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Kenya: 35 Students to Undergo Railway Operation Training in China

Nairobi — Thirty-five Kenyan students will depart to China at the end of February on a scholarship program to prepare them for Kenya's new railway.   Transport and Infrastructure Cabinet Secretary James Macharia said the students will receive undergraduate education at Beijing Jiaotong University, a top university in China for railway studies.   "The students will receive high-level training for operating Kenya's railway.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 25th February 2017

Rwanda: New Chief Takes Over as Bugesera Airport Construction Gets Underway

The Aviation, Travel and Logistics Limited (ATL Ltd) has its work cut out for the next two years as the new chief executive takes office and construction works of Bugesera International Airport kicks off.   Lucky Cheong, the new chief executive of the holding firm, said, at the moment, they are deeply involved in the design of Bugesera International Airport as well as construction.   He said as construction work for the new airport.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 25th February 2017

Tanzania: Affordable Houses Key to Profits in Real Estate Market

Reports indicating that real estate developers and agents found it difficult to find clients to buy and rent high-end properties last year should give them a complete shift in their business models. Developers will be required to adjust to the new economic realities and come up with the type of houses that meet the capabilities of a majority of Dar es Salaam residents.   With a deficit of three million housing units, the market is still.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 24th February 2017

Ethiopia: Textiles Making Country FDI Manufacturing Hub

Ethiopia has continued becoming investors' choice. It is attracting more Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from time to time. Particularly, textile and garment manufacturing industries, as the sectors are labour intensive, they create millions of job opportunities,and help transfer technology. They have managed to attract both local and foreign big companies in the budget year. Thus, becoming Africa's light manufacturing industry hub is well in.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 24th February 2017

Ethiopia: Construction Industry Key to Sustained Development

The construction industry has been playing crucial role in expanding infrastructures such as roads, schools, health centres, real estates, irrigation, residential houses and the like. Hence, it created job opportunities for hundreds of thousands allover the country and established value chains through facilitating markets to cement industries and small scale enterprises. As rapidly growing economy, the nation aims at cultivating the sector so.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 24th February 2017

Ethiopia: The Bolstering Growth of the Construction Industry

Ethiopia is a rapidly growing country that has been scoring a double digit economic growth for a decade. The availability of untapped natural resources coupled with its being the second populous country in Africa further makes the nation advantageous. Among others, the construction sector is instrumental in catapulting the nation to higher levels of development.   Without the construction sector, the burgeoning of all the economic sub.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 24th February 2017

East Africa: Tanzanian Energy Firm to Take Over Kenya Oil Unit

Nairobi — Tanzania's energy firm Lake Oil is set to acquire the petroleum retail business of Hashi Energy in Kenya.   The acquisition will add to Lake Oil's existing gas distribution business in Kenya.   "It is notified for general information that the Competition Authority of Kenya has authorised the proposed acquisition of the retail petroleum business of Hashi Energy Limited by Lake Oil Limited," the regulator.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 24th February 2017

Rwanda: Govt Expects to Raise Yearly $2 Million In Taxes for AU Funding

Members of Parliament have approved the relevance of the Bill establishing the levy on imported goods for the financing of African Union (AU) operations.   The Bill, if enacted into law, will help the Government collect around Rwf1.5 billion annual dues to sponsor AU affairs as the continent seeks to get rid of donor dependence.   At least $1.2 billion (about Rwf898 billion) is expected to be raised by all African states to cater.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 24th February 2017

Ethiopia: PM Lays Cornerstone for $100 Million Agro-Industrial Park

Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn laid a cornerstone for Baeker Integrated Agro-Industrial Park yesterday in Humera, town of western Tigray State.   Speaking at the occasion, Prime Minister Hailemariam said the industrial park would play a role in creating economic integration with neighboring countries apart from its importance for the national economy.   The premier noted that the industrial park would also support country's.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 23rd February 2017

Kenya: Kenyatta University to Construct Massive $48 Million Hostel

Kenyatta University is on the verge of constructing a whopping US$ 48m hostel that will see the invention of 6, 000 rooms.   The project is set to be developed by a New York-based private equity firm Africa Integras which confirms that it is now ready to proceed with the project after concluding negotiations with the financiers. The US fund was awarded the deal to lead the public private partnership (PPP) investment in 2014 and signed a.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 23rd February 2017

Ethiopia: Coffee Industry Lauds Peace and Stability in Country

The participants of the 15th African Fine Coffees Association (AFCA) Conference and Exhibition in Ethiopia lauded nation's peace and stability.   Participants who exhibited their products at the Millennium Hall in Addis Ababa told The Ethiopian Herald that they had not seen any problem of peace and security during their stay in the country.   Martha Rutynowska-Eising who represented Bosch Packaging, a Germany company, confirmed.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 23rd February 2017

Kenya: Mango Farmers See Increased Profits with Solar Refrigerators

Nziu — Solar-powered cold storage and biological pest control are helping protect Kenya's mangoes from climate change   It is a hot and cloudless morning, a sign that it will be sunny right through the afternoon. Joseph Mailu moves along rows of fruiting mango trees with a long pole in his hand, harvesting the mature fruits.   The succulent green mangoes drop inside a net tied to the tip of the pole which prevents them from.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 23rd February 2017

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