M a r k e t N e w s
Diligence services offered for Companies investing in Africa
Posted on : Monday, 8th December 2014
Investing in Africa can be seen as both a risk and a profit for future economic growth. The World Bank released its latest Global Economic Prospects report in July 2014, suggesting that sub-Saharan Africa will once again be amongst the fastest growing regions in the world.
But when doing business in Africa, it is highly advised to check who you are investing your money in. Fraud in Africa is steadily increasing and it is crucial to be up to date if you are planning on approaching potential business partners.
You should gather critical insights about the companies and individuals with whom you are dealing. Otherwise, your reputation and financial investment could be at risk.
In this regard, Zero Foundation Africa has an Enhanced Due Diligence programme to provide you with field investigators in every African country.
For an Enhanced Due Diligence on a company, you need to conduct a site visit at the company’s premises, source corporate filings and conduct discreet enquiries to find out more about the history, financial standing and reputation. Specifically, you will need to know the details of the company’s relationships with foreign government officials.
If you are planning on investing in Africa, Zero Foundation Africa can help you to identify potential risks and hazards regarding potential business partners.
Our FCPA-specific investigation services cover the following:
registration and legal status
shareholders and identified principals on record
site visit at trading address with photographs
past and pending criminal and civil litigation
background of the company and its trading history
media trawl in local and foreign languages
compliance with regulatory authorities
primary source enquiries to establish the reputation of the company
Our experience has shown that a well-structured and extended FCPA compliance programme is your best defence against multi-million dollar fines and prison sentences. Zero Foundation Africa has an Enhanced Due Diligence programme to provide you with field investigators in every African country and with a fixed budget and timescale.
Source : www.frontiermarketnetwork.com