N e w s

Green gold of Africa - Ethiopia looks to capitalize

In this country money really could grow on trees. Ethiopa  contains two-thirds of the bamboo in Africa, and it is hoped that the "green gold" can potentially power growth. According to Adane Berhe, CEO Adal Industrial PLC, which is helping to build the new industry. "The farmer who has bamboo is rich, but he doesn't know it," China has become the choice destination for Berhe, the global hub of the bamboo trade, to.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 25th January 2019

Hardwood becomes the choice of the next generation

According to a business executive, Arjun Bhachu, who works with Wood Products, one of the oldest companies dealing in wood in Kenya says it evokes elegance and texture in any room. “Just like art, wood helps restore the natural state in a room”. The overlooked timber is making a comeback in kitchens, floors, walls and staircases. In Kenya,  homeowners moved from wood floors to tiles, then they switched to 3D epoxy flooring.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 25th January 2019

Kenya- The Cheap Power Plans Going To Benefit Small Businesses

 Kenya Power has plans to connect small and medium enterprises to cheap power. The new power tariff, which large manufacturers have started enjoying, will reduce the cost of power by half when producing during off-peak hours.    The power retailer is expected to install smart meters on the premises of its SME customers, which will enable them to take advantage of the tariff whose implementation began.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 2nd December 2017

Local production of Captain Morgan Rum by EABL

East African Breweries Limited (EABL) has begun brewing Captain Morgan Gold at its Ruaraka distillery in Nairobi as it looks to take advantage of the developing business sector of spirits consumers.    The local brewer, which has up until now been bringing in the rum produced by its parent firm Diageo, is presently creating the top notch spirit in the 250ml bottle at a prescribed retail cost of Sh270.    Fred Otieno,.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 18th April 2018

East Africa Upbeat About Economic progress in 2018

An expansion in communications, transport and construction sectors is being eagerly expected by East African economies for the year 2018.  Tanzania's economy is expected to expand by 7.1 per cent in 2018, up from an estimated 7 per cent this year and it’s Finance and Planning Minister Philip Mpango has vowed to boost public investment in infrastructure, including a standard gauge railway, new roads and expansion of.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 7th June 2018

Pharmaceuticals to Have Single Regulator in EAC

The pharmaceutical division is set to benefit by more broad access to the market following a course of action by the East African Community (EAC) States to set up a single regulatory agency for drugs. Medication firms would then be able to get to the 160 million strong EAC market effortlessly as the agency is relied upon to diminish time and costs of evaluations and approvals of drugs/medical devices.  Presently, new medications must be.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 18th April 2018

Babyl's AI Inspired Healthcare now in Rwanda

Babyl Rwanda, an advanced medicinal services supplier has been gaining good ground in Rwanda of late.    Headquartered in London, Babyl expects to bring affordable and accessible healthcare services to all Rwandans. They hope to do this by combining the medical expertise of professionals and the ever-increasing computing power of modern day machines.   Dr. Shivon Byamukama, the deputy CEO of Babyl explained that Babyl utilizes.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 18th April 2018

Program Integrating Technology in Healthcare Introduced by Kenya and Japan

The Kenyan government has collaborated with the government of Japan to dispatch a fresh new health development program that will work towards coordinating innovative technologies into health care services in the mission to achieve the objective of attaining universal healthcare. The venture is an undertaking of the Japan Policy and Human Resource Development (PHRD) and will see medical data gathered utilizing a tech platform to predict early.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 18th April 2018

Forum to Discuss Opportunities in Kenya’s Energy Sector

 Later this month, Kenya’s ministry of energy and petroleum will hold a two-day forum in Nairobi to discuss investment opportunities in the energy sector across the East African region.   The meeting which will be held from the 29th to 30th will be organized by Future Energy East Africa Conference and Exhibition will be attended by investors, policymakers, and industry executives to discuss emerging opportunities in the.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 1st December 2017

Tanzania- German Firms Explore Investment Opportunities

 More and more German companies intend to explore business opportunities in Tanzania, in sectors such as infrastructure, education, technology, machinery and energy (oil, gas and hydropower).   The delegation met with Dar es Salaam mayor Isaya Mwita.   The mayor had explained all investment and business opportunities to the delegation, which should help convince them to invest in different sectors of the.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 1st December 2017

East Africa- 15 New Reforms To Ease Doing Business In Rwanda

 The government plans to introduce 15 new reforms across various sectors, as a means to ease doing business in the country.   The initiative follows recent World Bank Doing Business Report that ranked Rwanda 41st globally and second in Africa out of the 190 economies globally.   The reforms will address key concerns of investors across the World Bank Doing Business report’s indicators.   For example, under access.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 1st December 2017

Ethiopia Largest FDI Recipient in Africa

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia President Dr. Mulatu Teshome said Ethiopia has transformed into the biggest recipient of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Africa.    The seventh International Conference on Pulses, Oilseeds and Spices was under way with the subject 'Africa the future pulses and oil seeds supply'. Speaking on the event, President Mulatu said that the most recent United Nation Conference on Trade and.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 18th April 2018

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