M a r k e t N e w s

Tanzania-China Enterprises Unlock Huge Agriculture Potentials

Posted on : Wednesday, 31st August 2016

 Tanzania could capitalise on food crisis striking most African countries, an initiative that would boost its foreign exchange earnings.

The abundant agriculture land resources give the country enormous development potentials that through use of modern technologies could transform farming activities and lead to improved living standards.
The Chinese Ambassador to Tanzania, Mr Lv Youqing, said in Dar es Salaam last week that almost half of African countries face the challenge of food crisis, thus giving Tanzania huge potential to capitalise through export of grains.
"Tanzania is currently implementing the second five-year plan to accelerate the industrialisation progress which in return boots development of agriculture and the completion of infrastructure," he said. Local investors, their Chinese counterparts and others from the globe should seize the immense opportunities in the agricultural sector.
Sanson is the famous enterprise both in China and the world that has seen this huge opportunity in the agriculture sector and decided to develop the market in Tanzania, thus providing an opportunity for the development of local enterprises.
To capitalise on the immense opportunities in the agriculture and infrastructure projects, Sanson heavy equipment Tanzania has established an enterprise in the country to seize the opportunity. Sanson has invested in the new facility to strengthen its capability to serve its customers efficiently.
In terms of logistics, the sales and services center is ideally located near the port of Dar es Salaam and the Julius Nyerere International Airport (JNIA), which are in close proximity to the new facility and which allows Sanson to respond to the customer enquiries within a short time and accelerate the distribution of spare parts and services.
Mr Lv Youqing said further that Chinese enterprises could perform their social duty consciously; the China- Tanzania contractor associations strengthen communication of each other in order to achieve a 'win-win' result.
"With the access of Sanson to the market of Tanzania, local people could buy the most qualified equipment in the world in a low price and more technical talents could be cultivated," he said.
Sanson Chairman, Mr Jason Huang, said they are the fifth-largest heavy equipment manufacturer in the world and the first in its industry in China to enter the FT Global 500 and Forbes Global 2000 rankings, whose products range include concerting machinery, excavating, hoisting, harbor, road, electric power, mining and piling machinery.
Among the excavating machinery, harbor- flowing machinery, road machinery, large-tonnage hoisting machinery and piling machinery are the first brands in China, while concerting machinery is the global first brand, exporting to more than 120 countries and regions.
Sanson has a dozen industrial parks in China plus manufacturing facilities in Germany, Indonesia, Brazil, India and in the United States.
The newly built complex in Dar es Salaam is situated on a total property area covering about 5000 square metres, which accommodates a fully furnished offices and spare parts warehouse.
And it has stocked 1,000,000 US dollars worth of spare parts for better supporting customer's need. In Addition, special tools and equipment for after sales service can also be found.
There are sufficient service vehicle engineers in serving the great Tanzania in the initial stage, and the number of vehicle and the services staff will be increased.
The sales and service center will not only support the customer's machinery, but also provide comprehensive training to Tanzanian workers on machine operation, maintenance and troubleshooting, which will enable them to be capable of operating and fixing the construction machinery.
After completing their training, these people can also teach others the acquainted knowledge which in turn will create more employment and business.
Since its foundation, Sanson has been keeping the pace and dedicates itself in providing dozens of qualified products to housing project, pavement engineering, port logistics and mining as well as engineering fields in Tanzania.
In order to provide a more qualified service, Sanson plans to invest in the construction of four showrooms. Sanson will seize the opportunity brought by 'one belt and one road' policy, integrating resources and contribute to the greatest effort to build a more beautiful Tanzania.
"At the same time, we will also analyse the actual condition between Tanzania and ourselves to seek the qualified larger project, and increase the investment in Tanzania," said Mr Huang.
It is high time that local investors partner with their Chinese counterparts to boost their ability to execute huge agricultural projects that could contribute significantly to economic growth.

Source : allafrica.com
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