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EABL Nabs Sh12.5 Billion Funding for Kenyan Plant

 Standard Bank Group have advanced a long-term loan of Sh12.5 billion (US$125 million) to East African Breweries Limited (EABL). These funds will be utilized for the purpose of develop the Senator Keg processing plant in Kisumu.    The processing plant is expected to produce 110,000 direct and indirect employments and further the  sorghum demand to 40,000 in the following five years from the current figure of.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 18th April 2018

Innovative New Tele-medicine Initative Sema Doc to Boost Heath care in Kenya

The public sector in Kenya will endeavor to enhance access and quality to medical services and is looking to use the private section with the objective of propelling efficiency. The organization has been working through the Ministry of Health and partnering with players in the private section to embrace advancements in e-health.    This has seen the Kenyan Ministry of Health just recently launch Sema Doc. Sema Doc is a well crafted.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 18th April 2018

Sh600m Assigned To Up-gradation Of Kenyan Hospitals

Plans for the development of the Kiambu Level Five Hospital have been delivered up on by the Kiambu regional government.Representative Ferdinand Waititu had before promised to set aside Sh600 million for the express purpose of the office's extension. The office has just recently achieved level five status.    The senator additionally said that the facility would soon twofold its capacity from 200 beds to 400. “Expect a.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 18th April 2018


'The Pinnacle’ in Nairobi, Kenya, with a height of 300m is on track to become the tallest skyscraper in Africa, easily exceeding South Africa’s 223m Carlton Centre. With the foundation stone laid by Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, construction has begun on the mega structure. Located in Nairobi’s vibrant financial hub called Upper Hill and situated at a distance of only 16km from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, this.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 20th January 2018

Kenya's economy indicates versatility

 In spite of the fact that President Kenyatta won the October election rerun, which had been ordered by the Supreme Court, almost half of the voting public did not show up for the poll on the directions of his rival, Raila Odinga, who boycotted the second poll. President Kenyatta had won the election held in August, yet it was considered to have been conducted improperly by the Supreme Court.   President Kenyatta might be forced to.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 20th January 2018

Kenya mining industry set for a boom

 A new mining act signed into law by President Uhuru Kenyatta could see Kenya’s nascent mining industry finally come into its own. Oil companies, like UK’s Tullow Oil, have been prospecting in Kenya for a few years now, and they are expected to start production by 2021. Due to a mining law passed late 1940 combined with geological data that was 32 years older than that, Kenya missed out on the mineral exploration boom that.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 22nd March 2018

Rural Kenyans Adopt Solar Power

 Regina Ocholla, 70, has used a kerosene tin lamp all through her life until two months ago when her son financed the installation of solar panels in her three-roomed house.   Ocholla, a resident of Nyakach village in Karachuonyo, South Nyanza, says she would spend at least Sh1,000 to Sh1,200 on paraffin every month, money she now saves for food.   “I no longer have to use a torch at night when I want to go outside.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 17th January 2018

Kenya Off-Grid Power Firms to Benefit From Sh10bn Fund

 Kenyan firms producing off-grid power will be able to acquire capital from a new Sh10.3 billion fund that is being set up by the African Development Bank (AfDB) and a group of international financial investors.   The Facility for Energy Inclusion Off-Grid Energy Access Fund (FEI OGEF), will provide local and hard currency loans to off-grid energy companies that specialize in producing clean electricity, focusing initially on West.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 17th January 2018

Volkswagen in Kenya to Double Production

 German automaker Volkswagen is hoping to double production and also to present another model in Kenya. VW’s South Africa chief Thomas Schaefer told President Uhuru Kenyatta at a meeting that “the firm was exploring producing a second model in Kenya, possibly a hatchback – small SUV – while doubling production of the VW Polo Vivo to at least 300 vehicles,”    Developing the automotive industry is.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 16th January 2018

Kenya- Natural Gas Plant Project Revived

 After dropping the project in 2018, Kenya has made a U-turn and renewed plans to build its first natural gas-fired power plant in Mombasa.   Energy secretary Charles Keter has initiated fresh talks with the Treasury in preparing a financing structure for the 700-megawatt (MW) power plant that the government seeks to implement together with a private investor under the public-private partnership model.   In 2016, the ministry.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 16th January 2018

Huge Potential in the Oil and Gas Sector

 Since 2014, Oil prices have recorded the strongest start to a calendar year, with crude oil opening at over $60 a barrel. Oil prices collapsed from almost $120 a barrel in June 2014 due to weak demand, a strong dollar and a booming shale production in the USA.   The biggest oil producers, Russia and Saudi Arabia, have continued to strengthen their collaboration in the oil and gas industry. This is one relationship that we should.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 16th January 2018

25 Companies Lend Support to Kenya’s Industrialization Objective

 Tanzanian Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa has revealed that at least 25 companies have agreed to get onboard the government’s plans to ramp up the nation’s industrial operations. "So far, 25 companies have confirmed their willingness to invest in our country in support of the vision of turning Tanzania into an industrialized nation," Mr Majaliwa said as he presented a report on how the government was implementing the.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 12th January 2018

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