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Officials break ground on Rwanda's 3.6-MW Musanze small hydropower project

 Work on Rwanda's 3.6-MW Musanze hydroelectric project is now under way following a groundbreaking ceremony held earlier this week.   The small hydropower plant is to be located on the Mukungwa River and will actually be built in two phases. The first, a 2.6 MW project called Rwaza 1, is expected to be completed within 18 months, while a second 1 MW addition being called Rwaza 2 will be constructed later.   The Musanze project.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 9th August 2017

East Africa: Lighting East Africa

 In East Africa, more than 200 million people are off the grid, accounting for around 80 per cent of its population. Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda are among the most populous countries in the region, and have the largest populations both with and without access to electricity. The region, much like the rest of Africa, has continued to display a diverse range of economic and energy sector development.   Yet, it is not only the.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 9th August 2017

Police light more villages with solar energy

 One of the many community development activities that Rwanda National Police (RNP) is currently engaged in as part of the ‘Police Week 2017’, is to connect at least one village with solar home systems, in each of the 30 districts across the country.   On Friday, Kirebe Village in Rwimiyaga Sector, Nyagatare District, and Cyabuti Village of Suti Cell, Mugano Sector in Nyamagabe District were added to the growing number of.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 9th August 2017

Leapfrogging into the light

Mobile phones were the “leapfrog” infrastructure of the last decade. They allowed governments and companies in developing countries to skip installing landline systems underground.   Off-grid solar home systems are proving to be the leapfrog infrastructure of the current decade. They have helped the government of Rwanda, for example, to switch its role from provider of energy to facilitator and regulator of private-sector.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 9th August 2017


Last year the construction sector in Rwanda was flourishing, so the players in Rwanda’s construction sector are positive for it to be replicated in 2017.   There are some very big projects to be kicked off soon. The Bugesera airport is one example of a major project which is set to become a transportation hub for the East African region and there are many other projects like this in the pipeline.   Although the demand and.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 6th September 2017

Rwanda gets a solar field!

 The Project:   The solar field at the Agahozo Shalom Youth Village in Rwanda embodies a range of causes: it helps the long-term sustainability of the Village, it is good for the environment, it generates local employment and education and it empowers the country with access to electricity - which in itself results in a myriad of benefits for the Rwandan population. Located on rolling green hills, east of Kigali, our project is the.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 9th August 2017

Renewed drive to increase power generation capacity

 The Energy Development Corporation Limited (EDCL) is promoting a diversified power generation strategy to ease access to electricity and increase the country’s generation capacity, Emmanuel Kamanzi, the managing director, has said.   He was, on Wednesday, speaking during the launch of Mobisol’s new solar TV that boasts of an inbuilt solar system that can enable lighting of at least one bulb, recharging of any device that.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 9th August 2017

Mobisol launches TV set with inbuilt solar system

 Are you a TV lover or are you tired of paying high power bills? Well, you need not worry any more following the launch of a new TV set that boasts of an inbuilt solar system by Mobisol, a local renewable energy equipment vendor. The TV set has facilities to enable lighting of at least one bulb, recharging of any device that uses a USB, including telephones, radios, torches, and also has an aerial and satellite TV.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 9th August 2017

Tesvolt awarded for worldwide biggest Off-Grid-Battery-System in Rwanda

 The German commercial storage system manufacturer Tesvolt will be honored with the Global Leading RES Seal in the category “Largest Project” for the implementation of the worldwide biggest Off-Grid-Battery-System in Rwanda to eliminate energy loss in water pumps.   Tesvolt has been allocated the contract to build the worldwide largest off-grid-battery-system to deal with the energy loss in much needed water pumps in.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 9th August 2017

Rwanda: EDCL promotes diversified power generation strategy

 The Energy Development Corporation Limited (EDCL) is calling for a diversified power generation strategy to ease access to electricity and increase the country's generation capacity.   This was highlighted by the company’s managing director, Emmanuel Kamanzi, who said diversifying power generation would ensure that more Rwandans access on-grid and off-grid power sources.   According to The New Times, Kamanzi was.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 9th August 2017

Rwanda achieves electricity connection milestone

 According to the Rwandan prime minister, Anastase Murekezi, government has over the last seven years made remarkable progress in connecting people to electricity.   Speaking in Parliament, Murekezi said the number of Rwandans connected to power has increased from 10.8% in 2010 to the current 34.5%, the New Times reported.   He said: "Currently, we have 208.36MWof hydro power and 98.68MW from solar, methane gas, peat and.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 9th August 2017

Police light more villages with solar energy

 One of the many community development activities that Rwanda National Police (RNP) is currently engaged in as part of the ‘Police Week 2017’, is to connect at least one village with solar home systems, in each of the 30 districts across the country.   On Friday, Kirebe Village in Rwimiyaga Sector, Nyagatare District, and Cyabuti Village of Suti Cell, Mugano Sector in Nyamagabe District were added to the growing number of.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 9th August 2017

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