N e w s

Tanzania Mining Commission opens up the mining sector to stimulate growth

In a significant and positive step for Tanzania’s mining sector  process of issuing about 7 000 mineral licences that had been pending after the government placed a ban on new licences in July 2017 has commenced under the leadership of Tanzania's new Mining Commission headed by Minister for Minerals Angellah Kariuki. This step represents the government’s intention to revive the mining industry from last year when a change.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 8th June 2018

Capital of Tanzania to establish a New Referral Hospital

A new Regional referral hospital is opening in Nala area in Dodoma. It will be located on the outskirts of the city in order to serve the growing population in Dodoma. The city is growing on a tremendous rate and the current public health facility is finding it difficult to cope with it. Dr. Faustine Ndugulile, chairman of board informed that the hospital masteplan is under development and once it is done the tenders will be invited for the.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 8th June 2018

Buildexpo Africa - Coming now to Ethiopia

Reputed to be largest event in East Africa of its kind, the show dedicated to the building and construction industry will be held from 21st to 23rd March,2019 in Addis Ababa. Buildexpo has grown in several aspects in 2018 Africa’s most promising economy is opening up to international investors. After a very successful show in Kenya, Buildexpo Africa is on its way to make a similar impact in the Ethiopian construction industry. The event in.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 7th June 2018

US $37m Gidabo Irrigation Dam in Ethiopia expected to be operational soon

Built to provide access to irrigation for almost 27,043ha of land once complete the construction of the US $37m Gidabo Irrigation Dam in Ethiopia is almost complete and is expected to begin operations in the next few months. The dam will have the capacity to hold 63 million cubic metres of water and stands 21.2m tall The Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation (ECWC) which is a result of a merger between the Ethiopian Road Construction.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 7th June 2018

Meshpower Introduces a Solar Mini-Grid to Open Up New Economic Opportunities

 A 4 kW AC/DC solar mini-grid in Gitaraga village, Bugesera District in Eastern Rwanda has been introduced by MeshPower to provide clean energy access to 196 households and 15 businesses, nine of which are operated by women.   The mini-grid will not only improve the standard of living in the community but also offer new economic opportunities and enhance the productivity of businesses in the village, which is currently not served by.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 6th June 2018

New Standards to Be Introduced By Ethiopia for Small-Scale Solar Home System

 According to the Addis Fortune, the standard was drafted with a joint effort by the Ministry of Water, Irrigation & Electricity, Ethiopia (MoWIE) Standards Agency and Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change.   It was then tabled for discussion to receive comments from stakeholders in a seminar that was held in Adama recently.    The President of Solar Energy Development Association Ethiopia, Dereje.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 6th June 2018

Self-Sufficiency is Key for Tanzania

 It is estimated that about 30 percent of Tanzanians have access to electricity from the national grid and self-installed energy sources.   That is the case despite the country having abundant energy sources. Access to electricity has remained one of the major challenges in Tanzania.   32.8 percent of Tanzanians accessed electricity in 2016, according to the World Bank development indicators   The National Accounts.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 5th June 2018

Volkswagen Expect Higher Sales Volume in Rwanda than Nigeria

Volkswagen was founded on the 28th of May 1937 by the German Labour Front. Fondly known as VW, it is the flagship brand of the Volkswagen Group one of the biggest automobile firms by sales in the world. Revenues for the 2017 financial year hit a record high of $264 billion.   Volkswagen’s Rwandan factory has set a target of at least 2,000 cars a year in the beginning but eyeing 10,000 cars. Polo, Passat and Terramont will be.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 4th June 2018

Michelin and CFAO Collaborate for New Joint Venture

The French tire manufacturer, Michelin and global distribution specialist, CFAO have announced their joint venture for the import and distribution of premium quality tires in Kenya and Uganda. The agreement says CFAO holds 51% and Michelin holds 49%. No other financial terms and conditions were disclosed This venture will provide tires to the population of 90 million people for cars, vans and light trucks. Michelin is looking forward to.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 14th June 2018

European Solar Innovation to Be a Part of the 5th Solar Africa Expo 2018

The development of Japan in the solar chapter needs no explanation, its exponential growth over the years; itself is a proof of its prosperity. Keeping this in mind, Japan’s European Solar Innovation Co. Ltd is ready to connect with the African continent via its participation in the 5th Solar Africa Expo 2018. The exhibition that’s features products and innovation in the industry will take place at the Kenyatta International.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 21st May 2018

National Electrical to Make Waves at the 7th Power & Energy Africa, Kenya

National Electrical Equipments Corporation, the brand that needs no introduction in India, will showcase the best of its technology at the 7th Power & Energy Africa, Kenya, an event that focuses on businesses and products solely related to the development of the power and energy industry. The exhibition will take place at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre, Nairobi from the 29th till 31st of May 2018.   The annual event.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 19th May 2018

Tanzania- Key Industries to be Connected to Natural Gas

 The government of Tanzania has planned a project to connect key industries in the commercial capital Dar es Salaam with natural gas as a source of energy, reducing dependence on erratic electricity.   Deputy Minister of Energy, Subira Mgalu, told the National Assembly that the project was being implemented by the government's petroleum watchdog--the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC).   "The plan is to.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 19th May 2018

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