Tanzania: Laying foundation for Industrialized Growth in Africa
Posted on : Thursday, 16th October 2014
TANZANIA, like many other developing nations, is on the route to build a robust manufacturing sector to increase its contribution to growth and prosperity of the people.
Despite being small and in its nascent stages, Tanzania's manufacturing sector has a big potential to create jobs in the rural and urban areas but with an increased investment.
This is part of the speech by the Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda to the Chief Executive Officers roundtable conference read in the city last week, that adapting the Japanese way of managing business could emancipate businesses from low level competitive trap.
The approach will help in better use of production capacity, capital and employee retention that can easily be implemented by effective and planned transformation of existing procedures.
Kaizen serves as part of the solutions on how to create enabling environment for the productive sectors in the economy, most notably the manufacturing sector, in order to expand the present low level of competitiveness.
The improved manufacturing activities is attributed to the reliable Industrialization during the period under review, which resulted into increased volume of manufactured products. Where there is an increase in processing which is more labour-intensive than assembling industries, manufacturing sector is vibrant.
"The superiority of KAIZEN is recognised all over the world and the Japanese International Corporation Agency (JICA) has been implementing technical support in various countries since it started in 1983," he noted.
The government has underscored the need to enhance manufacturing sector with the aim of economic development as its ultimate goal
In the country's Development Vision-2025, it is projected that the contribution of the industrial sector to the economy will reach 25 per cent like the semi-industrialized countries of South East Asia. For this target to be achieved there is a need to deal with the challenges facing the sector.
It is projected that the contribution of the industrial sector to the economy will reach 25 per cent like the semi industrialized countries of South East Asia.