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Africa: Drones Helping Maize Breeders Cut Costs

Harare — Using drone technology could cut labour and costs spent in collecting data for maize breeding by at least ten per cent, preliminary findings of a project shows.   With increased demand for better seeds to adapt to changing climate, breeders have turned to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) also known as drones for precise gathering of data from the field to enable more efficient maize breeding in most of Southern.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 21st March 2017

Ethiopia: Improving Living Standards with Solar Power

The first large installation of solar energy tapping panel in Ethiopia was conducted in Mitto village with a mini-grid of 10 kW in 1985, by the former Ministry of Mines and Energy. Four years latter it was expanded to 30-kW. Before 2008, almost the major solar power applications were used for telecommunications. In early 2013 a solar panel assembly plant was opened around the suburb ofAddis Ababa.   In line with this, last February the.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 20th March 2017

Ethiopia: Construction of New 50,000-Seater Stadium on the Cards

The Addis Abeba Youth & Sport Bureau has opened the technical portion of a bid for the construction of Aqaqi -Qality stadium. This is the second time that the project has been floated for bids. The first bid in 2013 , in which local construction company Tekleberhan Ambaye came out on top with an offer of 1.3 billion Br, was cancelled. Although the area of the stadium has not been finalized, it is expected to cover from 18-24ha of land. The.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 20th March 2017

Kenya: Uber Increases Fares After Driver Protests

Uber has bowed to pressure from partner drivers who have been demanding a review its rates amidst increasing competition in the ride-sharing sector.   Uber Kenya has increased fare prices by raising the minimum fare to Sh300 from previous Sh200 in Nairobi and fare per kilometer from Sh35 to Sh42. This is the first time Uber is increasing its price after a series of fare cuts in response to local and international competition.   The.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 17th March 2017

Kenya: Dairy Processor Ups Raw Milk Buying Price, Sparks Price War as Farmers Rejoice

Brookside has upped the price war in the dairy market after the processor increased its raw milk buying price by 13 per cent to a record Sh42 to boost its intake amid a shortage.   The increase, starting Thursday, looks set to trigger a battle for raw milk with other processors like New KCC expected to follow suit in line with previous trends.   At Sh42, Brookside is now the highest paying processor for raw milk with rival firms.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 17th March 2017

Kenya: Ukraine to Export Yellow Maize Worth $100 Million to Kenya

Officials on Wednesday remained mum as Ukraine announced that Kenya planned to import five million bags or 450,000 metric tonnes of yellow maize for the first time in five years at an estimated cost of over Sh10 billion.   On Tuesday the former Soviet republic, one of the top global producers of corn, asked firms in the country to prepare bids for the maize expected to be for cattle feeds manufacturing.   "Companies interested.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 17th March 2017

Ethiopia: Integrating Value Enhancement Practices to Agri-Teaching

Agricultural teachings need to be offered in line with smallholder farmers' interests and given special focus on value enhancement technologies as well as practices. The remark was made by Dr. Deola Naibakelao, Managing Director of Sasakawa Africa Fund for Extension Education (SAFE) Monday at a three- day SAFE networking workshop.   The Managing Director further said: "If small-scale farmers get advice from extension staff who passed.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 16th March 2017

Kenya: Farmers Assured of Seed Stocks Ahead of Planting Season

The Kenya Seed Company has assured farmers of adequate certified seed stocks ahead of the planting season expected to begin from April in most parts of country.   Kenya Seed Managing Director Azariah Soi said there are about 30,000 tonnes of maize seeds in the market.   "There is no cause for alarm. We have also adequate seeds stocks for other crops such as wheat and beans. The sufficient maize varieties are there for the all.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 16th March 2017

Ethiopia: Roads Authority Awards Construction Contracts Worth $350 Million

The Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) awarded Monday a 7.9-billion Birr road construction and maintenance projects to six local and foreign contractors.   The projects with 468 kilometers of length combined would generate over 3,500 jobs.   ERA Director-General Araya Girmay and the managers of the construction companies signed the contracts.   The projects include the Cheko-Yergachefe road project which is part of the Addis-.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 16th March 2017

Ethiopia, South Korea Sign $13 Million Electronic Customs Clearance System Deal

Ethiopia and South Korea signed a 13-million deal for the installation of electronic customs clearance system in the former.   According to the agreement South Korea's electronic customs clearance system called "UNI-PASS" will be installed in Ethiopia by 2020, Korea Customs Service said in a statement.   South Korea has exported the UNI-PASS system to a total of 11 countries, including African countries Cameroon and.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 16th March 2017

Ethiopia: Food Inflation Reaches Nine-Month High of 7.8 Percent

Food inflation soared to its highest level in nine months in February, reaching 7.8pc similar to last February. One of the major factors behind the inflation was the rise in the prices of vegetables. This comes during the beginning of the Easter fasting season, as well as just after an announcement of a salary adjustment for civil servants.   Last week, the Ministry of Trade reported that there were signs of price increases by some.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 16th March 2017

Kenya: Govt has Invested Over $400 Million in Coastal Infrastructure Projects - President Kenyatta

Mombasa — The government has invested over Sh40 billion in infrastructure projects to accelerate development in the Coast region, President Uhuru Kenyatta has said.   Speaking Monday when he launched resumption of the Mtongwe Ferry Services, President Kenyatta said his administration has also set aside Sh2.2 billion to buy two new ferries to boost services.   He announced that the new ferries - which will arrive in the.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 16th March 2017

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