N e w s

Organic farming gains popularity

 The historical background of organic agriculture in Tanzania goes back to the world history of agriculture, when people were farming more traditionally.   This is to say, modern organic farming still has roots from the first half of the 20th century, when there was growing reliance on non-organic methods. After the industrial revolution had introduced synthetic methods, most of which were not well-developed and had serious side.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017

IFC And WFP Collaborate To Finance Smallholder Farmers In Rwanda And Tanzania

 The initiatives with KCB Bank Rwanda Limited and CRDB Bank PLC in Tanzania are part of the Farm to Market Alliance, a multi-stakeholder platform established in 2016, of which IFC and WFP are global members, to create agriculture value chains that secure sizeable local and international demand for produce from smallholder farmers. The Alliance is designed to create systemic change in markets through a holistic approach to smallholder.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017

WFP Embarks On New Strategic Plan In Tanzania

 The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has launched a four-year Country Strategic Plan (CSP) in Tanzania. It is fully-aligned with the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which aims to end poverty, reduce inequality, tackle climate change and ensure sustainable agriculture and food security.   Under the CSP, WFP aims to improve market access for 250,000 smallholder farmers while overseeing a multi-sector nutrition.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017


 The Europe Dispensary Clinic was built by Czech consultant Viktor Korček, founder of the Czech-Kenyan trade chamber, and is set to start operating in August in Tanzanian capital Dar es Salaam. It is intended mainly for middle-class and higher class clients.    Korček expects the clinic to attract around three thousand patients a month and to be economically self-sufficient. It will cooperate with local insurance.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017

Tanzania: Call for Joint Efforts to Fight Cancer, TB

 Residents and various health stakeholders have been urged to cooperate with the government, regional health facilities and councils to ensure a promise to increase the budget for testing and treatment of cervical and breast cancer, including TB is fulfilled.   The call was made recently by Ruvuma Regional Referral Hospital medical officer, Dr Goziberth Mutayabarwa, when opening a two-day seminar to raise awareness of regional health.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017

Tanzania: From Mbeya With Message of Conquering TB

 FROM the Southern Highlands region of Mbeya there comes good news of national efforts to conquer Tuberculosis (TB), the world's secondbiggest killer infectious disease, behind only HIV/AIDS.   Health experts, researchers and leaders of non-governmental organisations engaged in the anti-TB/HIV campaign are confident that it is possible to have a free TB generation by halving the treatment period from six to three months despite the.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017

Tanzania, Kenya Move to Avert Trade Disputes

 Dar es Salaam/Arusha — Tanzania and Kenya plan to form a joint committee and set up a channel of communication to deal with future trade disputes.   The decision was reached during a meeting between the Minister of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation, Dr Augustine Mahiga, and his Kenyan counterpart, Ms Amina Mohamed, last Sunday in Nairobi.   The two ministers met to discuss a trade dispute triggered by Kenya's.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017

Tanzania: Strengthen Facilitation of Foreign Trade, Dar Urged

 TANZANIA has been encouraged to strengthen the facilitation of foreign trade and make available friendly policies for products produced by local factories and enterprises to penetrate Chinese market.   The Chief Representative (CR) of the Economic and Commercial Representation China, Mr c, made the call in Dar es Salaam recently, during the opening ceremony of the Training on Statistics and Risk Management of Tanzania Customs.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017

Tanzania signs $154 mln contract with Chinese firm to expand main port

 Tanzania’s government signed a $154 million contract on Saturday with the state-run China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) to expand the main port in the commercial capital, Dar es Salaam.   Tanzania is seeking financing for infrastructure projects as part of its plans to transform the country into a regional transport and trade hub.   Under the contract funded by a World Bank loan, CHEC, a subsidiary of the state-run.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017

Tanzania: Kurasini Lined Up for Major Export Processing Zone Authority Hub

 Establishment of the Kurasini Trade and Logistic Centre at Shimo la Udongo area takes off with the Export Processing Zone Authority (EPZA) announcing it is now looking for a developer to manage the project.   The autonomous government agency is seeking a competent partner, preferably from the private sector, with whom to develop its 248,000sq metres of land located within Kurasini ward, Temeke district, all according to plans to be.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017

Scaling Africa’s solar infrastructure

 The power generators are essential for both home and businesses in cities across the continent, even in the economic hubs of Lagos, Nigeria, and Nairobi, Kenya. Almost two-thirds of Africa’s 1.2bn population lack access to electricity and, according to the African Development Bank (AfDB), annual power consumption in sub-Saharan Africa per capita is 181 kilowatt hours (kWh), compared with 6,500 kWh in Europe and more than double that.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017

Maasai Women Bring Clean Energy to Rural Villages in Kenya, Tanzania

 Beatrice Marpe is a women’s leader in the remote village of Tokoishi, about 100 kilometers south of Kenya’s capital, Nairobi. The job of a Maasai women’s leader is usually to help solve marital issues, but Marpe, 55, has taken on a new role: solar ambassador.   Being a solar power advocate is about more than renewable energy for Marpe; it’s personal. Her husband died 11 years ago after being killed by.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 27th July 2017

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