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East Africa construction industry to grow tenfold over the years

Investment opportunities in infrastructure construction is set to expand at a rapid pace in East Africa. According to GlobalData, total infrastructure construction output is expected to soar from US$25.9bn in 2017 to US$98.8bn in 2022 in the three largest markets in the region, Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania.   Yasmine Ghozzi, construction analyst at GlobalData said that Investment rates in transport infrastructure have been increasing.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 7th January 2019

New Kenya Upstream Outlook Shows Increased Activity By New Players in 2019

The just newly released Kenya Upstream Outlook for the year 2019 shows that most of the new seismic and drilling activity will be by new explorers with the Lamu basin just like in 2018 witnessing most of the drilling. According to a review on work programmes by the various licensed explorers in Kenya OilNews Kenya estimates that the Lamu basin could see up to five wells drilled by among them: Octant Energy, Zarara Oil and Gas, Eni and Shell..... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 4th January 2019

Tanzania all set to achieve the Universal Health Coverage by 2030

Tanzania is considered to be one of the world's developing countries which is making tangible progress towards acheiving the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by 2030 as the health docket is considered to be one of the sectors in Tanzanian economy that have shown huge potential and have also shown considerable progress in 2018.   Universal Health Care (UHC) is a system that is providing health care anf financial protection to all citizens.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 4th January 2019

East Africa Vehicle Assembly Planning To Boost Automotive Industry

Establishment of the Regional Automotive Industry Platform of East Africa has enhanced East African states to move towards integrated automotive market. They instinct it will be productive for global automotive manufacturers to invest in the region in both assembly and component manufacture.The new platform (Raipea) aims to help the region save more than $2 billion in car import costs annually. At their 19th Ordinary Meeting held in Kampala.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 4th January 2019

Operations of Ethiopia's Grand Renaissance dam to commence in 2020

Ethiopia’s water and energy minister Seleshi Bekele announced on Thursday that the country will start energy production at the Grand Renaissance dam in December 2020. The 6,000-megawatt Grand Renaissance Dam is the centerpiece of Ethiopia’s bid to become Africa’s biggest power exporter. Bekele told the parliament that 750 megawatts is the planned initial production with two turbines and that the government expected the dam to.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 4th January 2019

Leaders of East Africa inaugurate Chinese-built projects in the region

Chinese-built Jimma Industry Park in Ethiopia’s historic western town of Jimma, some 350 km west of the capital Addis Ababa, was inaugrated by Ethiopian's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, Djiboutia's President Ismail Omar Guelleh and Sudanese's President Omar al-Bashir on Saturday. The three leaders also witnessed a corner-stone laying ceremony for another Chinese-contracted major road infrastructure project as the Ethiopian government aspires.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 28th December 2018

Bangladeshi steel maker to open Sh6.5bn factory

Big ticket infrastructural projects including the multi-billion Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) have driven up demand for steel products in the country. One of the largest steel makers in Bangladesh is set to open a Sh6.5 billion ($65 million) factory in Kenya. Bangladesh Steel Re-Rolling Mills Ltd (BSRM) announced the local venture to be known as BMS Steel Limited. It is backed by a consortium of unnamed Kenyan, Mauritian and UAE.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 26th December 2018

Ethiopia to host Medexpo in Addis Ababa

Medexpo Ethiopia 2019 will be held in the Ethiopian capital city of Addis Ababa from 21st to 23rd March 2019. The event caters to the huge opportunity in the healthcare products, equipment and pharmaceutical industry. The exhibition will focus on providing a platform to introduce and showcase healthcare, pharmaceutical and wellness solutions in the medical sector. In the medical and healthcare sector, pharmaceutical imports of Ethiopia.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 21st December 2018

Ethiopia to host Foodagro Africa Exhibition in Addis Ababa

Foodagro Ethiopia 2019 will be held from 21st – 23rd March 2019 in the Ethiopian capital city of Addis Ababa .  The event will target the Ethiopian Food Processing and Agricultural industry and taps into the huge investment potential of this growing sector. The focus will be fortified foods, packaged foods, agricultural machinery, processing and commodities. Ethiopia’s population, currently a little over 100 million presents.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 21st December 2018

$3m deal signed to support farmers in Tanzania

A $3m deal was signed between the Norwegian government and the UN World Food Programme (WFP) which aimed at supporting the Farm to Market Alliance (FtMA) with an objective that aimed at providing smallholder farmers to access farm inputs and markets for their produce. The signing ceremony was held at Yara Fertiliser Terminal in Dar es Salaam where the Norwegian Minister for International Development Nikolai Astrup signed the agreement on.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 21st December 2018

The government announced a plan to make Kenya food secure

At the Future of Food conference in Nairobi, Agriculture CAS Andrew Tuimur while giving speech recommended the private sector to partner with the government in implementing the food security plan in addition to focus on equipment suppliers, farmer associations, agro-dealers, warehouses and processors. The plan has been launched by the government to make Kenya food secure with the hope to have an equal sized poverty levels by 2025. The.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 21st December 2018

Affordable "Chronicle diseases" treatment to Ethiopia- Norvartis

A new program in Ethiopia called "Novartis Access" has been started by Novartis in order to tackle non communicable diseases also known as chronicle diseases such as breast cancer, hyperbatons, asthma and diabetes. The reason for selecting these diseases are because more and more people are dying from such non- communicable diseases. Novartis Access program involves products from Novartis Pharmaceuticals.    Dr..... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 21st December 2018

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