N e w s

Germany Brings its Innovations to Kenya at the 21st KITE Africa

German technology is most noted for it’s out of the box thinking, quality, durability and consumer satisfactory products. Their successful presence in the market is a proof of reliability; they plan to bring the same trust to Kenya as they participate at the 21st KITE Africa expo. The exhibition that highlights the fast growing consumer market and its supporting sectors that takes place annually. This year it will be held at the Kenyatta.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 3rd September 2018


Rwanda Development Bank (BRD) has unveiled a housing project, which promises to ease the shortage of affordable housing in the country. A certified study by the City of Kigali, the Ministry of Infrastructure, and the European Union showed that Kigali could face a housing deficit of 344,000 homes by 2020. Currently about 800 and 1,000 housing units are constructed in Kigali annually, the majority targeting high-income earners, leaving the.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 1st September 2018

KICC Gears up to House the 21st KITE Africa 2018

The development of Kenya has striked gold for global businesses to enter its flourishing markets. The growing demands especially in the consumer industry has a seen a major rise. The need of electronics, home wares, appliances, consumables etc is never ending. Paving a pathway for local and international traders, East Africa’s mega trade fair KITE 2018 is all set to explore the opportunities available in the.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 30th August 2018

Kenyan Capital Gets EkoRent's First Electric Cab Service

EkoRent Africa, an electric mobility company has launched a full electric vehicle service called Nopia Ride in Nairob,i Kenya earlier this month.  "We have now launched our zero-emission electric transportation service pilot in Nairobi. We aim to increase our fleet size to around couple of hundred vehicles by the end of the year," the company says calling on Kenyans to register either to ride or drive.   The venture was.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 27th August 2018

Uganda and Tanzania Sign Gas Deal

 Uganda and Tanzania have signed an agreement for the construction of a natural gas pipeline.   The deal was signed at the end of a three-day Joint Permanent Commission Summit held in Kampala, led by Uganda's Minister for Energy Irene Muloni and Tanzania's Foreign Minister Augustine Mahiga.   The summit was preceded by a series of meetings that involved permanent secretaries and other senior officials.   The deal was a.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 27th August 2018

East Africa's growing demand for LED and OLED products

The Africa LED & OLED displays and lighting products market was valued at US$ 684.9 Mn in 2015 and is expected to register a CAGR of 17.8% between 2016 to 2026. LED lighting products offer extended lifespan – around 50,000 hours of brightness – and work effectively while consuming less energy than traditional bulbs and CFLs. LED lighting products compete with traditional products with regard to parameters such as longer lifespan,.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 22nd August 2018

New mining plan for Namwele area, Tanzania

Developments in the Tanzanian mining landscape are also underway with a second excavator working in the Namwele area, where about 3000 t of coal has been already mined.  Edenville says they expect to have an updated mining plan completed in September, which will allow work to start on opening up new seams found to the north of the current as the results of the on-site laboratory analysis are encouraging, showing material with a high.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 22nd August 2018

Rukwa coal plant project in Tanzania to be upgraded to increase output

The Rukwa coal plant project is scheduled to complete the processing plant upgradation work by the end of September. The company carrying out the project Edenville Energy said that post upgradationthe plant will allow for increased throughput. After reviewing various options for acquiring a pre-screening plant to remove the majority of coal fines before reaching the washing circuit, both in Tanzania and overseas, a suitable configuration was.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 1st September 2018

First phase of power pool project to be completion by mid 2019

 Concluding the first phase of the region's power pool project, the Ethiopia and Kenya electricity transmission interconnector is anticipated to be completed next year.   Tanzania was given more than $450 million by the World Bank for a similar project that will connect the country to Zambia and South Africa, under the regional power pool project.   Joseph Njoroge, Kenya’s Energy Principal Secretary said that the 1,045km.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 17th August 2018

Solar Pumps Transforming Rural Agricultural Landscape

Throughout the developing world, solar pumps are changing the agricultural landscape. The availability of power throughout the year, as well as government interest across the globe, are benefits in the fight against climate change.  An analysis shows that small solar pumps are a better alternative for 11% of the contemporary and future small motorized fuel hydrocarbon pumps on smallholder estates.   The cost of energy has been.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 10th August 2018

WFP Pledges to Boost Tanzania's Maize Markets

The visiting Executive Director of WFP (The World Food Programme), David Beasley confirmed that they plan to buy 75000 metric tons of maize from Tanzania, while he was in Dar es Salaam this week. This is in line with the UN organizations ongoing exercise to expand market reliability for the corns from Tanzania.   They intend to buy between 75,000-100,000 Metric tons of the crop in the next six months from the 30,000 tons they had already.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 9th August 2018

Tullow Oil to Resume Turkana Oil Operations

 Tullow Oil, British Oil Company will continue its oil and gas development activities in Turkana County, the Government has said.   A statement from the Ministry of Petroleum and Mining reveals that the government has reached an agreement with the company, and such includes addressing the grievances that stalled the transportation of the commodity to the coast.    It reads: “The Government has resolved to establish.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 8th August 2018

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