M a r k e t N e w s
Kenya among top UN suppliers, got Sh44bn
Posted on : Thursday, 11th August 2016
Kenya was among the top 10 suppliers of goods and services to the UN last year, raking in Sh43.9 billion in these deals, a new report shows.
The country emerged the top African supplier to the global organisation, accounting for 2.5 per cent of the total procurement volume.
The report – Annual Statistical Reporting – states Kenya supplied goods worth Sh13.9 billion and services worth Sh30 billion.
"Procurement from Kenya consisted primarily of cargo transportation services, construction services and fuel," the ASR report states.
Goods and services from Kenya were primarily supplied to the World Food Programme, United Nations Procurement Division, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and United Nations Children Emergency Fund.
Last year, the UN procured goods and services from 224 countries, out of which 124 had an annual procurement volume of more than Sh100 billion each.
"From this report, emphasis has been made on procurement from 48 least developed countries, economies in transition, developing countries and least developed countries," the report states.
The report published last month, indicates the top 10 countries doing business with UN agencies last year accounted for 44.8 per cent of the total procurement volume, an increase from 43.2 per cent in 2014.
"The supply included one least developed country (Afghanistan) and three developing countries (India, Kenya and the United Arab Emirates) accounting for Sh300 billion, or 18 per cent of the total UN procurement volume," it states.
The US maintained its spot as the lead supplier to UN by supplying goods worth Sh810 billion and services of the same value.
India came second, supplying goods worth Sh1.1 trillion and services worth Sh157 billion.
"India has featured as a top 10 major supplier of UN organisations since 2000, and has maintained the position as the second-largest supplier with a 7.3 per cent of total UN procurement volume," the report indicates.
Procurement from India included pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements, medical equipment and management services.
Other countries which featured in the top 10 included United Arab Emirates (third) followed by Switzerland, Belgium, Afghanistan, Denmark, France and United Kingdom respectively.
In the same report, Kenya was ranked fourth in the top 20 countries to supply the intergovernmental organisation with goods and services in economies on transition, developing countries and least developed countries.
India topped the list with UAE coming second while Afghanistan was placed third. Ethiopia came sixth, while Sudan, South Africa, South Sudan was ninth, tenth and thirteenth respectively.
Source : www.the-star.co.ke