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Tanzania: Appoint Experts to Small Industries to Boost Production - Factory Owner

Moshi — The government has been requested to send experts to small-scale industries to improve increased production to boost the country's industrialisation process.   The call was made by the Managing Director of the Moshi-based JayJey Industry, Humphrey Mosha. He said highly skilled experts are needed to enable industries increase production. "We have many experts in our universities and ministries who can help in.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 1st February 2017

Tanzania: Rescued Miners Discharged from Hospital

Geita — All the 15 miners who were trapped in a mine pit at Nyarugusu for four days and rushed to Geita Regional Hospital here on Sunday were discharged yesterday.   However, the record treatment speed seemed not to have pleased family members of some of the victims who found the treatment 'too fast', wishing they had stayed longer for more observation.   In less than 24 hours of their stay at the medical facility, the.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 1st February 2017

Tanzania: Zanzibar Announces Ban on Sand Mining

Zanzibar — Zanzibar Minister of Agriculture, Natural Resources, Livestock and Fisheries, Hamad Rashid Mohamed, on Sunday announced a ban on sand mining after several studies have proved that the twin islands experience scarcity.   "Honestly, Zanzibar has run out of sand," the minister told a press conference, appealing to the media to help spread the message to the public about the new challenge in the construction.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 1st February 2017

Tanzania: Affordable Power, Reliable Infrastructure Vital for Economic Growth

Affordable energy supply and reliable infrastructure are the main pillars in building up the country's economy.   As the Fifth Phase Government gears on building an industrial driven-economy, there is need for improving infrastructure to enable business activities to take place in ideal environments.   Among important areas that boost country's economy include active and fully operational ports, reliable roads, railways and many.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 1st February 2017

Tanzania: Affordable Energy, Reliable Infrastructure Key for Economic Growth

Affordable energy supply and reliable infrastructure are the main pillars in building up the country's economy.   As the Fifth Phase Government gears on building an industrial driven-economy, there is need for improving infrastructure to enable business activities to take place in ideal environments.   Among important areas that boost country's economy include active and fully operational ports, reliable roads, railways and many.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 1st February 2017

Africa: President of Guinea Becomes New AU Chairperson

Guinea's President Alpha Conde has taken over as the new chairperson of the African Union from Chad President Idris Deby who on Monday completed his one year term at the helm of the continental body.   Conde was elected Monday morning by the African Heads of State present at the Opening of the African Union Summit General assembly underway in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.   The chair of the AU is held on a rotational basis among the five.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 31st January 2017

Kenya: Antibiotics in Meat - A Serious Cause for Concern

Fast food chain Burger King has made a commitment to only serve chicken meat from animals that haven't been fed antibiotics in the US and Canada. But the same rules won't apply in Kenya. Eating meat from animals that have been fed antibiotics has been attributed to a rise in resistance to the drugs that treat bacterial germs. The Conversation Africa's health and medicine editor Joy Wanja Muraya asks Sam Kariuki to explain the health.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 31st January 2017

Kenya: Solar TVs Make a Mark in Rural Regions

London — Kenyans in rural areas are increasingly looking to buy solar TVs. Rising expectations mean that they want something similar to a Kenyan living in the city, not a downscaled product with less content and a smaller screen. Azuri Technologies is seeking to meet this need with an alliance with pay TV provider Zuku. Russell Southwood spoke to its CEO Simon Bransfield-Garth about its ambitions.   Azuri Technologies'.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 31st January 2017

Rwanda: Soon Apply for Loans on Mobile Phones

More and more financial institutions are increasingly turning to information and communication technologies (ICTs) to facilitate their operations as well as deliver new products to customers.   The trend is also aimed at increasing access to services and further deepening financial inclusion, according to sector analysts. On this front, Rwandans could soon be able to apply and receive startup capital and other types of soft loans on their.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 31st January 2017

Kenya: Govt to Spend Sh20 Million to Rebuild Schools Attacked By Terrorists

The national government has released Sh20 million for the reconstruction of buildings and other amenities destroyed during Al-Shabaab in Lamu County.   Addressing journalists in Lamu town on Monday, Linda Boni Operation Director Mr James Ole Serian said the funds will be used to reconstruct classrooms in various schools and dispensaries that were burnt down by Al-Shabaab in raids between 2014 and 2015.   Mr Serian said Sh2milion.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 31st January 2017

AU Tells Member States to Prioritise Agriculture, Grow Economies

The African Union (AU) has called on the member states to prioritise agriculture to grow their economies.   The AU Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, Mrs  Tumusiime Rhoda Peace , said that experience from elsewhere indicated a positive correlation between development and modernisation of agriculture.   She made the remarks Thursday afternoon in Addis Ababa ahead of the Heads of Sates Summit, scheduled for the.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 30th January 2017

Kenya: More SGR Locomotives, Coaches Arrive as June Commission Date Nears

Two passenger locomotives, four freight locomotives and 31 passenger coaches are expected at the Mombasa Port on Saturday as the contractor races to beat the June deadline when the Standard Gauge Railway is expected to be commissioned.   Each of the soft-seat coaches can accommodate 72 passengers while the hard-seat ones have a capacity of 118 passengers.   According a statement by Transport ministry, officials from the China Road.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 30th January 2017

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