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Solar-Storage Mini-Grid Makes an Impact at Africa’s Water-Energy-Food Nexus

 Water, energy and food – the three are inextricably intertwined and increasingly challenging to access or provide on a basis that’s sustainable economically, environmentally and society-wide. That’s especially the case in isolated, resource-challenged parts of the world most vulnerable to climate change. Young innovative solar and cleantech startups, with support from multilateral sustainable energy and development.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 16th August 2017

Aspirant holds free medical camp for 1,500 residents

 Jubilee MP aspirant for South Imenti constituency Shadrack Mwiti has sponsored a five-day free medical camp for residents.   About 1,500 people were examined on the first day of the medical camp.   Doctor Mwihurih Githinji said gastritis, hypertension andurinary tract infections were common ailments.   He said they refererred four patients with high blood pressure to Meru Level Five Hospital and detected 11 cases of.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

Kenya: Insti HIV Self Test Demonstrates High User Acceptance in Kenya Study

 bioLytical Laboratories Inc., a leader in rapid diagnostic assays, is pleased to share that its INSTI HIV Self Test was featured at the 9th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2017) in Paris as an oral presentation. The late breaker abstract[1] highlighted ground-breaking research into blood-based self-testing with INSTI, creating a foundation for other researchers to build on. The results were presented to an.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

AAR Kenya to build Sh2.5 billion hospital

 A regional healthcare provider is set to open its first hospital wing in the country before the end on the year to meet the ever rising healthcare demands from the public.   AAR Health Care Kenya, which has presence in three East African countries, namely Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, will spend at least Sh2.5 billion to put up the new facility that has a capacity of over 100 beds.   Since its establishment a few years ago, the.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

Pumwani Maternity receives Sh43m medical equipment

 The Pumwani Maternity Hospital on Friday received Sh43 million medical and bio-metrical equipment.   The donation from Coca Cola Africa is aimed at reducing maternal deaths.   While handing over the donation, Nairobi Governor Kidero’s wife, Susan Mboya, who doubles as the president of the Coca-Cola Africa Foundation said the project has been a great success.   She said the donation had been made possible through.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

Kenya: Free Medical Cover for Elderly to Start 2018, CS Mailu Says

 Elderly citizens under the government's cash transfer programme will soon be enjoying free medical cover as part of enhanced welfare for the aged.   The government intends to enlist all Kenyans aged 70 years and above to the National Hospital Insurance Fund and pay for their monthly contributions to enable them access free medical services.   According to the Health Cabinet Secretary Cleopa Mailu, the Inua Jamii program run.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

Kenya: India Medical Centre Invests Sh650 Million in Nairobi Cancer Hospital

 HCG India has launched the first private comprehensive cancer care center in Kenya in a partnership with Cancer Care Kenya and MP Shah Hospital.   HCG will invest Sh650 million out of which 77.54 percent is contributed by its Kenyan subsidiary HCG Kenya, while MP Shah Hospital will chip in 10 percent of the total investment. Private shareholders will share the remaining 12.46 percent.   HCG India Chairman and CEO Dr..... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

Turning kenya into global medical hub

 The world watches in bewilderment as the US Senate fumbles all its attempts to revise the American healthcare system and erase former President Obama’s legislative legacy.   Make no mistake about it, American healthcare exists in a state of chaos. Where can one go for the best specialist care in the world? Where can one also see the some of the largest proportions of formal sector wage earners still unable to afford any.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

Kenyan schoolgirls create female health app for Google

 Stacy Owino, Cynthia Otieno, Purity Achieng, Mascrine Atieno and Ivy Akinyi are students at Kisumu Girls High School, in Kisumu, Kenya. They belong to the school’s science and technology club, and focus on developments that help their community, in particular women and young girls. They call themselves the Restorers, dedicated to “restoring hope for hopeless girls”.   The five have designed and developed an.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

Berthoud area resident brings medical knowledge to Kenya

 Berthoud area resident Susan Puckett wants to return to Kenya after a whirlwind trip of helping schoolchildren and adults with their medical care   Puckett’s volunteer work as a physician’s assistant is part of a one-time opportunity for Americans and Canadians to travel to Kenya and India through We Charities, a worldwide charity and youth empowerment movement based in Toronto, Canada.   Puckett and another 19.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

Pooling medical services can help lower healthcare cost

 The main challenge facing health providers is improving service efficiency and making treatment affordable without compromising the quality of care. This entails lowering the cost of treatment and tackling inefficiencies that hamper access to care. Two primary areas of focus in health reform are lowering cost of drugs and eradicating corruption and waste of resources. The high cost of drugs can be managed through increased use of.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

National Oil rolls out cooking gas initiative

 National Oil has kicked off the pilot phase of its cooking gas distribution and marketing project dubbed Mwananchi Gas in 17 counties. The programme, which started a year ago, is being implemented at a cost of Sh5 billion. It is aimed at getting more households to use gas as their preferred means of cooking. The initiative will see the initial retail price of a 6kg gas cylinder come down to Sh2, 000 from Sh4,400. Nock Corporate Manager.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017

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