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KenGen - East Africa's Best Sustainable Power Producer

Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC ( KenGen) has apeared East Africa’s leading Sustainable Power Producer in the 2018 Capital Finance International Awards (CFI.co Awards). KenGen, Kenya’s largest power producer accounting for 69% of the country’s power, was given the award for its continued, and deliberate focus on renewable energy – which accounts for 84% of the company’s power sources. KenGen was also.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 28th February 2019

Global Investors To Invest In Tanzania Towards Achieving Industrial Drive

Investors from across the world have been motivated to take advantage of the wide trade and investment opportunities in the country as it is executing its inspiring industrialisation agenda.   "We need prospective investors from across the globe to invest in the country towards its industrialisation goal by 2025", said Octavian Mshiu, Vice-President of the Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 28th February 2019

Ethiopia and Djibouti signs deal to build 765km pipeline

The government of Ethiopia and Djibouti has signed a deal to build a 765km pipeline to transport gas from the landlocked state to Djibouti, partly bordered by the red sea. The agreement which was signed between Minister of Ethiopia’s Mines and Petroleum Samuel Urkato and Djibouti’s Energy and Natural Resources Yonis Guldi, states that 700km pipeline will be installed in Ethiopian Territory while the remaining 65km will be within.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 22nd February 2019

Ethiopia and Djibouti signs deal to build 765km pipeline

The government of Ethiopia and Djibouti has signed a deal to build a 765km pipeline to transport gas from the landlocked state to Djibouti, partly bordered by the red sea. The agreement which was signed between Minister of Ethiopia’s Mines and Petroleum Samuel Urkato and Djibouti’s Energy and Natural Resources Yonis Guldi, states that 700km pipeline will be installed in Ethiopian Territory while the remaining 65km will be within.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 22nd February 2019

Ethiopia and Djibouti signs deal to build 765km pipeline

The government of Ethiopia and Djibouti has signed a deal to build a 765km pipeline to transport gas from the landlocked state to Djibouti, partly bordered by the red sea. The agreement which was signed between Minister of Ethiopia’s Mines and Petroleum Samuel Urkato and Djibouti’s Energy and Natural Resources Yonis Guldi, states that 700km pipeline will be installed in Ethiopian Territory while the remaining 65km will be within.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 22nd February 2019

The United Kingdom signed a new Trade deal with East & South Africa

A new trade deal is signed between the United Kingdom and countries from East and South Africa for a preparation under which it will continue to trade with the region upon its pull out from the European Union on March 29.   The UK-Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) Trade progression Agreement is meant to reproduce the Economic Partnership Agreement that the East African Community is still about to sign with the European Union, cause of.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 22nd February 2019

France and Kenya to sign MOUs for Development

There has been remarkable investments in Uganda, Tanzania but Kenya has seen the considerable share of investments.   French President Emanuel Macron is likely to visit Kenya in March for official contract with his Kenyan counterpart Uhuru Kenyatta and is among other things likely to conduct talks on how Nairobi can begin an urban rail system.   A visit that will see the two countries sign bilateral agreements, as the governments.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 21st February 2019

Chinese Company Signs a Deal of over 40 mln USD Accord with Ethiopia's Grand Hydro-Dam Project

Chinese construction and engineering company, China Gezhouba Group Co. Ltd. (CGGC), has inked a contract agreement with the Ethiopian government to be a part of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).   The contract agreement involves 40.1 million U.S. dollars, also the CGGC will take part in pre-power generation activities of Ethiopia's grand hydro-electric dam, which will claimed as Africa's largest hydro dam upon completion with a.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 20th February 2019

President Macron Kenyatta to Discuss Nairobi CBD, JKIA Rapid Transit Train Service

The expected rapid transit train service between Nairobi CBD and the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport is among projects proposed to feature conspicuously when President Kenyatta hosts French President Emmanuel Macron in Nairobi mid next month.   French Ambassador Aline Kuster- Manager confirmed that the French President will visit the country when she paid a courtesy call on President Uhuru Kenyatta at State House,.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 20th February 2019

Project C.U.R.E. in Tempe provides medical support to Ethiopia and Kenya

Project C.U.R.E. in Tempe provides medical help to developing countries like helping pack shipments of medical supplies headed for some of the countries, including India, Ethiopia, Kenya and Mexico. Project C.U.R.E., the largest provider of donated medical supplies and equipment to developing countries on a worldwide basis. The organization, ranked by Forbes as one of the 20 most systematic large U.S. charities, was created in 1987 by.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 20th February 2019

Tanzanian Government to Invest Heavily in Palm Oil Farming

The Prime Minister of Tanzania, Mr. Kassim Majaliwa recently stated that the government has allocated 4.3 million U.S dollars to boost the cultivation of palm oil as a part of its strategy to develop the crop so that its farmers are on the same level as growers of other cash crops. Majaliwa made this statement while speaking in western Tanzania's region of Kigoma soon after inspecting an oil palm farm of the National Service Department (JKT).... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 19th February 2019

Construction of Kenya-Tanzania Power Interconnection Project Gears Up to Connect Southern Africa Power Pool

The Kenya-Tanzania Power Interconnection Project has been divided into several lots, with contractors on the Tanzanian side executing to set up a 510km 400kv transmission line and following substations in order to meet the 2020 completion deadline. The project is being achieved by the Tanzania Electric Supply Company (Tanesco) through a $258.82 million loan from the African Development Bank and the Japanese International Co-operation.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 19th February 2019

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