N e w s

Medical-Education in Sub-Sahara Africa

 Medical education in Africa has significantly evolved over the years. From the time when there were only 5 medical schools in the region, to the expansion era after African countries achieved independence and now when the medical education structure is making efforts in providing m-health programmes for students.    Online courses have great potential of improving healthcare in Sub-Sahara Africa. However, the medical education.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th September 2017

Indian doctors offer health services at Mombasa Hospital

 The administrative director of Mombasa Hospital Abbas Nasser says specialist surgeons from India are conducting a free medical camp at Pandya hospital where they are treating patients with cancer, heart and diabetes and related problems.   “Those that shall require surgery will be operated on free of charge”, he said.   He lauded the collaboration with the Indian doctors saying this would make it easier and.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th September 2017

Kenya's MPs to name only 1 wife in new medical scheme

 Elected MPs with large families or more than one spouse will have to bear the brunt of the austerity measures introduced by the Salaries and Remunerations Commission (SRC). Unlike in the past, the Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC) medical scheme now covers only the MP or senator and a maximum of five dependants. According to the scheme seen by The Standard, family members covered include one spouse and four children aged under 25.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th September 2017

Kenya: the AfDB looks to fund Lamu coal project

 The African Development Bank (AfDB) is considering to fund the construction of Kenya’s first coal-fired power plant.   Speaking to Xinhua in Nairobi on Monday, AfDB Director-General of the East Africa Regional office, Gabriel Negatu, said the multilateral development finance institution is awaiting the environmental and social audits before they can release the funds.   "The owners of the 1,000MW Lamu coal plant.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th September 2017

KenGen powering Kenya to the future

 The Kenya Electricity Generating Company was established in 1954 and listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange in 2006.   In 2006, The Securities Exchange was located in Nation House and I recall the euphoria and the excitement around that listing.   It was a momentous moment in the history of the Kenyan capital markets and I urge the Kenyatta administration version two to revisit that period, when our capital markets felt.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th September 2017

Kenya: Loans for Solar Systems Make Power Affordable in Rural Kenya

 Naivasha — Access to credit enables villagers to buy solar equipment in instalments - easier and cheaper than a grid connection   It is early evening in Ndabibi village in Naivasha, and there are threatening clouds overhead. Kenneth Njoroge quickly parks his motorcyle by the mud structure that serves as his kitchen and rushes into the main house before the rain starts pounding.   Until recently, Njoroge's home northwest.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th September 2017

Kenya: gov to shoulder Lake Turkana Wind Power bill

 In East Africa, developers of the Lake Turkana Wind Power project are billing Kenya Power monthly due to its failure to distribute the generated power as a result of a lack of transmission infrastructure.   According to the Daily Nation, this is despite recent discussions between energy ministry officials and the wind farm managers to delay the billing, which would ultimately be passed on to consumers.   Kenya Power managing.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th September 2017

Kenya wants more solar

 Kenya’s Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) has issued an Expression of Interest (EOI) to seek experts to undertake a study on the uptake of the PV technology in Kenya.   The regulator said the study is intended to assess the current status of the solar PV industry in Kenya, establish the capacity of installed solar PV systems, identify the factors hindering the uptake of the technology in Kenya, and recommend measures to.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th September 2017

Kenya: U.S. Gives U.S.$0.9 Million for Clean Power Project

 The United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) has signed a $897,192 (Ksh89.7 million) grant for a feasibility study to evaluate the development of three small hydroelectric plants in Kenya.   Virunga Power Kenya Ltd will use the grant to evaluate viability of sites for power generation and propose the best way to connect homes and businesses to clean, reliable electricity.   The study comes as Kenya is diversifying.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th September 2017

Power Africa highlights its geothermal activities and commitment in new Annual Report

 In June 2013, Power Africa launched with the goal of doubling access to electricity in sub-Saharan Africa by increasing installed generation capacity by 30,000 MW) while adding 60 million new household and business connections by 2030. In February 2016, the U.S. Congress passed the Electrify Africa Act of 2015, which charges Power Africa with increasing installed generation capacity by 20,000 MW, while adding first-time energy access for.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th September 2017

Solar roof tiles help power this secondary school in rural Kenya

 Schools in rural Kenya often suffer through frequent power outages, and energy from the national grid can be expensive. But solar roof tiles from Strauss Energy offer a cheaper, renewable alternative. At the 275-student Gaitheri Secondary School in Murang’a County, the reliable source of electricity has enhanced students’ performance since they can study at night, and allowed the school to give computer.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th September 2017

Loans for solar systems make power affordable in rural Kenya

 It is early evening in Ndabibi village in Naivasha, and there are threatening clouds overhead. Kenneth Njoroge quickly parks his motorcycle by the mud structure that serves as his kitchen and rushes into the main house before the rain starts pounding.   Until recently, Njoroge’s home northwest of Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, was poorly lit at night. Most people in Ndabibi are not connected to mains electricity, and rely on.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th September 2017

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