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East Africa: Fuel to Cost More as Crude Prices go up

Consumers in East Africa will pay more for refined petroleum products, as global crude oil prices rise.   Ecobank Research, an arm of Ecobank Group, said crude oil prices on the international market have rebounded upwards from $50 a barrel, following a decision by members of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and other producers in early December 2016, to cut output by 1.8 million barrels per day.   The.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 21st January 2017

Kenya: As Hydroelectric Dams Dry Up, Thermal Power Takes Over

Kenya is injecting thermal electricity into the national grid to compensate for hydro generation -- which has affected by low water levels due to poor rainfall last year.   The government has ruled out loadshedding, but the use of electricity generated from plants that use expensive diesel and fuel oil sets the stage for higher bills.   In the late 1990s, Kenya started diversifying power sources to reduce dependence on.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 21st January 2017

Tanzania: Govt Asks Mining Firm to Speed Up Uranium Extraction

Tanzania has moved to speed up uranium extraction in Mkuju River in the Selous Game Reserve, Africa's biggest wildlife conservancy area, amid protests from wildlife conservationists.   The government has directed Mantra Tanzania Ltd to start mining within two years for citizens to benefit from the project and the country to earn foreign currency from mineral exports.   Deputy Minister for Energy and Minerals Medard Kalemani said.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 21st January 2017

Rwanda: Construction Boom to Continue in 2017

Players in Rwanda’s construction sector are upbeat about prospects for 2017, saying the gains of last year are likely to be replicated.   “We saw a boom in 2016. The momentum is going to continue even this year,” said Adeline Kajangwe, the industrial development analyst at RDB.   “Some big projects have kicked off well. For example, groundbreaking at the Bugesera airport project has been done. Others are in.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 21st January 2017

Kenya has Potential to Lead the Way to Universal Health Care in Africa

Nairobi — Consider this: every year, nearly one million Kenyans are pushed below the poverty line as a result of unaffordable health care expenses.   For many Kenyan families, the cost of health care is as distressing as the onset of illness and access to treatment. A majority of the population at risk can hardly afford the costs associated with basic health care and when faced with life threatening conditions, it is a double.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 21st January 2017

Crowdfunding Helping African Entrepreneurs Grow

The banks wouldn't give him a loan, so Cameroonian Georges Badjang approached a crowdfunding platform. Although relatively unknown in Africa, this alternative source of finance is helping his firm grow.   Jacques Georges Badjang was never really interested in emigrating abroad. Even when he was a student, he was determined to show it was possible to create and achieve something in his native Cameroon.   As there were several.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 21st January 2017

Uganda to Construct SGR Line up to Kenya Border

Uganda has announced plans to start constructing its standard gauge railway (SGR) later this year after it apparently dropped an earlier condition that required Kenya to extend its track to the border first.   The 273-kilometre track linking the capital Kampala to Kenya's border town of Malaba will be built at a cost of $2.3 billion, local media quoting government sources said.   The first phase, which will take 40 months to be.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 21st January 2017

Tanzania: Construction of New Airport Terminal 65 Per Cent Complete

Construction of Terminal Three at the Julius Nyerere International Airport (JNIA) has been completed by 65 per cent and the government has promised to use funds from domestic revenue sources to complete construction work of Phase II of the project which will cost about 290bn/-.   Upon completion, the new terminal is meant to meet the future growth on international arrivals by extending capacity to 6 million passengers per annum in a total.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 21st January 2017

Kenya: President Bans Maize Export till Drought Ends

President Uhuru Kenyatta has banned exportation of maize until the ravaging drought ends.   The Head of State further ordered the arrest of unscrupulous traders, who were hoarding maize to make "abnormal" profits.   Addressing a rally in Isiolo Town, President Kenyatta, who was flanked by Sports Cabinet Secretary Hassan Wario and Governor Godana Doyo said the drought in the country was dire and that his government was.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 21st January 2017

Tanzania: More CNG Stations in Dar to Provide Cleaner, Cheaper Energy

Tanzania plans to construct more compressed natural gas (CNG) stations in Dar es Salaam to provide cheaper, cleaner energy for more of its citizens.   According to the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC), the project will be executed in three phases and will involve construction of 15 compressed natural gas stations in the country's commercial capital.   "This project hasn't taken off because of lack of funding..... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 21st January 2017

Kenya to Export Tea to Iran and Russia as UN Lifts Trade Embargo

The Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA) has found a new markets for tea in Iran and Russia after the United Nations lifted a 10-year embargo.   According to KTDA national chairman Peter Kanyago, the agency will continue expanding the orthodox tea product in order to dislodge India and Sri Lanka that has dominated the market over the years.   "We have done heavy marketing and penetration to the two market frontiers as we intend.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 20th January 2017

Tanzania: Farmers Look to Experts for Guidance As Climate Change Looms

Farmers in the district have appealed to the government for more agricultural extension officers to help turn around the fortunes of an increasing number of locals turning into farming.   Speaking to The Citizen recently, farmers said over the last few planting seasons, they have been missing out on essential guidelines from agricultural experts amid the biting effects of climate change.   "We lack guidance on what types of.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 20th January 2017

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