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Digital label printing holds promising opportunities for East Africa

Digital label printing is used in packaging for almost all sectors like cosmetics, food & beverages, pharmaceuticals, FMCG, etc. The digital label printing market is expected to have a significant growth rate, categorically in East Africa, as global packaging and labeling industry growing at a rapid CAGR.  In Africa, growth of global digital label printing market is driven by the rising concern among the consumers about the legitimacy.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 1st April 2019

Tanzania's oil shortage becomes good news for importers

Tanzania is becoming a promising market for edible oil players as its seeking investors in the edible oil sector to tame its huge import bill, which stands at $294 million. The nation is facing a large deficit in production of edible oil, paving the path for imports to meet growing demand. The government has is finding measures to reduce duties on imports, including from East African Community member states, resulting in  more and more.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 1st April 2019

Coffee Farmers to Benefit From Sh3 Billion Fund

The small-scale coffee farmers can expect a wave of positivity are set to benefit from a Sh3 billion revolving fund, as a leading world lobby is going to fight for higher prices. President Uhuru Kenyatta recently said the government has set aside the money to help in harvesting and loss reduction at farm level. Opening the 124th session of the International Coffee Organization (ICO) Council in Nairobi, President said the allocation is part of.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 1st April 2019


Proven deposits’ of titanium, gold and coal are found in Kenya, though mining is relatively a small contributor to the nation’s output. However, revenues seem to grow as new mines begin their production. The new refiner shall provide services to help many vulnerable artisanal as well as small-scale miners and other local producers meet international standards are mentioned in the statement. Even though Kenya is a small gold producer.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 1st April 2019


Rapid growth in middle-class population is increasing the demand for infrastructure up gradation, energy and power in Kenya Ethiopia and Tanzania is creating growth of opportunities for East-Africa flat glass market share in glass railings, floorings, aquariums and security glazing for its shatterproof property, glare reduction, improved privacy and clarity. Uganda flat glass market demand from automotive applications can expect growth at over.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 10th April 2019

Kenya and Uganda agreed to open more border points linking the two East African countries

President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Ugandan counterpart Yoweri Museveni have agreed to expand border points to improve trade. President Kenyatta and Museveni said, "opening more border points will improve trade ties between Kenyan and Uganda and help to open more border points connecting the two East African countries." "The free movement of people and goods along the border points will also decrease incidences of smuggling.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 1st April 2019

Kenya and Rwanda Senates Sign an agreement to enhance bilateral relations between the people of both countries

Senate Speaker Kenneth Lusaka and his host, Rwandan Senate Speaker Bernard Makuza agreed that their countries enjoy strong relationship and so a cooperation agreement between the two legislatures will go a long way in bonding these ties. Senate Speaker Kenneth Lusaka has completed his four-day visit of Rwanda which perceived the signing of Memorandum of Understanding that will see the Senates of the two States help strenghthen bilateral.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 1st April 2019


By the year 2020 Rwanda has targets of achieving 30% of the total surface area as forest cover. Before the year 2020 at least 714,102 hectares are expected to be forest reserves is what this means along with more than 107 small size forests across the country.  In 2018 the government estimated that forest cover was around 29% from 25.9% in the year 2010. Creation of synergies among stakeholders in the sector is what the officials say in.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 22nd April 2019

An LED lighting revolution is underway in Rwanda

The rapidly growing urbanization in Rwanda is characterized by increasing street lighting all across different cities and its roads, this puts pressure on the city authorities because it consumes large amount of energy.Three firm synergy has come together in order to reduce energy consumption because of street lighting by introducing an intelligent system that is aiming at reducing energy consumption.        The three firms.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 10th April 2019

Tanzania mega-investment in rural healthcare facilities

Construction of 67 new district health facilities countrywide have been confirmed by the Tanzanian govenment and it has been revealed that the project is on the advanced stages. Reducing challenges confronted by people from the rural areas is one the primary aims for the construction of the new facilities. According to Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa, the plan is to have quality healthcare closer to the people so that they don’t have to.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 28th March 2019

Tanzania to receive 67 new district health facilities

The announcement has been made by the Tanzanian Government  that Tanzania is all set to begin construction of 67 new district health facilities countrywide. The construction of the new facilities are aimed and focused at diminishing challenges which are faced by the people from rural areas. Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa, said, “The plan is to have quality healthcare closer to the people so that they don’t have to travel long.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 28th March 2019

Rwanda lights up with Solar Energy investments

The location of Rwanda is approximately two degrees below the equator because of which it is generally characterized by savannah climate and its location endows it with sufficient intense radiation from the sun (solar radiation) equal to 5KWH/m2/day and approximately 5 hours of peak sun hours.  The total solar energy installed on-grid in Rwanda is 12.08MW. Households that are far away from the coverage of the planned national grid are.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 28th March 2019

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