asked to invest more resources in the development of renewable power projects like solar energy where the region has a better comparative advantage as compared to Hydropower which is more expensive to finance.   Development partners say the climate conditions in some countries within the community such as Uganda supports the development of solar power but the country has not yet exploited.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 17th January 2017

Ethiopia: Govt Working to Improve Potable Water Access for All

Water, Irrigation and Electricity State Minister Firenesh Mekuria said the country has build good reputation increasing access to potable water at national level and achieving most of the MDGs goals of supplying safe water as part of its GTP-I efforts.   Speaking at the 10th round water forum, the state minister also said there is still huge gap in the supply which various stakeholders need to narrow joining hands with the government..... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 17th January 2017

Ethiopia: Focus on Sugar Production to End Importation

More than sixty years elapsed since Ethiopia had become familiar with sugar industry. Though the nation has huge potential for sugar development, the number of sugar factories was so limited and the production remained to be relatively small for long. As a result, the country was obliged to import huge amount of the product to meet the rising local demand.   Fortunately, the situation began changing a couple of decades ago when the.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 17th January 2017

Kenya: Record Tea Prices This Year at Mombasa Auction

Tea prices at the Mombasa auction kicked off 2017 on a high note, nearly touching a one-year record during last week's auction.   A market report by the East African Tea Traders Association (EATTA) indicates that a kilogramme of made tea fetched Sh268 on average in Tuesday's trading compared with Sh260 in an earlier sale.   The volume traded last week though dropped by 667,483 tonnes in one of the largest volume declines in recent.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 17th January 2017

Tanzania: Grain Silos Helping Farmers Eliminate Post-Harvest Losses

Malahi Chalahani seems to win a race this year. Njire Jibusa and his wife Mwashi Kapimitilo are also confident to win the same race. Likewise, Yohana Samson and his wife Saru Lameck.   All of them are farmers in the ward of Msowero, Morogoro-District. And they all just installed a metal silo. In August last year, after harvest, they stored some 500 kilogrammes of maize in it and closed the silo hermetically. In February, they will most.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 17th January 2017

Tanzania: Chinese Firm Signs $1 Billion Deal to Boost Cassava Farming

Dar es Salaam — Tanzania has signed a $1 billion partnership agreement with a Chinese firm to commercialise cassava farming and processing, raising hopes to growers who have been grappling with the challenge of accessing reliable markets.   Tanzania Agricultural Export Processing Zone Limited and Epoch Agriculture (TAEPZ) from China said they created an out-grower scheme that will ensure sufficient production of cassava for.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 17th January 2017

Tanzania: UAE Firm Piques Govt's Interest in Building Modern Swimming Pool, Sports Academy

Dar es Salaam — The government has shown positive reception of the interest by United Arabs Emirates (UAE) Hamilton Aquatics club of building modern swimming pool as well as providing sports academy with training facilities in the country.   The officials who jetted in were: Hamilton Aquatics Director, Christopher Tidey and Chief Executive Officer (Ceo), Phillippa Clark.   The executives were hosted by the leading swimming.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 17th January 2017

Kenya: Construction of Bridge Across Ferry Channel Delayed

Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho has said the national government has delayed the construction of a bridge across Likoni channel by switching firms.   Mr Joho said the French government was willing to finance the construction but got no approval from the government, which sought another company's services.   Speaking at the Aga Kgan Hospital in Mombasa during the signing of an agreement between Aga Khan Health Services Kenya and Agence.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 17th January 2017

Ethiopia: Authority Signs Road Construction Deals Worth $2 Billion

Ethiopia is committed to expand access to modern road.   The Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) signed road construction agreement worth 6.4 billion Birr with domestic and foreign contractors Thursday.   Speaking at the signing ceremony, Ethiopian Roads Authority Director General Araya Girmay said the agreement was made to construct Babile-fiq I,. II,III, Asosa-Daleti-Barudu, Eteya-Robe-Seru, Afedera-Erebti and Eritale-Ahmedela I,II.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 17th January 2017

Rwanda: Rwandair's Mumbai Direct Flights to Boost Trade, Tourism

The move by RwandAir to start direct commercial flights to Mumbai, India in quarter two of the year will ease market access and help reduce transport costs, the business community and experts have said. It could also boost tourism arrivals, they added.   The development follows the signing of bilateral air services agreements between Rwanda and India during the 8th Vibrant Gujarat Summit, a global business forum in India, early this week,.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 16th January 2017

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