Kenyan Incubator Sote Hub invests in 3D printing start-up Re-Decor
Posted on : Thursday, 25th August 2016
For the past couple of years, Kenya’s Sote Hub has been cultivating a creative atmosphere of innovation amongst the younger community in the rural county of Taita Taveta. Specifically targeting high school students and recent graduates who’ve yet to enter the white collar workforce, Sote Hub is working to encourage younger generations to take more creative, entrepreneurial routes in their careers. According to a recent profile on the new company, “the Swahili word ‘sote’ means ‘everybody’ in English, and [David Ogiga, executive director of Sote Hub] said this describes the hub’s philosophy of inclusion and its search for high social returns.” Additionally, according to the Sote Hub website, they eventually plan to expand to multiple countries in Africa in an effort to foster more innovation in the future: