N e w s

Tanzania-Kenya Look to Fortify Trade Relations

 Tanzania and Kenya are moving forward with a plan to start a channel of communication and form a joint committee in an attempt to solve future trade disputes and foster better trade relations between the two nations.   They decided this during a meeting between the Minister of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation, Dr Augustine Mahiga, and Ms Amina Mohamed his Kenyan counterpart. They met to discuss a trade dispute triggered.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 20th September 2017

Kenya-Spain Look To Finally Complete Power Line

 The Kenyan Government has asked Spain to nominate a new contractor to undertake the completion of the Lake Turkana Wind transmission project, which has been stalling ever since the termination of the previous contractor due to their struggle with debt.   Secretary of Energy, Charles Keter explained that the power line is funded by the Spanish government, prompting Nairobi to request the Spanish to handle the issue themselves and.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 19th September 2017

Rwanda-Tanzania Look To Improve Trade Relations

 Tanzania and Rwanda’s private sector bodies have reached a decision to renew their commitment to eliminate Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) between the two nations. NTBs are known to act as difficult barriers that make the export and import of goods costly and troublesome to businesses. This issue to centre-stage at the one day peer to peer meeting held between the two nations in Kigali.    “Unlike politicians, business.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 19th September 2017

Rwandas Mega Project In The Works

 Reliable power will be achieved with the completion of Nyabarongo hydropower project in the western part of Rwanda .   The project is possibly the largest hydropower installation in Rwanda. More than 28MW of electricity is contributed by it to the national grid.    A significant challenge to energy utilities has been the development of a modernized energy system especially for developing countries.   The.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 19th September 2017

Rwandas Electrification a Must- REG Chief

 According to new determined targets set by the Rwanda Energy Group (REG), productive users like community production centers will be able to relish uninterrupted power supply in five years.   These targets are part of the commitments in the recently-signed performance contracts by REG and its subsidiary companies. By the end of 2018, the performance contracts state that the targets and strategies to reach government energy.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 19th September 2017

Tanzania Development Authority TANTRADE look to Prioritize SMEs

 TANTRADE acting Director General, Edwin Rutageruka addressed the public in a live television program recently, and underlined the good work of the SME sector and the role it played in the development of economies in a number of countries across the globe today.   While speaking on its influence locally in Tanzania, he was quoted saying “We are committed and spend most of our time working closely with SMEs in enhancing their.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 19th September 2017

Tanzania Development Authority TANTRADE look to Prioritize SMEs

 TANTRADE acting Director General, Edwin Rutageruka addressed the public in a live television program recently, and underlined the good work of the SME sector and the role it played in the development of economies in a number of countries across the globe today.   While speaking on its influence locally in Tanzania, he was quoted saying “We are committed and spend most of our time working closely with SMEs in enhancing their.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 19th September 2017

India and Tanzanians Growing Relationship

 India has asked Tanzania to grant long-term visas for reputed business companies with multi-entry facility to promote investments between the two countries, the commerce ministry said today.   During the fourth session of India-Tanzania Joint Trade Committee meeting the issue was discussed.   The Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman led the Indian delegation and the Minister for Industry, Trade and Investment.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 18th September 2017

Major Mlimani City expansion project expected to cost $100 million

 A total of $100 million will be the total cost of the ongoing expansion project for Mlimani City (about Sh224 billion on the prevailing exchange rate) as investors seek to make sure that the facility meets international standards. According to the supplement addendum between the government, the investors and the University of Dar es Salaam, By December 2019 the expansion of the facility is expected to be completed.   A hotel and.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 18th September 2017

Rwandas Electrification objective

 Additional financing for energy projects have been approved by Rwanda. The cabinet did this with the objective to close the gaps in power generation.   It got approved during a cabinet meeting chaired by President Paul Kagame. He approved the loans and grants worth over $51 million to fund three major renewable energy projects.   Before the end of next year the country targets to increase to 563MW of electricity. It also.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 18th September 2017

Eye from Zion treats 723 in Kenya, sets up new eye clinic

 During the week of August 15-23, 2017, volunteers with Israel’s Eye from Zion humanitarian organization held an “eye camp” in Chuka, Kenya. They received 723 patients in three locations, from infants to senior citizens, performing free treatments and surgeries – 85 percent of the surgeries to remove cataracts and 10% to correct astigmatism.   Medical personnel volunteering for this mission came from Western.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th September 2017

Kenya: Missionary receives national award for her medical work

 Irish Loreto Missionary, Sr Mary Owens, has been presented with an award by the Ministry of Health in Kenya in appreciation of her timeless service and dedication to the country’s Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) Programme. The Programme provides quality HIV care, treatment and support to those infected or affected by HIV and is part of the ministry’s National AIDS and STI Control Programme. Over 200,000 children under 14 years.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th September 2017

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