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East Africa: Agriculture Still the Greatest Source of Jobs in the Region

Despite East Africa's increased public investment in infrastructure, an area long considered a sure source of employment for locals, the region continues to depend on the agricultural sector for jobs.   But experts warn that the agricultural sector fuels underemployment, which is a common feature in many countries in East Africa. In Uganda, underemployment is just 9.3 per cent, while in Rwanda, this figure is even lower at two per.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 14th February 2017

Tanzania: Construction of Mega $110 Million Pharmaceutical Plant Scheduled for This Year

Simiyu — Various government institutions have teamed up to execute a 250bn/- pharmaceutical industry in Simiyu region, with prospects of saving billions of public funds in importation of medicines.   Regional Commissioner Anthon Mtaka, speaking here yesterday ahead of the region's business forum, told the 'Daily News' that the multibillion project is scheduled to take off this year.   Execution of the project comes as a great.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 14th February 2017

Tanzania: Ambitious $110 Million Pharmaceutical Plant Project to Take off This Year

Simiyu — Various government institutions have teamed up to execute a 250bn/- pharmaceutical industry in Simiyu region, with prospects of saving billions of public funds in importation of medicines.   Regional Commissioner Anthon Mtaka, speaking here yesterday ahead of the region's business forum, told the 'Daily News' that the multibillion project is scheduled to take off this year.   Execution of the project comes as a great.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 14th February 2017

Tanzania: State Releases $10 Million to Contractor for Airport Terminal Construction

The government has paid 22bn/- to BAM International Company, which is constructing the Julius Nyerere International Airport (JNIA) Terminal III.   Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance and Planning, Doto James, told reporters yesterday that the ministry conducted a thorough assessment before the payment. He said the money was paid the day after President John Magufuli made an impromptu site visit.   On Wednesday, President.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 14th February 2017

Rwanda: Govt Finds New Minerals as Part of Exploration Drive

Rwanda has far more natural resources than previously thought, an official familiar with the country's mineral exploration programme has said.   The revelation comes days after the Government established a fully-fledged statutory body to oversee and coordinate all the exploration and mining-related activities in the country: the Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board.   Dr Emmanuel Munyangabe, who the Cabinet on February 3 appointed.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 13th February 2017

Rwanda: Govt Reveals New Measures to Streamline Housing Sector

The government has come up with new measures to meet housing needs in the country, Didier Sagashya, Director General of Rwanda Housing Authority, has said.   While addressing a post-cabinet press conference this week, Sagashya said the government had identified bottlenecks hindering the delivery of low-cost housing, hence devising new procedures to streamline the set targets within the housing sector.   "We informed the.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 13th February 2017

Tanzania: MPs Push for Adequate Funds to Boost Industrialization Drive

Members of Parliament (MPs) yesterday came out strongly in support of the Ministry of Industries, Trade and Investments, asking the government to release more development funds to accelerate an industrial driven economy.   Majority MPs nodded to a report by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Industries, Trade and Environment, which cautioned that failure to adequately finance development projects under the ministry is likely to.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 13th February 2017

Tanzania: National Housing Corporation Puts up 300 Units for Sale In Dodoma

The National Housing Corporation (NHC) has launched the sale of 300 housing units at Iyumbu Satellite Centre in Dodoma Region, being built at a cost of 12.3bn/-. Initiated in December 2016, the project is designed to accommodate the government officials and commercial investors, among others.   NHC Director General Nehemia Mchechu said in Dar es Salaam yesterday that the scheme, to be completed in June this year, was set up after the.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 13th February 2017

Tanzania: Mining Firm to Invest $2 Million to Clean Up Image, Reconcile with Govt

Tanzania's largest mining company, Acacia, has set aside $2 million (Sh4 billion) to clean up its image and repair its relationship with the government following accusations of tax evasion and excessive profits, the South African Globe and Mail newspaper reports.   Acacia Mining, which is a subsidiary of Toronto-based Barrick Gold Corp, owns three gold mines in Tanzania that include Buzwagi, Bulyanhulu and North Mara. But it has faced a.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 13th February 2017

Ethiopia, Turkey Discuss Ways to Increase Trade, Investment

President Mulatu Teshome and Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held discussions in Ankara, Turkey.   President Mulatu hailed the discussion they had on wide ranging issues as "fruitful and productive", according to Anadolu, a Turkish news agency.   "We have recognized that additional effort is needed to further strengthen and deepen cooperation through economic interdependence and expanding trade and.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 13th February 2017

Ethiopia, Turkey Discuss Ways to Increase Trade, Investment

President Mulatu Teshome and Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held discussions in Ankara, Turkey.   President Mulatu hailed the discussion they had on wide ranging issues as "fruitful and productive", according to Anadolu, a Turkish news agency.   "We have recognized that additional effort is needed to further strengthen and deepen cooperation through economic interdependence and expanding trade and.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 13th February 2017

Ethiopia: MSEs Awarded Condominium Electrification Project

National Condominium Electrification Program Office announced that it has finalized preparations to engage 81 Micro and Small Scale Enterprises (MSEs) in condominium electrification projects.   Speaking at a consultative forum on job creation with stakeholders, Office CEO Gosaye Mengiste said yesterday that since the beginning of condominium construction in 2004,MSEs s have been playing major roles in the electrification program.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 13th February 2017

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