N e w s

Ethiopia: Institute Looking to Boost Textile Sector, Increase Exports

Ethiopian Textile Development Institute would intensify efforts in curbing textile sector bottlenecks as textile exports had declined slightly in the first half current fiscal year.   The Institute Communication Director Banteyihun Gessesse told The Ethiopian Herald that country had planned to earn 165 million USD from textile exports last year,but it had secured 75 million USD. " By the same token ,we exported textile worth 42.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 9th March 2017

Kenya: Presidents Kenyatta, Trump Discuss Trade, Investment

President Donald Trump spoke on Tuesday with President Uhuru Kenyatta, with the White House saying that the US leader sought to "reaffirm the strong bilateral relationship between our two countries."   The telephone conversation also focused on "economic partnership and mutual dedication to overcoming terrorism and other regional security challenges through close cooperation," a statement from White House.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 9th March 2017

Kenyan Women Earn Most from Airbnb, Use Funds to Start Business - Report

Nairobi — Kenyan women earn about one-third of their annual household expenditure from Airbnb   Home-renting site Airbnb is providing women with a new way to earn money and build businesses with more women than men on the site and women in Kenya gaining the most, the company said on Tuesday.   Airbnb said women have outnumbered men using the site since its 2008 launch and there are currently more than one million women hosts.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 9th March 2017

Ethiopia: Adding up Ethiopia's Energy Resources

In such a carbon constrained world of today, the development of renewable energy sources like that of electric power is remarkably compelling. Recent studies indicate that 600 million people in sub-Saharan Africa, which accounts for the 70 per cent of the population lack access to electricity. Half of all businesses in this part of the continent say that the lack of reliable electricity is a major constraint. Power outages cost African countries.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 9th March 2017

Ethiopia: Bureau Employees to Continue Financial Support for GERD

The Addis Ababa Youth and Sports Bureau senior officials and employees pledged to continue financial supporting for Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) in a recent held meeting.   It was also noted that the Bureau bought bonds worth over 1.3 million Birr through coordinating various government and public wings during the recent bond week.   Bureau Head Nigatu Dagnachew said on the occasion the construction of GERD is well.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 9th March 2017

Tanzania: Prices of Petrol, Diesel Skyrocket, Kerosene Remains Same

Vehicle owners will now pay more on every litre of petrol they purchase as the petroleum regulator raises prices for the products in response to a depreciating local currency and increasing global prices.   The Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (Ewura) in its monthly pricing formula released on Wednesday reveals that Motorists will have to pay Sh101.54 more per every litre of Petrol in March. Diesel users will also pay.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 7th March 2017

Kenya: 64% Kenyans 'Most Likely' to Vote for Party Supporting Clean Energy - Survey

Politicians who want to get elected in the August General Election should settle for a party that supports clean energy, a survey has shown.   According to the survey by Infotrack whose results were released on Monday, almost two-thirds of Kenyans (64 per cent) will "more likely" vote for a political party that supports clean energy.   Just over a third (36 per cent) either do not know (20 per cent) if they would back a.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 7th March 2017

Kenya: 64% Kenyans 'Most Likely' to Vote for Party Supporting Clean Energy - Survey

Politicians who want to get elected in the August General Election should settle for a party that supports clean energy, a survey has shown.   According to the survey by Infotrack whose results were released on Monday, almost two-thirds of Kenyans (64 per cent) will "more likely" vote for a political party that supports clean energy.   Just over a third (36 per cent) either do not know (20 per cent) if they would back a.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 7th March 2017

Tanzania: Central Bank Slashes Rates, Gives New Hope for Credit Supply

Dar es Salaam — There is hope for possible improvement in credit to the private sector after the Bank of Tanzania (BoT) slashed the discount rate by four percentage points effective from today.   The central bank said it reviewed downward the discount rate - the interest rate at which it charges for lending to other banks - from 16 per cent to 12 per cent starting today and experts said the move could lead to reduced lending rates.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 7th March 2017

Kenya: Donkey Meat Legal But Only Exported to China

Did you know that donkey meat has been legalised and certified for human consumption in Kenya?   Well, the Meat Control (amendment) Act 2012 documented donkey alongside horse as a food animal in Kenya.   While butcheries have not been licensed to sell donkey meat, interested parties and owners of abattoirs can seek licences at the relevant veterinary offices to slaughter and sell the meat outside the country.   According to.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 7th March 2017

Rwandan Products Well Received at Singapore International Expo

Rwandan products; coffee and tea featured at the just concluded 2017 International Coffee and Tea Expo that was staged in Singapore between March 2 and 4   According to a statement from the Rwandan High Commission in Singapore, the expo was held alongside the Sweets and Bakes Expo 2017 in which honey produced in Rwanda was showcased.   "In a booth managed by the High Commission, a variety of Rwandan coffee and tea were.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 7th March 2017

East Africa: Construction of $600 Million Transnational Highway to Begin Soon

Study for the proposed multinational highway which will link the East African Coastline treading Kenya and Tanzania from Mombasa to Bagamoyo, has been completed.   East African Community (EAC) is finalising plans for the transnational highway, which measures 450 kilometre-long, and expected to cost 600 million US dollars (over 1.2tri/-).   The highway moves from Malindi, through Mombasa and Lunga Lunga on the Kenyan side, before.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 7th March 2017

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