M a r k e t N e w s
Fresh-baked ideas and packaging for SASKO flour
Posted on : Thursday, 24th November 2016
Just Design uses their packaging expertise to build on the successful SASKO bread upgrade, leveraging the brand's position across the local retail space.
Big brands often face the challenge of balancing longstanding history and recognition with trying to remain relevant for modern consumers. When it comes to flour in South Africa, there are a few big names that dominate the category. They all have heritage. So, how could SASKO revamp the flour segment to secure a place in South African’s hearts?
SASKO went to their proven packaging partners, Just Design, who had recently helped re-design the SASKO bread line with great results. One of the important features of the bread upgrade was the creation of a strong overarching brand architecture, which has created enormous traction for the brand. While the task at hand was relooking Wheat Flour and Bake Mixes; the team soon realised that the strategic potential was far greater. They could take the opportunity to re-position the brand across the categories; as the baking experts. In so doing, they would create one monolithic brand, building visibility and dominance in all categories.
So, the key design objective was to bring the newly developed architecture into a different format and aisle – cross-pollinating the consumer’s brand loyalty from bread to flour.
Translating the architecture was fairly straightforward job as the framework was purposefully designed as simple, punchy and unpretentious. Now, through a more dynamic pack, with lots more personality; consumers are learning that SASKO mill their own wheat, bake their own bread and produce their own wheat flour. With one brand across all, baking has never been so easy. The brand that stands for Baking Excellence now stands out in the flour shelves as well – look out for the new pack in all major stores.
About Just Design
For fifteen years, Just Design has proven time and again that good thinking leads to great creative. With a national footprint and accounts across Africa, Middle East and Europe, they are the strategic design partners for many blue-chip clients and global brands, and are one of the top packaging design agencies in South Africa.
SASKO bread and flour can be found in millions of South African homes each day – tickling taste buds and filling stomachs since the first loaf was baked and bag of flour milled as far back as the 1930s. The finest ingredients are milled, combined or baked at a national network of mills and bakeries; so you can thoroughly enjoy great quality baked products every day. The same standards of baking excellence run across all their products.
Source : www.bizcommunity.com