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How this Tanzanian beauty queen started her own furniture business

 Jacqueline Ntuyabaliwe is a 38-year-old former Tanzanian beauty queen (Miss Tanzania) and musician. More recently, she has achieved success as an entrepreneur.   Ntuyabaliwe is the founder of Molocaho, a Tanzanian furniture manufacturing company, which designs and manufactures quality made-to-order furniture, furnishings, designer fabrics, lighting, decor, garden furniture and rugs.   All Molocaho’s products are.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017

Barrick says will start Tanzania talks next week as earnings beat

 Barrick Gold Corp, the world's largest gold miner by production, reported better-than-expected quarterly earnings on Wednesday as its mining costs fell and said it would begin talks with the Tanzanian government next week about an export ban.   Barrick subsidiary Acacia Mining has three mines in Tanzania, which introduced an export ban on concentrates of gold and copper ore in March.   Acacia's operations affected by the ban.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017

Kibo Mining updates on “very successful” meetings in Tanzania

 Kibo Mining PLC (LON:KIBO) told investors it has concluded a “very successful” second round of follow-up meetings with Tanzanian government departments and Tanzanian stakeholders regarding the proposed Mbeya Coal to Power Project (MCPP).   The company noted that the completion of a special mining right application remains on course, along with environmental certification, but, other milestones were reached as a result of.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017

Tanzania: Govt for Increased Wananchi Participation in Mining Sector

 Tanzanians should prepare to reap more benefits from the mining sector now that the government plans to amend the Mining Act, 2010 in a bid to accommodate regulations that will enforce local content.   The move by the government will see more locals benefitting from the inflow of Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) in terms of skills development and building competitive supply chains in the sector.   Launching stakeholders'.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017

Black Rock Mining swells confidence of graphite resources in Tanzania

 Black Rock Mining Ltd (ASX:BKT) has turned a successful infill drill program into an increased resource at its Mahenge Graphite Project in Tanzania.   Key highlights include:   - Resource increased by 14% to 60.2 million tonnes at 8.1% Total Graphitic Carbon (TGC) utilising an additional 19 infill drill holes completed in late 2016;   - Cascades Measured and Indicated Resources increased by 25% to 32.9 million tonnes.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017

Redavia provides gold mine in Tanzania with more solar power

 Germany-based off-grid specialist Redavia GmbH announced that it has supplied another solar container for its off-grid PV project at the mining site of the Tanzanian gold producer Shanta Gold. Including this new addition, the installation has now reached 674 kW of capacity and consists of eight solar containers. The first “container solar plant” was deployed in 2014, the company said.   “We could already see.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017

Tanzania: Aga Khan University Set to Build Two More Campuses

 The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is preparing to build two university campuses for the Aga Khan University (AKU) in Tanzania.   This was revealed yesterday by the director of the AKDN's Institute for Education Development (East Africa), Prof Joe Lugalla.   He was addressing a press briefing in Dar es Salaam on the Ismaili Jubilee & Carnival, which is scheduled for this Sunday.   According to Prof Lugalla,.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017

Tanzania: NHC Gets Sh4.5tr Loan for Dar Project

  In what can be described as a major boost, the National Housing Corporation (NHC) has secured a $2 billion (Sh4.5 trillion) loan from PTA Bank -- the financial arm of Comesa -- to construct a commercial centre and satellite city at Kawe in Dar es Salaam.   This was revealed by the director general of NHC, Mr Nahemia Mchechu, yesterday.   Addressing councillors from Kinondoni Municipality who toured the project site that.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017

Tanzania-Turkey to Discuss Business Ties

 TANZANIA and Turkey business people are expecting to meet this Thursday to discuss how the two countries could extend business ties.   The one-day forum came merely seven months since Turkey President Recep Erdogan made a state visit in the country and signed various Memorandums of Understanding (MoU).   Tanzania Private Sectors Foundation (TPSF)Executive Director, Godfrey Simbeye said the objective of the forum was to foster.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017

ITC and WFP partner to fund smallholder farmers in Tanzania

 Smallholder farmers produce most of the world’s food, but they form the majority of people living in poverty and often have food security challenges themselves   The initiatives with KCB Bank Rwanda Limited and CRDB Bank PLC in Tanzania are part of the Farm to Market Alliance, a multi-stakeholder platform established in 2016, of which IFC and WFP are global members, to create agriculture value chains that secure sizeable local.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 19th July 2017

Tanzania: Plans Complete for First Agricultural Park in Tanzania

 PLANS are underway to set up the country's first Agricultural Park at Kimamba in Kilosa District that will provide farmers with land and irrigation infrastructure in the area to improve productivity for food security and economic growth.   The Agricultural Park is an area set aside largely for agricultural activities to encourage continuation of such operations, in which farmers can rent farms for a long term tenure at reasonable.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 19th July 2017

Tanzania: Seaweed Trade Booms Amid Concern About Falling Prices

 Seaweed farming is gathering momentum in Mtwara, thanks to its comparative economic advantages. However, not all farmers have benefited from the booming business for various reasons.   In a recent visit by the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) Tanzania, a villager of Imekua, Ms Asha Bakari, 35, told The Citizen that she grew up cultivating this crop with her family and to a considerable extent it enabled their family to earn a living.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 19th July 2017

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