N e w s

Kenya: Furniture Designer Makes Impossible Dreams Come Alive in Wood

 Painted and gleaming wood surfaces might have been all the rage in the past, but natural wood pieces are slowly taking over. And nowhere does this come to life more than at Rampel Designs furniture production studio.   At the company's workshops in two adjacent buildings at the back of the vast JCB Ganatara GoDowns on Baba Dogo Road in Nairobi, one is welcomed by the din of planes, cutters and sanders against wood.   But it.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

Kenyans take liking to German furniture

 Tucked away in a bungalow off Ngong Road in Nairobi, just behind Uchumi Supermarket, is Niche Décor Furniture, which boasts a collection of German furniture dating back more than 50 years ago  but made in classical Victorian design. Niche Décor Furniture deals in a variety of items, including chairs, tables, lampshades, grandfather clocks, paintings and other wooden functional and decorative items that will give your.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

The Kenyan mining sector: a win-win investment opportunity

 The Kenyan mining sector is indebted to Kenyan government and mining cabinet secretary Dan Kazungu for these changes that will enable the country to emerge as an ideal destination to build new mining businesses, writes Laura Cornish.    At a national level   “At a national level, Kenya has been active in promulgating a legislative and regulatory environment which promotes ease of doing business and subsequently.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

Mining CS appoints team to map quarries

 The Government plans to map all active and inactive quarries in an attempt to map the country’s lucrative construction mining sites. Mining Cabinet Secretary Dan Kazungu has already set up a task force to conduct the survey across the country. “The task-force will identify all active and inactive quarries in Kenya and the state of their environmental compliance,” said a Kenya Gazette notice from the ministry. The study.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

Kenya to host regional mining conference to explore investment opportunities

 The Nov. 13-14 conference to be hosted by the ministry of mining in collaboration with the Chamber of Mines will bring mining stakeholders and senior government officials from Eastern Africa.   “We want to establish and consolidate Kenya’s position as a regional mining hub in order to use the sector as a key driver for socio-economic growth,” said Elodie Delagneau, event director of Kenya Mining Forum that is.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

Sudan: Kenya Expresses Desire to Take Advantage of Sudan's Mining Experience

 The Kenyan Ambassador in Khartoum Aaron Kee has expressed his country's desire to activate the aspects of joint cooperation with Sudan in the field of minerals.   In a meeting with the Minister of Minerals Prof. Hashim Ali Salim Wednesday, the Kenyan ambassador said that the Kenyan Ministry of Minerals determined to benefit from the Sudanese experience through the exchange of expertise between the technical the two countries and.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

Long-term relationships key to growth of Kenya's mining sector, says Ministry of Mining

 The Kenyan mining sector is on the rise.   With ambitious plans to turn the country into a flagship mining sector, one that is attractive for investment, stable and predictable, the Ministry of Mining in Kenya is already starting to see progress.   Collaboration with governmental bodies and organisations is key to any mining operation, but how big a role will this relationship play in the future of Kenya’s mining.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

Kenya Mineral Rights Board key to reform agenda in the mining sector

 The Kenya Mineral Rights Board paves the way for issuance of mining licenses as required under the Kenyan Mining Act 2016.   The nine-member team of the Kenya Mineral Rights Board comprises:   Chairperson appointed by the president (Abel K. Chumba) Principal Secretary Ministry of Mining (Dr Ibrahim M. Mohamed) Principal Secretary National Treasury (Dr Kamau Thugge) Chairman National Land Commission (Dr Mohamed.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

Kenya: New Team to Lead Kenya's Mining Sector Reforms

 Kenya's Mining Ministry has received the green light to issue licences - which had been frozen for one year since May 2016 - following the inauguration of the Mineral Rights Board.   "The inauguration of the board is the epitome of our reform agenda for the mining sector. This is something the ministry has been looking forward to even as industry stakeholders have been waiting for this day to come to pass so that the pending.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

300 Meter Skyscraper Under Construction in Kenya To Become Africa’s Tallest Building

 Construction has begun on a 70-floor ultramodern twin tower building in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi.   On completion, the 300-meter-tall skyscraper, known as the “Pinnacle,” will become Africa’s tallest building, beating the current holder, the 223-meter-tall Carlton Center in Johannesburg.   The $200 million project is being financed by Dubai-based private investor firm Hass Petroleum and White Lotus.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

Kenyan key contract being built by Bechtel

 Bechtel has won a major project to build and important highway link in Kenya. This will be the first long stretch of high-speed expressway in Kenya and will connect the capital, Nairobi, with the country’s main port, Mombasa. The project for the 473km connection is being supported with financing from US and UK sources. Once the new route is open to traffic, journeys between Nairobi will take just four hours by road, instead of 10 at.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

EABL launches construction of Sh15bn plant

 Beer maker EABL #ticker:EABL has broken ground on its planned Sh15 billion brewery in Kisumu, signalling good tidings for thousands of farmers who will be contracted to supply raw materials.   The brewer, whose ground-breaking was officiated yesterday by President Uhuru Kenyatta, is projected to handle up to a quarter of the output by Kenya Breweries.   “The plant should be up and running in 18 months. We are hoping.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

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