M a r k e t N e w s
Ethiopia: Road Development Advancing Economic Growth - Premier
Posted on : Wednesday, 10th August 2016
For the last two decades the government devoted its finance,time and human resources for road construction and tremendous results have been achieved. The double digit economic growth also attributed to the road and transport sector development though much remains to be done.
Inaugurating the 28.1-kms Lebu-Akaki- IT Park Goro road connecting the city with Addis-Adama Expressway yesterday, Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn said that the development of infrastructure helped the economy to be competent locally as well as internationally and the completion of the new road would play remarkable role in advancing the economic growth.
Hailemariam further said that the completion of the new road ahead of schedule can give important lesson to the local contractors , architectures and consultants.
He further said that the tremendous achievement and good reputation of the contracting company, China Communication Construction Company, indicated that it has organized itself based on merit system helpful to unleash professional skill in a competitive manner.
According to the Premier, the root cause for inefficiency and corruption witnessed in local construction and consultant companies has their establishment is exposed to nepotism and impropriety. Hence, if they want to be the future of this nation, they should organize themselves in a way that enables them become competent and develop professional integrity.
Chinese Ambassador to Ethiopia La Yifan also said that during the construction 90 per cent of the labor force was local and this indicates the relevance of road sector development project in creating job opportunities.
He further said that the completion of the new road, in addition to reducing traffic congestion on the Addis-Adama corridor, plays vital role in attracting foreign investment which the nation badly needs.
The new road has six lanes in two ways. It has also pedestrians way. In addition to these, it has 16 bridges and three crossing sites. The road was constructed at a cost of 253 million USD of which 75 per cent was secured from the China Export Import Bank while the balance was covered by the government.
It was noted that the road project is owned by the Ethiopian Road Authority.
Source : allafrica.com