N e w s

Lighting solution provided to 500,000 people in East Africa

In a statement regarding the recent achievements, Thomas Gottschalk, the Mobisol founder and CEO, said: “We are proud to have reached this important milestone to electrify half a million people in rural East Africa. But it does not end here, our vision is to help make poverty history by providing sustainable and affordable energy solutions to 20 million people by 2023 and, ultimately to show the world that a cleaner, non-fossil fuel.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 22nd March 2018

Double Decker Buses Come to Ethiopia

 Ethiopia will have Double-Decker buses to be used for public transport for the first time. The 50 buses which were ordered by the Addis Ababa City Administration will have 80 seated passengers and up to 60 standing. They are assembled in Bishoftu by the Metals and Engineering Corporation (MeTEC). The buses are three meters high and eight meters long.   The design of the high capacity buses, which promise opportunities for local.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 4th December 2017

USD 40 Billion potential saving with smart investments

Shifting to more efficient appliances and air conditioners can take more than a decade for the existing stock to turn over, or for the switch to electric cars which will take even longer, installation of more energy efficient lighting can happen far more quickly as the old incandescent bulbs burn out within a year or two.   15 percent of all worldwide electricity use goes into lighting and there are several billion sockets around the.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 4th December 2017

Uber in Kenya along with AAK to promote safe driving

 Uber has proposed a series of Safety information sessions for partner drivers across Middle-East and Africa, partnering with Road Safety experts and Police representatives, to plan and offer Safety tips for drivers and also give them an opportunity to talk about personal and road safety challenges with topic specialists. Uber in Kenya, collaborating with Automotive Association of Kenya (AAK) has proposed a series of 30 Driver’s.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 4th December 2017

Encouraged by positive drilling outcomes of gold expansion, Ortac optimistic

 Significant mineralisation intersection at the Casa mining project, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was reported by the Aim-listed Ortac Resources on Thursday The new gold assay results emerged from the expansion and infill drill programme currently under way at its Akyanga gold deposit and show 8.70 m at 3.90 g/t gold from 98.40 m, including 2.80 m at 10.62 g/t gold from 100.20 m, and 27.50 m at 2.86 g/t gold from 110.60.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 23rd February 2018

New technology to assist with cable-theft detection in mines

 New designs of electronic protection and control relays as well as cable-theft detection, in diverse industries, including ventilation and cooling applications in mining and quarrying have been introduced by Mining system solutions supplier Becker Mining South Africa’s Proloc and ProBeck. The relays can also be used in the electrification, municipal, water and wastewater, chemicals, petrochemicals and general engineering.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 2nd December 2017

East Africa- First Waste-To-Energy Plant to be Introduced in Ethiopia

The Reppie thermal plant is being built in Ethiopia’s capital which will be commissioned by the beginning of 2018. It will incinerate approximately 1,400 tonnes of waste. This represents 80 percent of the city’s waste generation, accounting for 400,000 tonnes per year.   This means that the power plant will provide electricity to 30 percent of its household electricity needs.   Waste-to-energy incineration plants.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 2nd December 2017

Timber industry in South Africa plans for a positive future

Government experts are mulling over all possible options to ensure revival and strengthening of the sector. The years to come will see increased efficiency and productivity.  The medium-term outlook for the timber industry is under pressure while the short-term outlook for South Africa’s timber industry looks promising, with positive supply and demand figures. As the total area under plantation in South Africa is not expanding in.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 11th February 2019

Modular homes are making a grand entrance in South Africa

 The move from free-standing homes can be linked to high property prices – which shows that South Africans living in the country’s most populated provinces can expect to pay well over a 1 million rand for a home.  As owners opt for townhouses and flats over free-standing properties South African homes are becoming smaller. Most people use them as their main home, from a starter home to retirement and everything in.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 22nd March 2018

Increasing the logging and export potential of Cameroon

 To ensure that only legally sawn wood is used in the country the Center for International Forestry Research has started a campaign Cameroon is well known for being an international timber exporter, and as Africa's largest exporter of tropical wood to the European Union. However recently domestic timber trade seems to be slowing down. According to Forestry researchers, Cameroon, which boasts of 20 million hectares of forest, which a great.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 2nd December 2017

Ethiopia Unveils $375 Million National Electric Power Project

The Ethiopian government unveiled a new 375 million U.S. dollar national electricity project.   The project, called "Light for All," will be implemented in the coming seven years across Ethiopia, with an objective to provide electricity to rural areas that currently have no access to electricity.   Hailemariam Desalegn, Ethiopian Prime Minister, while unveiling the new nationwide electricity power project, said the.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 2nd December 2017

Kenya- First Phase of Menengai Power Plant Almost Complete

 Johnson Nchoe, Geothermal Development Company CEO Engineer says the first phase of the new power plant in Menengai is in the last stages of development.   In 2015, Kenya injected 280 mw of geothermal energy to the national grid pushing up the installed capacity to 2,327 MW. Geothermal now contributes about 50 percent of electricity in the energy mix, hydro 39 per cent while thermal has been reduced to 10 percent.   Three.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 2nd December 2017

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