Tanzania: Rukwa to Power 155 Villages This Year
Posted on : Wednesday, 16th March 2022
Rural Energy Agency (REA) and Tanescoare set to connect 155 villages in Rukwa with electricity by the end of this year thanks to 41.8bn/- fund.
Rukwa'sTanesco acting Regional Manager, Joseph Malongo, told the Regional Consultative Committee (RCC) that under the 2nd round of REA Phase III the remaining 155 village in Rukwa will be connected coming this December.
The RCC meeting was chaired by the Regional Commissioner Mr Joseph Mkirikiti who said so far some 184 villages have already been connected with electricity.
"Rukwa has 339 villages out of which 184 have been connected to electricity while 155 are yet to get connected to electricity" explained the RC.
He further disclosed the JV Pormy & Qwihaya Partnership has been contracted to undertake the project.
The execution of the project took off last July and will take 18 months and scheduled for accomplishment this December.