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World's Largest Medical Drone Delivery System Announced in Tanzania

 Zipline are continuously developing their operations in Africa with Tanzania now looking forward to using drones in a big way to deliver medical supplies in the East African nation. An undertaking of this size would see Zipline, the California based drone start-up assume a critical role in its accomplishment.   Zipline and its CEO Keller Rinaudo, put in 3 years consummating the technology behind these drone services before its.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 18th April 2018

McDonald's Set to Enter Kenyan Market in 2018

McDonald's will soon be latest food brand to enter the Kenyan market with its first outlet anticipated to be in the capital city of Nairobi. This comes when numerous other global brands like Subway and Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) have effectively established themselves in the country.    McDonald's have decided to enter the Kenya market, at a time when a number of other established global brands are focusing on growth operations in.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 18th April 2018

United for Efficiency initiative takes shape

The United for Efficiency initiative, a public-private partnership led by UN Environment for LED lighting systems will publish a model regulation will, for use by interested countries. All essential pieces of information like description of what to cover, definitions, test methods, minimum efficiency levels, and a set of common-sense minimum quality and performance requirements along with market information that will help ensure consumers have a.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 19th April 2018

Akon's Solektra lighting up homes in Africa

Thanks to a reported $1 billion credit line with Chinese manufacturers and a skill for celebrity networking, Africa is being lit up by platinum album selling singer rapper AKON, with solar lighting and other products. Born Aliaune Badara Thiam in St. Louis, and raised in Senegal until he was seven has suggested to local media that he may try to launch an IPO for his New York-based Solektra International solar company.  The company is said.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 19th April 2018


 John Magufuli wants investors, the governments of Uganda and Tanzania to accelerate the construction of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP). Magufuli wants the pipeline to be constructed in the shortest time possible instead of waiting until 2020.   After completion of key infrastructures like the pipeline and the refinery, Uganda expects to start oil production. However, Magufuli believes that it can be done.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 5th December 2017


Utilization of dry gas in Tanzania is set to increase to 1.7 billion cubic meters from 1.3 billion cubic meters last year.   London-based Business Monitor International (BMI) Research, which provides macroeconomic, industry and financial market analysis in 24 industries and 200 global markets, says Tanzania has per capita gas consumption of 15.9 cubic meters while the reserve is 1.6 trillion cubic meters.   David Earnshaw, Laura.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 5th December 2017

East African countries join hands to promote legal logging

 In a bid to improve legal timber trade and save legitimate businesses from falling prey to the losses sustained by illegal logging, Eastern African Representatives from across different countries are meeting to discuss the formal launch and implementation of the steering committee for the Zanzibar Declaration on Illegal Trade in Timber and other Forest Products.  The Zanzibar Declaration signed in September 2015 during the XIV World.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 22nd August 2018

Milestone deal between Uganda and Tanzania

Dar es Salaam — Trade relations between Uganda and Tanzania have reached another significant milestone, this after the former opted to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Railway Transport Services And Cooperation and Improvement of Ports and Inland Waterways.  As per the MoU, Uganda, being one of the East Africa's landlocked countries, will be able to use the port of Dar es Salaam for transporting its cargo. This is a cost.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 22nd August 2018

Better Age Identification in Africa through Teeth Examination

For many rural African populations, information on uncompromised improvement and development variation is missing, and analysts normally look at development in the population of interest to standards that are planned for European or US kids. Be that as it may, analysts from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg think evaluating teeth could be a significantly more precise approach to decide the age of children in.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 18th April 2018

$40m Coltan Plant in Tanzania to boost mineral production

 The government officials as well as AB Minerals and Destiny Minerals and Agriculture Consultant (DMAC) representatives met here recently to discuss a project for a plant that will be constructed in Dar es Salaam to add value to tantalum and niobium. It is known that Rwanda, Burundi, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria will be major importers of the minerals as they are major producers of tantalum and niobium in.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 14th March 2018

Mercury-Free Dentistry Campaign Shifts Focus to Africa

A vibrant global campaign to ban the use of mercury in dentistry is shifting direction: moving from Europe to the developing world Attorney and President of the World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry, Mr. Charlie Brown, who is heading the campaign was quoted saying, “When you return to your home countries, please do as the European Union has done: phase out amalgam for children now, for one simple reason: The children of your nation.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 4th December 2017

Much needed shine with solar campaign in East Africa

World Bank-IFC have created a new campaign, called “shine with solar”, it is the complete deal” (Ngaa na Sola – Ndo Mpango Mzima) to raise consumer awareness about the advantages of modern quality solar off-grid lighting. The program has been designed to provide the right information and help people make the right decisions regarding solar energy generation. It will also offer consumers a wide range of products that meet.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 27th July 2018

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