M a r k e t N e w s
Kenya: Bank Loans to Boost Taveta Dairy Farming
Posted on : Tuesday, 21st October 2014
More than 3,000 dairy farmers in Taita Taveta will receive bank loans and farm inputs.
The new extension service programme aims to expand the dairy enterprise.
Speaking at the Wumingu Brookside dairy cooling plant in Wundanyi yesterday, Brookside milk procurement manager John Gethi said the new service will also help farmers in Kilifi and Tana River counties.
Brookside Dairy is the main market for farmers' milk.
"We have agreed with banks to have them advance credit to farmers based on estimated raw milk supply," Gethi said.
"Farmers should take advantage of this credit service to develop their enterprises."
He said more than 160,000 farmers countrywide will benefit from the programme.
Source : www.allafrica.com