N e w s

Rwanda: Govt. to Split Natural Resources Authority into Three Bodies

The government has introduced a Bill that seeks to dissolve the Rwanda Natural Resources Authority (RNRA) and form three independent and specialised bodies focused on oil, gas, and minerals as well as land, water, and forestry.   The Minister for Natural Resources, Dr Vincent Biruta, introduced the draft law in the Lower House, on Friday, and its basis was unanimously approved by MPs, which means that laws governing the new bodies will be.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 30th January 2017

Kenya: Governors to Hire Doctors on Contract Basis to Ease Burden

Governors said they will employ doctors on a three-year renewable contract as opposed to the current permanent work terms.   This, they said, will help them engage the doctors on a more sober manner as compared to now when they are permanent and under the national government.   The county bosses have threatened to sack doctors who have been on strike, saying they had run out of patience.   Council of Governors health.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 30th January 2017

Tanzania: Standard Gauge Railway Project Still Up for Grabs

Dar es Salaam — The government has explained that it is yet to enter into any exclusive deal with any country or company with regard to the funding and implementation of the project to upgrade the Central Railway Line to a standard gauge.   This was revealed yesterday by the Minister for Works, Transport and Communications, Prof Makame Mbarawa, in an exclusive interview with The Citizen.   Earlier this week, during the visit.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 30th January 2017

Tanzania: Focus on Agro Processing Can Save Millions in Raw Crop Exports

Dar es Salaam — Tanzania losses over Sh1.6 trillion annually through exports of raw cashewnuts and importation of sugar, edible oil and milk.   This money could be saved if the country focuses on agro processing, agriculture experts who met in Dar es Salaam today have observed.   The lost money include $110 million from raw export of cashewnuts and $250 million in sugar importation. There is also $358 million through.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 30th January 2017

Tanzania: Military Uniforms to be Sourced from Local Industries - Ministry

The Ministry of Home Affairs will soon begin to source materials for military uniforms from local industries, a move that will reduce the cost of importing them through Procurement Entities (PEs).   The declaration was made in Dar es Salaam by Permanent Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of Home Affairs, Major General (rtd) Projest Rwegasira while visiting NIDA and Urafiki Textile Mills in the city yesterday to see for himself the quality of.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 30th January 2017

Tanzania: Oil & Gas Firms Drill Two New Offshore Wells

Royal Dutch Shell Plc jointly with Pavilion Energy Pte Ltd and Ophir Energy Plc have completed drilling two offshore natural gas wells in southern Tanzania.   Netherlands-based Shell, which took over the global operations of BG Group last year, jointly owns deep sea blocks 1, 3 and 4 with Pavilion of Singapore and Ophir of Britain.   The joint venture partners started drilling Kitatange-1 well in block 1 and Bunju-1 well in block 4.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 30th January 2017

Kenya: Konza City to be African Tech Hub with Independent Fiber Optic Links

Konza city will be connected to two independent fiber links by March 2017.   This is according to a tweet posted on the Konza Techno CIty Twitter platform, @konzatechnocity.   In earlier updates, the hub had already tapped into the National Optic Fibre Backbone Infrastructure (NOFBI), which will see the techno city connected with three separate high speed internet infrastructure.   On completion, the techno city which is.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 30th January 2017

Kenya: Mombasa Cement to Build $2.5 Million Wind Farm

Mombasa Cement is set to build a 36 megawatt (MW) wind farm in Kilifi for its own use and sale to Kenya Power.   The project, which consists of 12 turbines of 3MW each, will cost an estimated Sh260 million, according to regulatory filings submitted by the cement manufacturer.   The wind park will be build on a section of the 1,200 acres of land Mombasa Cement owns in Vipingo, on which it already operates a clinker factory that.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 30th January 2017

Kenya: Mombasa Cement to Construct 36 MW Wind Energy Project

Mombasa Cement is set to build a 36 megawatt (MW) wind farm in Kilifi for its own use and sale to Kenya Power.   The project, which consists of 12 turbines of 3MW each, will cost an estimated Sh260 million, according to regulatory filings submitted by the cement manufacturer.   The wind park will be build on a section of the 1,200 acres of land Mombasa Cement owns in Vipingo, on which it already operates a clinker factory that.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 30th January 2017

Kenya: Aga Khan Hospitals to Get $12.5 Million Upgrade

The Aga Khan Health Services-Kenya and Agence Française de Développement (AFD) have signed a Ksh1.25 billion ($12.5 million) expansion and upgrading agreement for Kisumu and Mombasa Aga Khan hospitals.   Aga Khan Hospital Mombasa chief executive Noorali Mimon said key among the beneficiaries would be a cardiology programme and a day-care chemotherapy centre.   Moyez Alibhai, chairman of the Aga Khan Health.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 25th January 2017

Rwanda to Get 4 More Regional Centres of Excellence

Rwanda is set host to four new regional centres of excellence to provide post-graduate education relevant to the labour market as well as enable the country and the region to embrace latest trends across various sectors.   The regional centres of excellence are under the World Bank-funded African Centres of Excellence.   The centres of excellence are in the areas of Energy for Sustainable Development, Internet of Things, Teaching.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 25th January 2017

Rwanda: Govt Embarks on Training Program to Empower SMEs

The Government has embarked on a training programme to equip Small and Medium Enterprises in the meat value chain.   The training will help livestock farmers, butchers, meat processors and suppliers meet hotel, supermarket and aviation industry standards by acquiring Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) certification.   Being HACCP-certified means that a product is safe, indicating that the consumer will not get sick.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 25th January 2017

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