N e w s

Market competition for commercial vehicles intensifies

 Rising urbanisation is encouraging unprecedented infrastructural developments in Africa, especially across the construction and oil and gas sectors. Frost and Sullivan report that this is strengthening the regional market for commercial vehicles (CVs) like rigid trucks and flatbed trailers. Asian original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) such as Isuzu, Mitsubishi, Dongfeng, Sinotruk, Tata and Ashok Leyland have started making rapid inroads.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 12th September 2017

New Jaguar models to be electric in 2020

 The carmaker said that the first of the new models would be a fully electric vehicle, the Jaguar I-Pace, to go on sale in 2018.   JLR chief executive Ralf Speth said the move was aimed at “giving customers even more choice”.   The firm, Britain’s biggest carmaker, is owned by India’s Tata.   In July, Chinese-owned firm Volvo said all its new models would have an electric motor from 2019, one.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 12th September 2017

KenGen appoints Rebecca Miano acting CEO after Mugo retires

 KenGen has named Rebecca Miano the first female acting MD and CEO in its history, following Albert Mugo's retirement on August 25.   Miano takes office immediately, chairman Joshua Choge said in a notice on Friday.   Miano is the first woman to hold the position since the company was established. She had been serving as the company's secretary and legal affairs director since 2008.   Mugo held the top job since January.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 12th September 2017

Loans for solar systems make power affordable in rural Kenya

 It is early evening in Ndabibi village in Naivasha, and there are threatening clouds overhead. Kenneth Njoroge quickly parks his motorcycle by the mud structure that serves as his kitchen and rushes into the main house before the rain starts pounding.   Until recently, Njoroge’s home northwest of Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, was poorly lit at night. Most people in Ndabibi are not connected to mains electricity, and rely on.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 12th September 2017

Passaris: From adopting lights to City National Assembly seat

 Finally, Esther Passaris, better known as Mama Taa, made it to political office after three failed attempts.   She won in the Nairobi woman representative race in the just-concluded election.   Passaris won with 828,848 votes, flooring incumbent Rachel Shebesh of Jubilee, who garnered 671,898 votes.   Passaris, 52, made her first stab at political office in 2007, when she ran for city mayor. She lost to Baba Dogo.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 12th September 2017

To reduce your electricity bills, get solar lights

 With the erratic power supply and high electricity bills in many parts of the country, solar lighting is a viable option for Kenyans, given that solar energy is available in plenty.   Indeed, Mr Joseph Kingi of Savvy Company Ltd, which deals mainly in solar and renewable energy, says using solar energy for lighting is prudent despite some people’s misgivings about it.   “Solar energy does not have a good.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 12th September 2017

Jaguar Land Rover Lights Up One Million Lives In Kenya

 Jaguar Land Rover and ClimateCare today announce a partnership to bring clean solar technology to off-grid communities in Kenya. This innovative social impact programme, called ’Lighting up Lives’ supports children like 14-year old Franklin Kishsta, a pupil at Kasooni School, Kalawa, Kenya. Franklin is just one of more than one million people living in isolated or off-grid communities who will benefit from the programme..... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 12th September 2017

The impact of solar lighting in rural Kenya

 While climate change has led many high-income countries to increase their efforts to improve energy efficiency and to invest in renewable energies, households in low-income countries still face another energy challenge: more than 1 billion people lack access to electricity.  Could solar lights offer a solution?   There is an ongoing debate among policy makers, international donors and researchers about how to provide energy.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 12th September 2017

Rapper Akon lights up Africa with solar

 During the past week, Akon — born Aliaune Badara Thiam in St. Louis, and raised in Senegal until he was seven — has suggested to local media that he may try to launch an IPO for his New York-based Solektra International solar company.   The company is said to have structured some $400 million worth of solar deals to date. His office did not respond to a request for additional information.   Akon launched the Akon.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 12th September 2017

Kenya races toward goal of electrifying every household

 CHRISTOPHER LIVESAY: Seline Akinyi Mumbe is 49-years old and lived without electricity for her first 48 years, until she finally got power 10 months ago.   So three buildings here, all connected with electricity?   SELINE AKINYI MUMBE: Yea.   CHRISTOPHER LIVESAY: Mumbe lives in Unami, a village 170 miles northwest of Nairobi.   SELINE AKINYI MUMBE: I felt like I was in a different world, because my house was.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 12th September 2017

A road map for a sustainable mining industry in Africa

 Many governments in Africa have made major progress over recent years – we now see mining companies working hard to ‘put back’ in to society through skills development and environmental protection policies. The African mining industry has matured.   Kenya’s 2016 mining act, which forms part of its 20-year mining strategy, specifically sets out the country’s aim of attracting up to 20 new mining.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 11th September 2017

Harmonized policies to underpin mineral resource gains in Africa

 Secretary General of COMESA Sindiso Ngwenya, says, this potential can be sustainably harnessed through establishment of governance structures and leveraging on the existing multinational trade agreements.   Speaking at the Africa Down Under (ADU) conference on mining that is taking place in Perth, Australia 6-8 September 2017, Mr. Ngwenya said sound institutional frameworkswill enable COMESA’s national and sub-national.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 11th September 2017

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